July 17, 2013_AFH "Dear Provider" Letters

July 17, 2013

ALTSA:  AFH #2013-012

Dear Adult Family Home Provider:

The purpose of this letter is to let you know about House Bill (HB) 1003 that the Governor recently signed into law. This bill allows a Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) finding against an individual to serve as the basis for a disciplinary action against the same individual's health profession license.

Highlights of the newly passed law:

  • The law becomes effective January 1, 2014.
  • The Department of Health (DOH) must summarily suspend the license of a health care professional against whom DSHS has issued a final finding of abuse, abandonment, neglect, or financial exploitation.
  • DSHS must notify DOH of these final findings.  A process is already in place for this to occur and DSHS has been in contact with DOH regarding implementation.
  • Health care providers are prohibited from practicing their profession until the DOH or the appropriate health professions board or commission has completed its disciplinary proceedings.
  • To read the details of the newly passed legislation in its entirety online, visit: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/documents/billdocs/2013-14/Pdf/Bills/Session%20Laws/House/1003.SL.pdf

If you have any questions, please contact your local RCS Field Manager.


E. Irene Owens, Interim Director
Residential Care Services