ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status Notes
AFH 021-009 02/10/2021 One Page Resource for Compassionate Care Visits and Essential Support Persons Current
NH 021-008 01/28/2021 Process to Request Emergency Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During a Shortage Current
ICFIID 021-008 02/10/2021 One Page Resource for Compassionate Care Visits and Essential Support Persons Current
ESF 021-008 02/10/2021 One Page Resource for Compassionate Care Visits and Essential Support Persons Current
CCRSS 021-008 02/10/2021 One Page Resource for Compassionate Care Visits and Essential Support Persons Current
ALF 021-008 02/10/2021 One Page Resource for Compassionate Care Visits and Essential Support Persons Current
AFH 021-008 02/10/2021 Interim Recommendations for Co-administration of COVID-19 Vaccine and Tuberculosis Testing Products Current
NH 021-007 01/28/2021 Safe Start for LTC Recommendations and Requirements: Updates and Webinar Current
ICFIID 021-007 02/10/2021 QSO-21-11-ALL - New Platform for Submission of 1135 Waiver Requests and Inquiries - Go Live Current
ESF 021-007 02/10/2021 Interim Recommendations for Co-administration of COVID-19 Vaccine and Tuberculosis Testing Products Current
ESF 021-007 02/10/2021 Interim Recommendations for Co-administration of COVID-19 Vaccine and Tuberculosis Testing Products Current
ESF 021-007 02/10/2021 Interim Recommendations for Co-administration of COVID-19 Vaccine and Tuberculosis Testing Products Current
CCRSS 021-007 02/10/2021 Interim Recommendations for Co-administration of COVID-19 Vaccine and Tuberculosis Testing Products Current
ALF 021-007 02/10/2021 Interim Recommendations for Co-administration of COVID-19 Vaccine and Tuberculosis Testing Products Current
AFH 021-007 02/05/2021 Certificates of Parental Improvement and Background Checks Current
NH 021-006 01/26/2021 Emergency Rules (CR-103E) Amending WA 388-97-1380 and 388-97-1580, Related to Tuberculosis Testing in NH Current
ICFIID 021-006 02/05/2021 Certificates of Parental Improvement and Background Checks Current
ESF 021-006 02/05/2021 Certificates of Parental Improvement and Background Checks Current
CCRSS 021-006 02/05/2021 Certificates of Parental Improvement and Background Checks Current
ALF 021-006 02/05/2021 Certificates of Parental Improvement and Background Checks Current
AFH 021-006 02/01/2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Information Current
NH 021-005 01/21/2021 Continued Incentives to Skilled Nursing Facilities that Accept Admission from Acute Care Hospitals Current

See update issued 2/9/21

ICFIID 021-005 02/01/2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Information Current
ESF 021-005 02/01/2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Information Current
CCRSS 021-005 02/01/2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Information Current