Workforce Development

Learning Opportunities



Trauma Informed Approach training | DSHS (


Overview of Adult Forensic Mental Health System training series

The Office of Forensic Mental Health Services has created an online training series entitled “Overview of Washington State’s Adult Forensic Mental Health System.” This training series provides an orientation to our state’s forensic mental health system, with an emphasis on Competency to Stand Trial, and the Trueblood lawsuit. This training series is designed to be helpful for a wide range of audiences including prosecutors, defense counsel, judges, jail staff, behavioral health providers, law enforcement personnel, clients and their families, educational institutions, and other interested parties.

This training series consists of 5 modules, each of which can be completed in less than 30 minutes. Here are the topics covered in each module:


Transforming WA State's BH Workforce: UW

Building Capacity in BH: The BH WF Research Center