Employment and Training Program Opportunities for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents receiving food assistance
In order to provide ample opportunities for people meeting demographics of ABAWD, DSHS provides an approved list of Employment and Training Programs. As of December 2024, these are the current approved programs. Click each link to read more information on the program offerings.
Basic Food Employment and Training - BFET*
Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance - ORIA BFET*
Food Assistance Program Employment and Training (for state funded Basic Food (non-cash) recipients
Limited English Proficiency Pathway*
Career Ladder for Educated and vocationally Experienced Refugees - CLEVER*
Programs included in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act - WIOA
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
*For the programs marked with an asterisk, DSHS can help refer and enroll you.
Please note that while these are approved programs for meeting ABAWD requirements, it does not mean that every client will be able to enroll. Each program and location have their own set of eligibility standards and capacity for new clients.