Use of Benefits - Benefit Issuances

Created on: 
Jun 09 2017

Revised November 21, 2023


This section describes how the department issues benefits, requirements to endorse warrants, how and when the department provides benefits, the allowable use of cash and food assistance benefits, and the replacement of benefits. 

WAC 388-412-0046  What is the purpose of DSHS cash and food assistance benefits and how can I use my benefits?

WAC 388-460-0035  When is a protective payee assigned for mismanagement of funds?

Worker Responsibilities - WAC 388-412-0046

1.    Use of Cash and Food Assistance Checklist

a.      Review the 'Your DSHS Cash or Food Benefits' form 14-520' with clients during the interview process at application and eligibility review to ensure that the household understands:

i.  The allowable use of DSHS benefits;

ii.  The illegal uses, including the purchase of marijuana and/or marijuana-based products with EBT cards or cash from the EBT cards; and

iii.  The penalties for illegal use of benefits.

b.    Request that the head of household or authorized representative sign the 14-520 and send the document as file only for the client's electronic case record (ECR).

If the client refuses to sign the form or fails to return the signed form, don't deny the application or terminate assistance.  Signing the form isn't a condition of eligibility.

2.    Referrals to the Office of Fraud and Accountability (OFA)

Refer allegations of reported misuse of cash or food assistance benefits to OFA utilizing the Barcode referral for FRED.

Worker Responsibilities - WAC 388-460-0035

  1. A protective payee will be assigned when the Office of Fraud Accountability (OFA) determines that a customer has used their EBT cash assistance two or more times in a prohibited location.

When a worker receives the DSHS-FRED form from OFA identifying use in a prohibited location, review the ECR for prior offenses (document type FR)

  1. If there is a prior offense, a protective payee must be assigned. 

  2. The worker will:

    1. Notify Social Services Specialists through Barcode tickle to @SOC

  3. The Social Services Specialist will:

    1. Assign a protective payee (see Payees on Benefit Issuances - Protective Payees)

    2. Input a -COMM tickle to 900@FIN for input of protective payee information into ACES

  4. The worker who receives the tickle will:

    1. Input the Authorized Representative information under Contact Information in ACES 3G