Instructor Webinars & Training Resources

The webinars and training resources below are intended to help guide Community Instructors and Facility Instructors in building high-quality long-term care worker training programs.

What’s New for Community and Facility Instructors

Virtual Office Hours

Virtual office hours are held with Training Unit Program Managers as a live open forum using the Microsoft Teams videoconferencing platform. Instructors who have questions about their training programs, instructor requirements, applications, on-the-job training (facility only), or anything related to long-term care worker training are invited to join our virtual office hours every Tuesday, from 2pm to 3pm.

  • Join the meeting via computer or mobile app
  • Or call in (audio only) 1-360-726-3322 Phone conference ID: 311 754 944#.

Instructors can also email their questions at any time.

Instructor Webinars

December 2022

  • VIDEO: Webinar Important Training Updates that Affect You (24:38) Topics include long-term care worker training and certification deadline requirements now that our state’s public health emergency has ended. There is also a brief overview of the new Fundamentals of Caregiving, 3rd edition, that was released in July and plans to update the DSHS Orientation and Safety Training materials in 2023.
  • Download the presentation PDF.

July 2022

April 2022

To view the Continuing Education information only, please view CE Emergency Rules (8:53)

Additional Training Resources

75-hour Home Care Aide Certification Training Resources

Community Instructor Contract Compliance Resources

Community Instructor contracts with the department include specific requirements and responsibilities. Always read and revisit your Community Instructor contract to understand the department’s expectations for providing long-term care worker training. Failure to comply with contract requirements may lead to contract termination.

The Special Terms and Conditions section of the Community Instructor Contract has specific requirements for Records Maintenance. If your business does not already have its own forms that meet this requirement, you can download and use the forms below:

If you plan to offer a vocational education training program to the public with a program length of more than three days, and charging tuition, you may need to obtain a “Private Vocational School License” to comply with the State’s Private Vocational School Act. Chapter 28C.10 RCW

For more information, visit the Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board.