Revised on: November 15, 2021
The Tools-Overview section includes:
This chapter describes the major tools and techniques WorkFirst Program Specialists (WFPS)/WorkFirst Social Services Specialists (WFSSS) use to help WorkFirst participants succeed. To be fully effective, most of these tools rely heavily on the partnerships and communication between the participant and case manager, including collaboration with WorkFirst agencies.
The main tools used to partner with a WorkFirst participant are listed below with a brief description.
Tool | Description |
Case staffing | Case staffing is a group process, which creates an opportunity for the WFPS/WFSSS to discuss with the participant their engagement in activities. Professionals and partners the participant is engaged with can also be invited to the case staffing and provide support. |
Continuous Activity Planning (CAP) | Continuous Activity Planning is an informal consultation or joint evaluation with available WorkFirst partners, DSHS co-workers, or other service providers. |
Customer Driven Severity Scale | An optional tool that provides support and guidance to WFPS around assessing the participant’s barriers and their need to connect with a WFSSS. |
eJAS | eJAS is an automation tool for WFPS, WFSSS, Community and Technical Colleges, Career Scope Coaches, Commerce agencies and many contracted service providers, such as contractors that serve our limited English population. It allows for documentation of participation and any barriers participants experience when seeking employment. Service providers use eJAS to report participation to the WFPS/WFSSS. |
Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) | An Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) outlines a participant's required action steps towards self-sufficiency. |
Intensive Services | Intensive services are extra or exceptional supports provided to participants having the greatest difficulty finding and keeping jobs, and achieve success. |
Pathway Development Tool | The tool used for comprehensive evaluations which are required for all WorkFirst participants. This tool is also used for WorkFirst social service assessments. |
Personal Pathway Effective 11/15/21, the Personal Pathway is suspended until further notice. |
A short participant self-assessment, supporting development of rapport between participant and WorkFirst staff, indicating participant areas of interest. The information is used to guide what topics to start with during the comprehensive evaluation discussion and subsequent assessments (where applicable). |
PRISM is a Predictive Modeling tool intended to:
Note: Don't use PRISM to gather information for purposes of imposing sanctions for failure to adhere to program standards.
Protective payee | Protective payees are contracted vendors that provide money management to assigned participants to make sure assistance funds are used for basic needs. |
Sanction | A sanction is a status that a participant enters when they are able, but refuses to participate as required. |
Stacked Services | Stacking services requires the participant to engage in more than one activity at a time - perhaps working with different providers to access services. |
WorkFirst Partner Directory | A statewide list of WorkFirst contracted partners, which supports development of an IRP with a participant. Note: This directory is only directly accessible to CSD staff. |
It is important to:
When communicating and engaging with participants, consider the following:
Revised on: February 1, 2024
Legal References:
This WorkFirst Handbook (WFHB) section describes the purpose and content of the comprehensive evaluation, continuous activity planning, and engagement pathways - including:
The purpose of the comprehensive evaluation is to learn more about the participant’s strengths, readiness, and ability to succeed in the workplace. It helps to identify both strengths the family has and challenges they may be facing. It helps both the participant and WorkFirst staff identify what services and activities will help the family move toward stability.
Its primary objectives are:
WorkFirst staff use the Pathway Development Tool (PDT) to complete a participant’s comprehensive evaluation. The Personal Pathway is also available to support this process. Both tools are available in eJAS. How to use these tools is discussed in WFHB 3.2.2 and 3.2.3.
Before beginning this process, WorkFirst staff set a positive tone by explaining its purpose. By completing the comprehensive evaluation, WorkFirst staff:
Questions within the PDT touch on sensitive topics (like family planning, substance abuse, or family violence). Acknowledging this can help prepare the participant for the discussion. This includes:
The comprehensive evaluation covers a number of topics – all help determine what activities best meet the participant’s specific needs and goals. Some of these topics are legally required. However, covering all topics with the participant ensures that the family’s circumstances are completely evaluated and the participant is engaged using a whole family approach.
Topics covered in the comprehensive evaluation include:
For more information on these topics, please refer to WFHB
A comprehensive evaluation is completed when a participant is approved or likely to be approved for WorkFirst cash assistance. For two-parent households, separate comprehensive evaluations must be completed for each participant, using the PDT. In most circumstances, the comprehensive evaluation should be completed immediately following financial intake.
If the participant is not able to complete the comprehensive evaluation during financial intake, WorkFirst staff may save/pend the tool, if started, for the Case Manager to finish. At this juncture, the participant is informed that their local CSO will outreach to them with next steps. WorkFirst staff in the local office have the option of connecting the participant with their Case Manager prior to leaving to set up an appointment, if time allows and is otherwise feasible.
Participants in sanction status who desire to reengage in WorkFirst participation must also have their comprehensive evaluation reviewed and updated so it reflects their current circumstances and supports activity engagement. See WFHB for additional details on using the PDT for sanction reengagement.
A comprehensive evaluation is considered active for up to 12 months. Sometimes an update to the evaluations needs to occur for a participant. This includes:
Scenario | WorkFirst staff |
The participant leaves TANF cash assistance and then returns. | Create a new PDT to reflect any changes in the family’s circumstances. |
If the participant’s circumstances have changed. | Determine if a new PDT is needed to support engagement in new or existing activities. |
Continuous Activity Planning (CAP) is an informal meeting or joint evaluation with the participant, WorkFirst staff, WorkFirst partner(s), and others to discuss the participant's progress in an activity and recommendations for the next activity. It can also be a tool for problem-solving when the participant isn’t successfully engaging. This meeting can be conducted via phone or in person. It’s documented using the eJAS case staffing/extension review tool and in client notes under the Continuous Activity Planning note type.
WorkFirst staff must document:
After the initial comprehensive evaluation, there may be times where a new comprehensive evaluation or a CAP is required in order to understand how the participant is progressing in WorkFirst. The decision to complete a comprehensive evaluation or a CAP is based on results from the last completed comprehensive evaluation, and when that evaluation occurred.
Comprehensive evaluation completed … | Participant is … | WorkFirst Staff Next Steps |
Within last 6 months. |
Conduct Continuous Activity Planning meeting. |
Over 6 months ago. |
Conduct Continuous Activity Planning meeting. Review comprehensive evaluation and if needed, create a new PDT to reflect changes in circumstances. |
12 months ago (or longer). |
Complete annual comprehensive evaluation using PDT. |
"Likely to be approved" means those who appear to meet financial eligibility based on available information and their application is pending for verification of items such as:
Applicants whose eligibility is pending for financial-related verification (e.g. income verification, appear eligible and applying for Unemployment Compensation, possible job start) are less likely to be approved. In these circumstances, the comprehensive evaluation can be completed after financial eligibility is verified.
Engagement pathways are WorkFirst activities included in the Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP). The criteria below are provided to assist the WorkFirst staff and participant in making an informed decision about which pathway(s) is most appropriate based on information gathered during the comprehensive evaluation. Refer to the Stacking Activities Chart when determining the appropriate mix of activities for the participant.
The Navigation section of the PDT can assist in determining next appropriate steps for the participant – see WFHB 3.2.3 for more information.
Prior to referring participants to a pathway, WorkFirst staff must advise them of WorkFirst program requirements and their responsibility to participate in the activities identified in their IRP. WorkFirst staff are to ensure all participants have a plan to address child care and transportation needs prior to referral. Participants reporting to an activity without arranged child care and transportation may be referred back, as they aren’t able to begin participating without these supports in place.
If the comprehensive evaluation doesn’t identify an appropriate pathway based on the following criteria, a CAP may be conducted immediately to develop a plan for engagement.
Career Scope (Job Search)
Referrals to Career Scope may be appropriate for participants who are “work ready.” This means they meet one or more of the following criteria :
Additional information to assess work readiness is available in WFHB 4.1.3.
Exception: Participants who are working full-time and want assistance finding a better job are appropriate for Career Scope services as long as they can contact Career Scope staff at least once a week to receive assistance. Otherwise, you may refer them to the WorkSource Center as a self-directed job seeker.
Education & Training Activity
Referrals to Education & Training may be appropriate for participants who meet one or more of the following criteria:
Community Jobs
Referrals to full-time Community Jobs may be appropriate for participants who meet one or more of the following criteria:
Referrals to part-time Community Jobs may be appropriate for participants who are single parents with a child under the age of six and also meet one or more of the following criteria:
Community Works Program
Referrals to Community Works may be appropriate for participants who:
Unsubsidized Employment
Participants in this pathway are (full- or part-time):
Limited English Proficient (LEP) Pathway
Referrals to the LEP Pathway may be appropriate for participants who:
Issue Resolution
Participants may be in this pathway full- or part-time, depending on their ability to participate in work or work-like activities. Whenever appropriate, issue resolution activities should be stacked with one of the employment and training activities associated with pathways listed above.
These activities help participants resolve issues including:
An exemption from work participation requirements may be appropriate for participants who:
3rd trimester of pregnancy Deferral
Participants in the third trimester of pregnancy can choose not to participate in WorkFirst activities.
Comprehensive evaluation results and subsequent discussion with the participant regarding pathway options and criteria steer development of the Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP). They also aid in identifying what support services the participant needs to effectively engage in activities and services.
The IRP is developed by the WorkFirst staff and participant to describe:
IRPs may be developed to support short and long-term goals. For long term plans, consecutive activities may be included to support participants in long-term goals. They should also include the best mix of activities to support the participant and their family.
Participants are expected to participate full-time, or as close to full-time as they are able based on their situation. All activities within a plan should be geared towards preparing the participant for future employment and economic stability.
If a participant fails to attend their comprehensive evaluation appointment, staff must go through the good cause process and determine if the participant had a good reason for not coming to the appointment. WorkFirst staff should determine and document whether a participant is refusing to participate, or simply unable to due to circumstances outside of their control.
For information on the good cause and non-compliance sanction process, see WFHB 3.5.1.
At financial intake, and other appropriate times outlined above, WorkFirst staff conduct a comprehensive evaluation by:
Revised on: November 15, 2021
This WorkFirst Handbook (WFHB) section describes the Personal Pathway and how to use it. It covers:
The Personal Pathway is an optional self-assessment for the participant. The questions ask about the participant’s areas of interest, giving them an opportunity to say in their own words what is important to their family. It supports developing rapport and a a positive relationship between the participant and WorkFirst staff.
It’s trauma-informed by offering choices and options in a transparent way. It allows participants to take a few moments to reset, think, and focus on what they want and need to plan their next steps toward their goals. This is a positive and empowering way to support executive functioning (thinking) skills.
The Personal Pathway is available as a stand-alone form (DSHS 11-154). It’s also in eJAS, allowing staff to document the participant’s responses. When entered into eJAS, the participant’s responses are summarized in the Pathway Development Tool (PDT). This information can be used in the comprehensive evaluation, social service assessment, and IRP development.
Staff may provide a copy of the Personal Pathway form (DSHS 11-154) to the participant by:
If the participant completes the form and agrees to share, staff enter the participant’s responses into eJAS.
The information gathered from the Personal Pathway can guide topics to start with during the comprehensive evaluation discussion and subsequent assessments. The eJAS version of the Personal Pathway generates a summary of a participant’s responses (Personal Pathway Details table) in the PDT. The responses are sorted into four categories – Values, Goals, Strength and Obstacles.
WorkFirst staff can use the Personal Pathway Details table to guide where to start in the PDT discussion.
WorkFirst staff may use the information gathered from the Personal Pathway to build rapport with the participant. Information in the Personal Pathway Details table can be a springboard into deeper discussions around the participant’s current situation.
Staff are encouraged to offer the Personal Pathway to participants at any time as an engagement tool (conversation starter). This includes but is not limited to Continuous Activity Plan (CAP) meetings, NCS Case Staffings, Time Limit Extension (TLE) appointments.
The Personal Pathway may be useful in many participant contacts, not just for completing the PDT. Staff must enter the Personal Pathway responses into eJAS to reflect the most current self-assessment. The Personal Pathway and PDT are independent tools that can be completed together or separately, depending on the situation.
The Personal Pathway is an optional self-assessment tool for the participant to complete. It isn’t a required action for the participant. However, WorkFirst staff are required to offer the Personal Pathway to the participant.
If a participant chooses not to complete the Personal Pathway as part of the comprehensive evaluation or assessment process, WorkFirst staff skip the Personal Pathway piece of the process in eJAS, and proceed with the PDT. In these situations, WorkFirst staff must document in eJAS client notes that the Personal Pathway was offered and the participant declined completing it.
When completing a comprehensive evaluation, WorkFirst staff offer the participant the option of completing the Personal Pathway (DSHS 11-154):
When completing an assessment, the WFSSS reviews eJAS for a current Personal Pathway:
Revised on: February 1, 2024
Legal References:
This WorkFirst Handbook (WFHB) section describes how to use the Pathway Development Tool. It covers:
The Pathway Development Tool (PDT) is an eJAS tool used to conduct WorkFirst comprehensive evaluations and social service assessments. The PDT provides a snapshot in time of what’s going on with a participant, their family, and their individual circumstances. It’s used to gather information on what activities will be most helpful to the participant and aids in developing their Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP).
The PDT is divided into various sections and topics to support a conversation between staff and participants to determine the best engagement pathway. It’s designed to allow WorkFirst staff the flexibility to select a starting topic when engaging the participant in discussion, and for the conversation to flow based on family needs and goals. The PDT includes the following sections:
Tracking Information
The first section allows staff to track specific information, including:
Personal Pathway Details
This section summarizes participant responses captured in the Personal Pathway, for participants who choose to complete one. This information, when available, is used by WorkFirst staff to determine which topic to begin with in the PDT. For more information on how to use this information while completing a PDT, please see WFHB and
This section includes topic categories for WorkFirst staff to discuss with the participant. Each topic subsection includes the following:
Below are all topics included within the PDT:
Family |
Explores the family’s current situation and what services or supports are needed, and/or what exemptions or deferrals may be appropriate. Includes the following subsections:
For the subsections based on child(ren) age – staff only complete subsections relevant to the family. Example: A participant has two children (ages 6 months and 5 years old). WorkFirst staff review the general 'Family,’ ‘Child 0-12 months,’ and ‘Child 2-5 Years’ subsections to complete the 'Family' topic section.
Example: A participant is pregnant and has two children (ages 2 and 5 years old). WorkFirst staff review the general ‘Family,’ ‘Pregnancy,’ and ‘Child 2-5 Years’ subsections to complete this ‘Family’ topic section. The conversation on both children is documented in the ‘Child 2-5 Years’ subsection.
Employment & Work Experience | Current employment circumstances and work history/experience. |
Education & Training | Education and training experience, along with related goals and interest in pursuing this as an engagement activity. It includes a field to capture the participant’s highest grade level completed. |
Financial Literacy |
Financial literacy services and supports can provide families with the tools for a smoother transition from a benefit-based income to a wage-based income, and keep them from unknowingly entering into financially devastating credit arrangements. It is an essential element to a family achieving financial stability, self-sufficiency, and economic mobility. NOTE: WorkFirst staff ask the participant if they would like a referral to money management training available in their local community. This is considered a life skill and is not a mandatory activity. WorkFirst staff can find a list of resources that provide financial literacy programs at the Washington Department of Financial Institutions - Statewide Financial Education Class Calendar and the Washington Asset Building Coalition website.
Family Violence | Includes mandatory script and questions to support screening participants for family violence. See WFHB 6.5 for support in conducting these screenings with families. |
Substance Use | Explores whether a referral to social services for a chemical dependency assessment and support is needed. See WFHB and Chapter 6 for additional information. |
Emotional Health | Explores whether a referral to social services to assess and support the participant's emotional health and mental well-being is needed. See WFHB and Chapter 6 for additional information. |
Medical/Health | Explores whether a referral to social services to assess and support the family’s health circumstances, or if deferral/exemption is appropriate. See WFHB and Chapter 6 for additional information.
NOTE: When a participant voluntarily provides information about HIV/AIDS/STD issues that could interfere with WorkFirst activities, WorkFirst staff use this section to document that information. The HIV/AIDS/STD note type is also available (see WFHB 1.6.4).
Housing | Opens up a discussion on the family's housing situation. Supports determining how their housing situation may impact the participant's engagement in activities |
Transportation | Examines what the participant’s current means of getting around is. Opens up a conversation on what type of transportation support services are needed for activity engagement. |
Legal Issues | Explores any legal issues the participant is facing that could affect activity engagement and/or employment opportunities. |
Other Agencies | Allows staff to discuss and document agencies or programs the participant is already engaged with. |
This section, nested in the Topics list, supports WorkFirst staff in having a discussion with the participant on engagement pathway options. It includes:
The goal is for WorkFirst staff to do thorough comprehensive evaluations at the initial intake for participants approved or likely to be approved for TANF (see WFHB This allows participants to engage in services that make sense based on the family’s circumstances, strengths, desires, and goals.
WorkFirst staff use any information gathered from the Personal Pathway to guide which topics to start with during the comprehensive evaluation. Information collected during the financial intake is also used as launching points during the PDT discussion - supporting a fluid and meaningful conversation with the participant, and avoid them needing to re-tell their story.
There are many topics that are legally required to be covered during the comprehensive evaluation. Required topics are bolded in the Topics table in WFHB They're marked with an asterisk [*] within eJAS. It should be the goal of staff to touch upon all topics included in the PDT, leveraging a participant’s Personal Pathway Details to drive the conversation.
After each Topic section is reviewed, information documented, and indicators, strengths, needs/interests and referrals selections made, WorkFirst staff must save the section before moving to the next topic. Once all topics are reviewed with the participant, WorkFirst Staff complete the Navigation section by:
Once the Navigation section is complete, WorkFirst staff finalize a PDT (marking Tool Verified as Complete and selecting save). See WFHB for additional support in using the PDT Navigation section.
Social Service Referral Option:
If during the conversation with the participant, it’s clear an issue exists, the Customer-Driven Severity Scale is used to support discussion and determining, in partnership with the participant, whether their issue is urgent or emergent. In these circumstances, medical verification is not required to make a referral for an assessment with a Case Manager.
If the issue is determined to potentially impact the participant’s ability to fully engage in employment and training activities, the Issue Resolution pathway may be most appropriate. At that juncture, WorkFirst staff would request medical verification from the participant, if appropriate based on the issue, and refer them to a Case Manager for assessment and next steps.
For participants who require an assessment (including a Pregnancy to Employment assessment) or have an urgent/emergent issue, an immediate referral to social services follows the financial intake. Refer to WFHB for additional guidance.
If referred for further assessment, the Case Manager reviews, discusses, and completes this step with the participant. This may include completing required topics needed to satisfy the comprehensive evaluation requirements, if those were not completed in the financial intake.
While it isn’t mandatory to refer for a chemical dependency or mental health assessment if the participant is in treatment, staff should consider and offer an assessment referral. This allows the participant to explore the situation with their case manager and receive additional information to develop a more effective IRP.
The PDT also supports Case Managers in completing social service assessments. Three key PDT features support seamless assessments:
For additional information and support in conducting social service assessments, see WFHB 5.1 & Chapter 6.
The PDT Navigation section supports WorkFirst staff in discussing with the participant engagement pathway options and developing the IRP. WorkFirst staff review the summary of indicators, strengths, needs/interests, and referrals and work with the participant to determine what activities to engage in or if referral for assessment is needed. Refer to WFHB for guidance on engagement pathways, and WFHB 3.3.1 for guidance on IRP development.
Once an engagement pathway has been agreed to, WorkFirst staff indicate what activities the participant is engaging in by checking boxes under the WorkFirst Activities referred to area of the Navigation section, and documenting the discussion in the free form text field.
Case Managers must do an annual update of a participant’s comprehensive evaluation and any needed social service assessments. eJAS notifies the Case Manager when mandatory screenings are required (annual family violence and family planning screenings). If it has been over a year since a PDT was completed at the time of these annual screenings, Case Managers complete a new PDT with the participant. The family planning and family violence screenings are accessible through the Family and Family Violence topic sections of the PDT.
NOTE: The PDT copy over feature is only available for up to 12 months.When using the copy over feature, staff select this option when they first enter the PDT (before hitting save). eJAS recognizes once the family violence and family planning screenings have been completed and no longer displays a notification on the Client Main Page.
For participants who are in non-compliance sanction and wish to reengage in the program, or who exit TANF and then return to the program, WorkFirst staff are required to complete a new comprehensive evaluation with the participant, using the PDT. This includes households that were terminated from TANF due to non-compliance sanction (see WFHB 3.5.3).
For participants who had a PDT done within the last 12-months, the PDT copy over feature allows WorkFirst staff to build off the last conversation with the participant. WorkFirst staff who use this function must review/update all topic sections with the participant and complete the Navigation section based on the conversation. If a PDT on file is older than 12-months, or there isn’t one on file, WorkFirst staff complete a new PDT with the participant.
WorkFirst staff offer a referral to First Steps for pregnant dependent minors (see WFHB 5.1.17).
WorkFirst staff must follow the policy for mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse, neglect or child rape in the EA-Z Manual, Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting when a participant reports a pregnant minor dependent child. Under the mandatory reporting policy:
When using the PDT to complete a comprehensive evaluation at financial intake, WorkFirst staff:
If the participant is unable to complete the comprehensive evaluation at the financial intake:
NOTE: Case Managers set up a follow-up appointment to complete the PDT using the AP component (with an end date to match the scheduled appointment, providing adequate advance notice for the participant to complete the process), and sending an ACES General Appointment Letter (50-05) or an eJAS Appointment Letter using “WF PDT Appt” canned text in Barcode.
When using the PDT to complete a social service assessment, Case Managers:
Revised on: September 26, 2022
Legal References:
The 3.3 IRP and Stacking Strategy section has two separate sub-sections:
An Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) is a working document that clearly defines the specific activities, timeframes and expectations for each WorkFirst participating family member. The IRP may also indicate what support services WorkFirst can provide to help the person to participate. The IRP is developed by the participant with their WFSSS/WFPS to:
Create or update an participant's IRP when the participant:
In two parent families, both parents must have an IRP (unless one qualifies for, and chooses to take an exemption). Once a participant goes off WorkFirst, an IRP is no longer required to access services or support services.
NOTE: participants who don't have Washington Apple Health due to citizenship verification requirements and who have an activity requirement that is dependent on Washington Apple Health coverage aren't required to participate in these activities until Washington Apple Health eligibility is established. Until Washington Apple Health coverage is established, these participants will be coded with the component code 'CV'. This is an indicator code only and has no IRP or monitoring requirements.
For more information, please refer to WFHB 6.3.5 - How do we treat participants with medical issues who do not have Washington Apple Health.
We build an IRP by talking to the participant about their family’s circumstances. We use the Pathway Development Tool to support this discussion, whether completed as part of the comprehensive evaluation or social service assessment process. The engagement pathways noted in WFHB and the stacking activities strategy in WFHB 3.3.1 can help with determining what activities may be best for the participant, while maximizing countable participation.
Conversations with the participant are very important, as they help build IRPs that are relevant to their family’s situation. The IRP spells out what needs to be done to get the person employed as quickly as possible, and then break those tasks into action steps.
When appropriate, the WFPS/WFSSS can create or update the IRP while the participant is meeting with a WorkFirst partner. The WorkFirst partner can then print the IRP for the participant’s record and signature and must document in eJAS that the client signed a copy of the IRP. . If there are confidential items in the IRP, the partner can only print the non-confidential portion of the IRP. The WFPS/WFSSS must still mail the full IRP to the client.
Some families may also be involved with Department of Children, Youth & Families (DCYF) and required to do activities like counseling or treatment to help keep their families together. It is critical to take these activities into consideration when developing the participant's IRP.
As shown in the chart below, there are key techniques to create an effective IRP.
How to build an IRP: |
Involve the participant |
Give a clear picture of the goal of financial independence for the family and WorkFirst program will do to support this goal. Talk about what the individual plans to do after employment to get a better job and move up the wage ladder. Are the plans achievable? If so, how? |
Focus on the goal |
The goal, for most families, is independence from WorkFirst. Getting a job or increasing employment or wages is the path. When setting the participant's goal, also take into consideration:
Discuss the options |
Use all the available information and the stacking strategy to develop the IRP and create a step-by-step plan. As you do this:
Write the IRP |
Write the IRP in the first person (like "I will report to my Community Jobs assignment.") The templates for each activity are to be included in the IRP so the participant knows the specific details about their activities. |
Use action steps |
Use the IRP to give the participant a step-by-step explanation of what is expected of them and what supports are available. Include:
WFPS/WFSSS monitors IRPs closely to make sure that everyone is engaged in activities and making progress. Service providers are required to verify participation and progress on a monthly basis to the WFPS/WFSSS.
In addition, non-participation must be reported immediately. ESD uses eJAS to send an electronic message to the WFPS/WFSSS when the participant fails to attend as directed. ESD staff sometimes refers the participant back to the WFPS as part of their "Continuous Activity Planning" process and document in eJAS notes if the participant is failing to participate as directed. The WFPS/WFSSS must immediately begin the sanction process by sending the ACES letter 0085-01 for non-participation.
The WFPS/WFSSS includes all activities that meet the participation requirements in the IRP and track participation, even those that aren't approved by the program. For example, a participant may work 20 hours a week and go to school 20 hours and meet the participation requirements even if the training cannot be approved or supported with support services or child care. This participation must be tracked to ensure progress is being made and that the person is attending.
There are two types of participation verification:
An participant in sanction status does not require a special "sanction IRP" just because they have entered sanction. Everyone is required to have a current IRP based upon their assigned activities. If a participant enters sanction status, the IRP should reflect the activities they failed to do, without good cause.
When the participant agrees to cure a sanction, the IRP must be updated to include current dates and any new activities or components need to be changed to meet the participant's new circumstances.
The IRP is a valuable tool for the participant, the WFPS/WFSSS, and others working with the person. It ensures that everyone is clear about the participant's responsibilities, requirements, and supports.
Stacking services requires the participant to engage in more than one activity at a time - perhaps working with different providers to access services. We "stack" (or combine) activities to make sure the person moves from welfare to self-sustaining work as soon as possible. It also helps an participant to build new strengths while resolving issues in her or his life.
Activities are combined to add up to full-time participation (32-40 hours). See WFHB 1.2.3 for additional information about adding an additional three hours (preferably core activity hours) in the participant’s IRP when possible.
eJAS provides language (templates) that can be put on the IRP for most activities and service providers, with the number of hours the participant will participate. In the few cases that eJAS does not provide the template language to be used, the WFPS/WFSSS includes the following information on the IRP:
To be effective, the participant's IRP must spell out, in detail, what the person will do to become self-sufficient. All personal information is confidential under state and federal law. In eJAS, there are also four categories of participant information, called 'Special Records', with increased protection. Only DSHS staff are able to view the notes written in these categories (see WFHB 1.6.4).
When developing an IRP that includes information on a Special Records topic, It is important to:
When creating an IRP, do the following in eJAS:
To develop an IRP, the WFSSS/WFPS:
Revised on September 20, 2021
Legal References:
The 3.3 IRP and Stacking Activities section has two separate sub-sections:
Federal rules reduce funding to states that fail to meet a federal work participation rate. To meet the rates, states must have a percentage of participants in the required number of hours of countable activities each month.
Section 1.2.1 What is participation and how is it counted describes the participation requirements for participants and teens who are able to participate. Stacking goes beyond the basic participation requirements and gives guidance about how we might best meet the needs of participants, achieve the most important WorkFirst goals, and maximize our ability to meet the federal rate.
All WorkFirst activities were designed for a purpose - but not all of them count towards meeting the federal Work Participation Rate (WPR). WorkFirst activities fall into one of five broad categories:
The Core & Non-Core Activity chart lists countable core and non-core activities.
The Stacking Activities Chart sorts WorkFirst activities by how they count towards meeting the rate, listing all exemptions, exceptions, stabilization (uncountable), and core activities. The chart gives an overall strategy for core and non-core activities you may stack to help move the participant towards employment.
The comprehensive evaluation or assessment recommendations are designed to meet participant needs while maximizing our ability to meet federal participation requirements and should:
We build an IRP based on the primary activity the participant needs to progress. Some participants are exempt and others required to access stabilization services (uncountable "X" codes).
You can require a participant to apply for WAH in their IRP, and sanction for failure to follow through, if they are potentially eligible but have never applied or let their coverage lapse. For example, use an IRP to require WAH application for a participant who needs chemical dependency treatment but has no current WAH coverage (See WAH Application IRP for suggested IRP language.).
A few participants, minors and teens meet the rate while participating fewer hours under federal participation exceptions. Participation requirements are:
Most participants are able to participate and don't qualify for federal participation exemptions. You can stack activities to build an IRP that meets the rate as follows:
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has rules that apply to participants in community service and work experience (unpaid work activities).
Under federal rules, participants who work the FLSA maximum hours meet their full core activity requirement. The FLSA maximum hours for the past, current and upcoming month is calculated and displayed in eJAS, and visible to contractors in the Component/Contractor/IRP Update screen via the Calculate FLSA link. To calculate FLSA hours for applicants and re-applicants, the WFPS/WFSSS enters the cash and food benefit amounts and household size. The eJAS calculation defaults to the Washington State minimum wage, so if a client is subject to a higher local minimum wage the FLSA hours will need to be manually adjusted. See section for more information about determining FLSA hours based on local minimum wages.
When a participant is first approved for WorkFirst cash assistance, and the participant is entering a community service or work experience activity, DSHS staff are required to use the eJAS FLSA Calculator Tool to determine the maximum number of participation hours for the current month and pass that information to community service and work experience providers. eJAS starts to calculate and display the FLSA maximum hours to all partners and contractors as soon as the calculation is saved.
Staff can use the eJAS FLSA calculator tool to calculate the FLSA maximum hours based on the participant's grant and food stamp benefits, divided by the state or local minimum wage. The result is the maximum FLSA hours for the month. The FLSA calculator tool automatically divides the monthly maximum FLSA hours by 4.33 and rounds down to determine how many hours the participant performs unpaid work, on average, each week.
There are special rules for deeming in two-participant families. Most important, the FLSA maximum hours apply to the entire family, not to each participant. To be classified as a two-participant family under federal rules, neither participant can be:
Under WorkFirst, we want each participant to participate 32-40 hours per week unless one participant is opting out, or the participants are splitting the hours, under WFHB 1.2.4. When we maximize participation at the headquarters level, we use federal rules to deem 30 hours of core activities if either participant works the family's FLSA maximum hours. When we do this, the whole family meets the rate if either participant does an additional 5 hours of another type of core or non-core activity.
Some families FLSA maximum hours exceed 20-30 hours per week so we don't deem additional hours. In these cases you may:
See WFHB 1.2.3 for additional information about adding an additional three hours (preferably core activity hours) in the parent’s IRP when possible. Don’t exceed the FLSA maximum hours for unpaid work activities. You can substitute non-core hours for core hours as needed to stay within the FLSA maximum.
Under FLSA and state law, DSHS must use the state or local minimum wage, whichever is higher, when determining hours of participation in unpaid work experience and community service activities. Local ordinances are only in effect within the local government's boundaries and may only apply to some types of employment. For the purposes of FLSA deeming, DSHS is an employer.
For local minimum wage cases, the WorkFirst partner/contractor must send the local minimum wage rate to DSHS to receive the adjusted FLSA hours. The WFPS/WFSSS is responsible to calculate the adjusted FLSA hours by entering the cash grant amount, basic food allotment, and number of household members into the FLSA calculator tool. Staff must use the eJAS FLSA Calculator Tool to update participation when there is a change on the cash or food household, and as update the IRP for all local minimum wage cases.
Revised on March 20, 2023
Legal References:
The Case Staffing section includes:
A case staffing is an opportunity for the WorkFirst Program Specialist (WFPS) and/or the WorkFirst Social Service Specialist (WFSSS) to exchange information about the participant and gain consultation from other professionals. It is a group process in which the case worker (WFPS or WFSSS) invites two or more professionals and others involved with the participant to help identify issues, suggest problem resolution strategies, and recommend service options.
The participant may need a case staffing at any point when it appears they are not making progress or there are significant issues to address. It is important that you do everything you can for families before they reach 60 months on WorkFirst. Staff can conduct case staffings as early and regularly as possible. Some case staffings are mandatory, others are conducted based on the recommendation of the WFPS, WFSSS, partner agency or contractor such as Community Jobs.
Below are some strategies local Community Service Offices (CSOs) use to make this effective tool available to a broad range of participants:
Case staffings are mandatory for participants who haven't participated in WorkFirst activities, without good cause, before entering sanction status.
The goal of the NCS Case Staffing is to re-engage the participant into appropriate WorkFirst activities.
A good cause/non-compliance Sanction (NCS) case staffing requires the assigned worker to invite at least one other relevant professional such as another WorkFirst staff member, Public Health Nurse, Chemical Dependency Professional, etc. There must be a minimum of two professionals at the staffing, the Case Manager assigned to the case counts as one professional.
It is extremely important to invite a Child Welfare Programs (CWP) Social Service Specialist if CWP is working with the individual.
For more information regarding good cause/NCS case staffings, please refer to section 3.5.1 Entering Sanction.
As shown in the chart below, depending on the participant's circumstances, you may want to invite different people to attend a case staffing.
Most state employees attend at no cost. Support services are available if a psychologist or similar professional needs to be paid. Your local region or office may consider some instances, such as "all case" reviews, as staff training and pay as a training cost. Other payment options include exception to rule, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation or Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) funds, Social Services Payment System dollars, school district support, or Labor & Industries, accommodation and diagnostic money.
If key professionals can't attend, then the WFPS or WFSSS should attempt to gather information prior to the staffing through phone calls and/or other correspondence.
WorkFirst staff
Suggested case staffing participants | |
Children's special needs |
Depression |
Chemical Dependency |
Cultural issues |
Wage progression |
Child care |
Job retention |
Family violence |
Legal, probation & parole |
Case staffings usually provide another approach to identify concerns by bringing together a multidisciplinary team of experts to review cases, identify resolution strategies, and recommend solutions. Bringing the group together for this purpose increases everyone's understanding of services and expertise available in the community and provides an opportunity for creative problem solving and resource development.
A good case staffing brings the right people to the table to identify the needs and suggest or supply the resources to meet those needs. For more information regarding good cause/NCS case staffings, please refer to section 3.5.1 Entering Sanction.
Revised on: July 21, 2023
Legal References:
The Non-Compliance Sanction Policy has three separate sub-sections:
This section includes:
Other Related Chapters
When a WorkFirst participant doesn't participate satisfactorily in their required activities, following two months in a row of non-compliance, TANF will be reduced. TANF must be terminated following twelve months in a row of non-compliance. The goal of this year-long process is to provide ample time for participants to re-engage or document good cause and opportunity for WorkFirst staff to assist them in doing this.
WorkFirst staff must provide opportunities for participant(s) in NCS to re-engage in appropriate WorkFirst activities and address any barriers to participation. WorkFirst staff should intervene early and contact participants in NCS monthly to encourage them to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the WorkFirst program.
A non-compliance sanction (NCS) is a penalty that may result in the reduction and termination of a family's TANF cash assistance. An NCS penalty is imposed when a participant is able, but refuses without good cause to:
There are three phases of NCS:
If the WorkFirst staff discover a participant is unable to participate in the current activities in the IRP, they may:
A participant to has two TANF months of NCS without reduction before an NCS reduction is applied.
#1: A participant stops their activity and doesn't provide good cause at the case staffing scheduled August 12th. WorkFirst staff refer the case to their supervisor for NCS.
#2 If TANF closed/terminated for any other reason following supervisor/designee approval, but before the first month of NCS without reduction.
#3 If TANF closed/terminated for any other reason during month one of NCS without reduction:
Participants who were in NCS without reduction for two TANF months receive an NCS reduction. An NCS reduction can last for a maximum of ten months before NCS termination.
#1: If the participant was in NCS without reduction for September (09/01) and October (10/01), the NCS reduction begins in November (11/01).
#2: TANF closed/terminated for any other reason following supervisor/designee approval, but before NCS reduction is applied.
#3 TANF terminated for another reason while a participant is in NCS reduction
A good cause/NCS case staffing is scheduled when a participant doesn’t show up for a scheduled WorkFirst appointment, doesn’t participate in activities required in their IRP, or doesn't accept a job.
WorkFirst staff must:
Participants can contact WorkFirst staff in writing, by phone, or by going to the appointment scheduled in their good cause letter. They may also ask for a different appointment time. The non-compliance period begins the day the WorkFirst Non-Participation Appointment Letter (85-01) is sent scheduling a good cause/NCS case staffing appointment.
This ensures:
If a participant calls or comes in prior to the scheduled good cause appointment and wants to participate – WorkFirst staff can follow the options below:
During any contact, if the participant wasn't given 10 calendar days to establish good cause or the good cause determination wasn't offered, the case isn't procedurally correct and the non-compliance sanction is invalid.
In counting the 10 days, day one begins when the participant is mailed or given, the "good cause" letter. This is the same as how we count the 10-day period for adverse action notices. Allow for an additional business day when the letter isn’t mailed out the same day that it generates (either locally or by state office). If the 10th day falls on a weekend or holiday, the participant has until the following business day to provide the information requested.
WorkFirst staff document in eJAS how the letter is presented to the participant (in-person delivery, locally mailed, or centrally printed/mailed).
The following are examples of how the 10-day good cause period is counted.
Day 1 is 8/4 and Day 10 is 8/13
Day 1 is 8/4 and Day 10 is 8/16
A WorkFirst participant needs to know what is required of them. When mail is returned, the opportunity to engage participants is missed. If a participant’s mailed IRP returns, they have good cause for failure to participate because they didn't know the requirements. The NCS process can't be followed if the postal service returns the good cause interview appointment letter because they have a right to attend their case staffing.
However, once a NCS decision is made, per WAC 388-458-0025 and 388-310-1600(4), the obligation is to send out a 10-day change in benefits letter. There are no provisions to lift NCS reduction/reinstate full benefits if the post office returns the change in benefits letter.
In these cases, the case likely closes for loss of contact.
There are two stages at the NCS case staffing. First, WorkFirst staff listen and collect information from the participant to determine if there’s good cause for not meeting WorkFirst requirements. Second, determine if the participant doesn’t have good cause, use the eJAS Non-Compliance Case Staffing & Review Criteria tool to determine the next appropriate step for the participant.
Additionally, WorkFirst staff take the following steps:
The goal is to involve participants in WorkFirst activities to increase their ability to earn a living and provide support for their children, not to place their case in NCS. It's very important to determine and document whether a participant is refusing, rather than unable to comply. If a participant is unable to comply and we are able to determine why, then we can work more effectively with them and their family.
Participants cannot be placed in non-compliance sanction if they don't comply with participation requirements due to lack of affordable or appropriate child care. Such sanctions do not align with the program's core values of prioritizing a supportive solution-oriented approach.
Instead of imposing sanctions, WorkFirst staff are to work collaboratively with participants to find viable solutions to childcare needs. This may include providing information on child care resources and exploring alternative child care options within the community. There is a special brochure (WorkFirst Opportunities Brochure DSHS 22-1125) that you can use to give basic child care information to all participants who face non-compliance sanction.
Anyone who isn't fully participating as required has good cause if there is a significant barrier or combination of barriers outside of their control that prevent full participation. Some areas to review with every participant that may prevent compliance include having:
Consider non-participation due to unexcused absences good cause if there’s a significant circumstance outside of the participant's control, such as but not limited to, family violence or hospitalization that made it difficult for the participant to call in to get the absence excused.
If there isn't enough information to make a good cause decision, give the non-participating parent/caregiver a written request for any needed additional proof. For example, if the participant reports a new barrier give/send them a letter requesting documentation or verification of the barrier. Don't send a recommendation to impose NCS until a decision is made based on the verification provided.
If WorkFirst staff determine the participant had good cause for failure to participate in their assigned activities:
When there is a determination of good cause, the IRP must be updated to reflect the appropriate activities and level of services the participant needs to successfully participate. In addition, they may need to:
The WorkFirst program is committed to providing comprehensive support to participants facing significant hardships. In ongoing efforts to enhance inclusivity and address unique circumstances, a new good cause hardship reason has been introduced to include any hardship(s) that would reasonably prevent participation. This refers to a significant challenge that may not fall within the explicitly defined program guidelines but have reasonable impact on an individual’s ability to engage in WorkFirst activities.
#1: Digital Divide and Housing Instability:
A participant is experiencing homelessness and lacks access to affordable hygiene facilities, such as showers and laundry services for themselves and their children. The participant also resides in a remote area with limited or no access to reliable internet connection. The absence of stable internet connectivity along with housing instability makes it challenging to participate in virtual meetings, online trainings, and other activities that require internet access. WorkFirst staff reviews participation and updates the IRP with an XH (housing) and provide support service options to supplement participation.
#2: Personal Trauma
A participant has experienced a recent traumatic event, such as the loss of a loved one or accident that directly impacted their well-being. The emotional and psychological impact of the trauma hinders their ability to focus, participate fully, and benefit from all of the WorkFirst program offerings. WorkFirst staff reviews participation and updates the IRP with an XG (Mental Health) and provide support service options to supplement participation.
#3: Health-related Challenges and Legal Obligations
A participant has ongoing health-related challenges that impact day-to-day living. They are also required to fulfill legal obligations, such as court-ordered appointments or probationary requirements. The reasonable hardship resulting from their health challenges along with legal obligations prevents active, consistent engagement in program activities. WorkFirst staff reviews participation and updates the IRP with an XM (Temporary Physical Disability), reduces participation requirements due to legal obligations, and provide support service options to supplement participation.
These hardships are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, considering their reasonableness and validity in preventing participation. This rule affords WorkFirst staff additional flexibility to consider unique circumstances and clearly document good cause reasons while providing appropriate support to accommodate their needs.
The purpose of the NCS eJAS tool is to document that the WorkFirst staff followed the non-compliance sanction process, the participant had every opportunity to participate, the case was reviewed with others, and the NCS referral was appropriate. It also helps to determine the next appropriate step based on all available information. The participant could be referred for NCS reduction and/or be re-engaged.
If it's determined the participant doesn't have good cause for failure to participate, Case Managers complete the eJAS Non-Compliance Sanction Case Staffing & Review Criteria tool (NCS eJAS tool) questions 1-15 during the good cause/NCS case staffing appointment.
If the participant attends their NCS case staffing and does not meet good cause, the Case Managers follows the NCS eJAS tool:
If the participant fails to attend the good cause appointment/NCS case staffing, the WorkFirst staff member:
Determine if the participant meets NCS reduction referral criteria:
Please see Entering Non-Compliance Sanction - Step-by-step guide below for additional details.
When a participant is referred for a NCS reduction or NCS termination penalty, the supervisor/designee reviews the NCS eJAS tool to determine whether the NCS policy and process was correctly followed.
There are two types of supervisor/designee denials:
Pending Correction: A supervisor/designee may deny the NCS reduction or NCS termination and send the recommendation back to the WorkFirst staff for correction by selecting the following reason in the NCS eJAS Tool:
WorkFirst staff have the option to correct necessary actions and resubmit the NCS reduction or termination recommendation.
Final Denial Decision: The supervisor/designee may deny the NCS reduction or termination and stop the NCS process. The supervisor/designee provides the appropriate denial reason from drop down menu (the denial reasons can be procedural or missed barriers). When a hard denial reason is selected by the supervisor/designee, this closes the NCS eJAS Tool.
The department can’t apply an NCS reduction to a participant until a 10-day notice of adverse action is sent. The NCS reduction notice will be sent following supervisor approval of NCS reduction and two benefit months of NCS without reduction.
For example:
Once it is determined a participant didn’t have a good reason for not meeting their WorkFirst requirements, advise:
Please note that on the 08-01 Change in Benefits letter and 06-02 Termination of TANF/SFA letter, WorkFirst staff only need to enter the information corresponding to the second bullet. The rest of the information is automatically printed on the letter. For additional details please see Entering Non-Compliance Sanction - Step-by-step guide.
If these points aren’t met in the notice of adverse action, then the requirements haven’t been met, and the participant can't be placed in non-compliance sanction.
When a participant is sanctioned, use the following ACES and eJAS codes:
A. Setting up the good cause/NCS case staffing appointment
Identify participants who aren't complying with program requirements and sends the participant the WorkFirst Non-Participation Appointment letter (085-01) scheduling a good cause/NCS Case Staffing appointment within 10 calendar days to find out if there's good cause for noncompliance:
B. Conducting the good cause/NCS case staffing appointment
At the good cause/NCS case staffing appointment when the participant attends. With appropriate professionals, WorkFirst staff:
At the good cause/NCS case staffing appointment when the participant doesn’t attend. With appropriate professionals, WorkFirst staff:
C. Processing good cause determinations
D. Processing NCS Without Reduction
The CSO Supervisor/designee routinely monitors the Clients Awaiting Sanction/Term Approval report in eJAS for participants newly referred for NCS reduction. When a participant is referred for NCS reduction, the supervisor/designee:
Monitor the decision of the supervisor/designee on the NCS Review Pathway-Pending Supervisor Approval report. Once a decision has been made:
E. Processing NCS Reduction
DSHS Staff Note: For information regarding communication between WorkFirst Staff please see “CSD Procedure Handbook - Processing WorkFirst Non-Compliance Sanction (NCS) Reductions and Cures”.
If the supervisor or designee approves the NCS reduction and the participant has received two continuous months of NCS without reduction:
F. Processing NCS Termination Referral
If a participant doesn’t have good cause following 10 months of NCS reduction:
G. Processing NCS Termination Supervisor Decision
The CSO Supervisor/designee routinely monitors the Clients Awaiting Sanction/Term Approval report in eJAS for participants newly referred for NCS Termination. When a participant is referred for NCS termination, the supervisor/designee:
H. Processing NCS Termination Actions-ACES 3G
DSHS Staff Note: For information regarding communication between WorkFirst Staff please see “CSD Procedure Handbook - Processing WorkFirst Non-Compliance Sanction (NCS) Reductions and Cures.”
If the supervisor or designee approves the NCS Termination:
I. Processing NCS Termination Actions - eJAS
Monitor the decision of the supervisor/designee on ‘CLMR - Clients in Sanction’ report. Once the ‘NCS Case Staffing - NCS Termination Supervisor Decision’ section of the NCS eJAS Tool has been completed, the participant has been approved or NCS Termination, and the participant’s case has been Terminated in ACES due to NCS:
For further information about processing non-compliance sanctions see:
Revised on: September 20, 2021
Legal References:
The Non-Compliance Sanction Policy section is divided into the following sub-sections:
This section includes:
Other Related Chapters
The non-compliance sanction policy is designed to provide numerous opportunities for participants to re-engage in appropriate WorkFirst activities and address any barriers to participation. For best results, WorkFirst staff should:
Once the non-compliance sanction is approved, the case stays in NCS without reduction for two (2) months, followed by NCS reduction status for ten (10) months, or until the sanction is waived or cured. WorkFirst staff must continue to work with the participant to re-engage in activities and cure the NCS.
WorkFirst staff must attempt to contact the participant a minimum of once a month until the NCS is waived, cured or the case closes. This contact may take the form of:
In circumstances where staff attempt contact by phone or by scheduled appointment, but aren't successful, the NCS Re-engagement Letter should be sent in that month to ensure the participant is informed of the option to re-engage in the program. Staff must document monthly NCS re-engagement using the eJAS 'Sanction Re-Engagement Contact' note type.
If a participant is actively engaged in WorkFirst activities to end their non-compliance sanction WFPS/WFSSS aren’t required to send a NCS re-engagement letter, however, are required to attempt a phone call each month to discuss community resources, successes, or potential barriers to required participation. An in-person conversation also satisfies the monthly contact requirement. These efforts must also be documented using the eJAS 'Sanction Re-Engagement Contact' note. If the re-engagement letter is created, the system populates the letter information on the 'Sanction Re-Engagement Contact' note.
The NCS Review Pathway Sanction Re-engagement section on the Caseload Management Report (CLMR) displays participants approved for NCS and tracks staff monthly re-engagement efforts.
If staff make contact with a participant, the WFPS/WFSSS must offer an opportunity to re-engage with WorkFirst activities and begin their NCS cure during the documented contact.
The re-engagement process when meeting with a participant:
If the participant agrees to a NCS cure plan, the participant must comply with their existing IRP requirements for four weeks (28 days) to cure the NCS.
Once the NCS penalty is approved, the participant must start and continue to do required WorkFirst activities, as outlined in their IRP, to cure the NCS. This is true even if the participant was approved for NCS for failure to provide information or for refusing to accept a job.
The length of time required to end a sanction is referred to as the "cure period". The cure period starts on the day the participant updates or completes their comprehensive evaluation and agrees to their IRP activities. To cure the NCS, the participant must participate for four weeks (28 days) in a row. After four weeks of satisfactory participation, the NCS penalty is removed the first of the following month.
If a participant reports a change of circumstance that prevents them from participating that hasn’t been previously reported, then, once verified, the NCS cure requirement may be waived. For participants receiving the NCS reduction penalty, it must be removed the first of the following month after the change of circumstances was reported.
If WorkFirst staff receive information that would warrant reversing the NCS decision, then the NCS must be removed back to the original date it was imposed. Each case should be reviewed for supplements as appropriate and must be issued following the established procedures in the EAZ Manual under "Benefit Errors: WAC 388-410-0040 Cash and food assistance underpayments."
Cure Requirement Exceptions
Waive the four-week cure requirement when the participant:
Example: A participant is in NCS for refusing to do job search. Below are two different scenarios with responses for each.
In this scenario, after the comprehensive evaluation is reviewed and updated, WorkFirst staff work with the participant to verify the circumstances, waive the four-week sanction cure requirement, and remove the NCS penalty the first of the following month.
In this scenario, the Pregnancy to Employment assessment is completed and there were no mandatory requirements. WorkFirst staff waive the four-week cure requirement and remove the sanction penalty the first of the following month.
If the participant doesn't re-engage in WorkFirst and cure their sanction after 10 months of NCS reduction, their cash assistance may be terminated after the supervisor approves the NCS termination.
The WFPS closes WorkFirst cash assistance by:
Staff must also make sure that the family receives other types of public assistance benefits they may qualify for, like Basic Food or Washington Apple Health. Encourage participants who file an administrative hearing and request continued benefits to re-apply and meet participation requirements in case they lose the hearing.
If an NCS reduction penalty goes beyond 10 months, input the appropriate "delay reason" code in ACES 3G.
When the participant agrees to engage in WorkFirst activities to cure their sanction, WorkFirst staff:
For further information about processing non-compliance sanctions see:
Note: If a participant re-applies, is determined financially eligible, and their case closed due to NCS Termination prior to July 1, 2021, TANF/SFA opens without any NCS penalty or cure requirement.
Legal References:
The Non-Compliance Sanction Policy section is divided in three separate sub-sections:
A participant may reapply for TANF cash assistance or State Family Assistance by filing a new application. Unless the participant is unable to participate, they must participate 4 weeks (28 days) in a row before they are approved for cash assistance. The participant receiving the NCS penalty may be eligible for CEAP while they meet the participation requirement (see Section
Participants closed for non-compliance sanction (NCS) may qualify for CEAP. They're eligible to apply for CEAP under the same rules as other applicants.
To determine eligibility and authorize benefits follow the CEAP eligibility and procedures described under WAC 388-436-0015.
If TANF/SFA is closing after ten months of NCS reduction and an application is received before the NCS termination date:
After the participant completes an interview and staff determines financial eligibility, the WorkFirst Program Specialist (WFPS) or WorkFirst Social Service Specialist (WFSSS) determines if they're able to participate.
When a participant applies after the NCS termination, the intake worker:
Once that decision is made, the ACES WorkFirst Participation - TANF Pending (85-06) letter is updated as needed. Once the participant is in pending status, they appear on the 'NCS Reapplicant report' on the Caseload Management Report. Only the participant who caused the termination appears on the report.
The participant must participate, if able, four weeks (28 consecutive days) in a row before they're eligible for cash benefits.
If the participant is able to participate, the WFPS/WFSSS:
If both participants in a 2-parent household refused to participate and caused their case to close, both participants need to meet the 28-day participation requirement. The application shouldn't be approved until both participants meet this requirement.
Day one of participation begins when the participant completes the Re-engagement appointment and their IRP. Excused absences count towards meeting the 28-day requirement. If TANF is closing at the end of the month due to NCS termination, participation in month 10 of NCS reduction should be credited towards meeting the 4-week participation requirement. WFPS/WFSSS must follow comprehensive evaluation and Pathway Development Tool (PDT) guidelines in WorkFirst Handbook 3.2.1 and every time a participant reapplies for benefits.
After the comprehensive evaluation, any needed assessment, and Sanction Re-engagement interview is completed, the participant must be referred to other approved activities until the full 4 weeks (28 days) of participation is completed.
WorkFirst staff track when the four week participation requirement is met. TANF benefits start on the date the participant meets all other financial eligibility factors.
When an applicant has stopped participating, deny the application if there wasn't a good reason for interrupting participation. The applicant can contact WorkFirst staff if they want a reconsideration of the denied application.
Good cause may be established if the participant is determined unable to perform the required WorkFirst activities or if significant barriers outside their control prevented participation as described under WAC 388-310-1600(3). Good cause that may be considered include:
Non-participation because of unexcused absences isn't considered a good cause unless there is a significant circumstance outside the participant's control (such as family violence or hospitalization). This circumstance must suggest a good reason why the applicant stopped participation.
If the WFPS/WFSSS determines good cause exists, the excused days will count towards the participant's cure period. For example, a participant stops participating on March 7th, which is the 6th day of the 28-day period. On March 12th, it is determined that good reason exists and the participant will start to participate again on March 15th. March 15th is now day 14 of participation of the 28-day period.
If the WFPS/WFSSS decides that no participation is required and the participant meets an exemption criteria, approve the application if otherwise determined financially eligible.
When the applicant meets the participation requirement, remove the SA or SN code from eJAS and approve the application back to the date financial eligibility was met.
Follow the NCS process in section 3.5.1- Entering Non-Compliance Sanction (NCS); the participant has two months of NCS without reduction and ten months of NCS reduction to complete four consecutive weeks of participation or the case closes again for NCS.
Applicants who closed due to the NCS Termination penalty must meet with WFPS/WFSSS to develop an IRP to complete a 4-week (28 days) WorkFirst participation requirement. Once the participant’s NCS reapplication is in pending status, they appear on the 'NCS Reapplicant report' on the Caseload Management Report. Only the participant who caused the NCS termination appear on the report.
For further information about processing NCS reapplications or Basic Food Work Requirements see:
Revised on: January 30, 2025
The Infant, Toddler, and Post-Partum Time Limit Extension (TLE) begins July 1, 2024.
WorkFirst staff will process the Infant/Toddler/Post-Partum TLE in eJAS for applicants/recipients as follows:
TANF time limit policy has two separate sub-sections:
Section 3.6.1 Time Limit Extensions describes how to make TANF/SFA time limit extension decisions. This section includes:
Section 3.6.2 – Time Limit Extension Reviews describes how to maintain an approved TANF time limit extension case.
Adults in the assistance unit can receive 60 months of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or State Family Assistance (SFA) in their lifetime. For adults who qualify for a TANF/SFA time limit hardship extension, cash assistance may extend past 60 months.
As of July 1, 2023, the 60-month time limit no longer applies to ineligible parents (SSI, disqualified or undocumented parent) during months they receive TANF/SFA for their children.
See EA-Z manual, TANF/SFA Time Limits and Indian Country Disregard for more details about:
ACES will send the Re-Certification letter (027-01) to an adult participant or an adult recipient when they reach 48 months of cash assistance. The letter includes information on the 60-month time limit and lists all months of TANF/SFA assistance received for each adult in the household, including Tribal TANF months received. Staff determines whether the adult recipient qualifies for a time limit hardship extension before they reach 60 months of TANF/SFA.
ACES uses the following definitions to track each adult’s months on TANF/SFA, list each countable month as an adult recipient month and indicate whether the case is closed or extended under the adult recipient:
An adult recipient is an adult who is receiving benefits in a TANF/SFA assistance unit. The adult recipient may be the parent or relative caregiver.
An ineligible parent is a non-recipient parent who is receiving a TANF/SFA grant only for their child(ren) due to citizenship or legal status, or receiving SSI income. Ineligible parents are not subject to the TANF time limit and are to be automatically approved for a TANF time limit extension by staff.
The TANF/SFA assistance unit (AU) closes once an adult recipient in the AU has 60 countable TANF/SFA months unless the adult qualifies for a time limit extension, or as the examples below provide, they meet the ineligible parent approval.
Examples of Ineligible Parent households:
An indicator appears in the eJAS demographic screen and the Time Limit Extension tool becomes available when an adult in the AU reaches 56 months of cash assistance.
An adult recipient appears on the CLMR in eJAS when they reach 58 months of TANF/SFA notifying the Case Manager they are nearing the 60-month time limit. Each parent in a two-parent household appears separately on the CLMR when they reach 58 months.
The Case Manager schedules an appointment with the adult recipient using the ACES Online General Appointment Letter (50-05) or eJAS appointment letter, to complete the time limit hardship extension review between month 58 and 60. Include in the letter:
"Our records show you've used [number] months of TANF/SFA. To receive more than 60 months of TANF/SFA, you must qualify for a time limit hardship extension. I need to meet with you on [date /time] to determine if you will qualify for a time limit extension and/or review your plans for supporting your family if your case closes. You may bring a person of your choosing to the appointment."
At this appointment, we'll discuss if you have changes or updates to the following:
We must have verification that you qualify for a time limit extension. Please bring any new verification with you. We can also help you get information that might allow us to approve an extension."
Give the adult recipient 10 calendar days of adequate notice for the scheduled appointment.
To complete the time limit extension appointment, parent may contact the Case Manager:
Note: An adult recipient can ask for a different appointment time if needed.
The Case manager documents when an adult recipient waives the 10-day notice and provide an eJAS appointment letter reflecting when the time limit extension hardship appointment occurred.
The entire assistance unit is ineligible for TANF/SFA when an adult recipient in the assistance unit receives 60 months of TANF/SFA, unless the adult recipient qualifies for a time limit hardship extension.
The entire assistance unit remains eligible for TANF/SFA if at least one parent has 60 months or more and qualifies for an extension.
A caregiver relative who doesn't live with the child’s parent and has 60 months or more of TANF/SFA may choose to receive a child-only grant as allowed under WAC 388-408-0025(2)(c). There are no time limits for child-only TANF cases.
An adult recipient may qualify for a time limit extension (See the Time Limit Hardship Extension chart) when the adult recipient:
Base the determinations for time limit extensions on whether the adult recipient meets the criteria for an extension. See the Time Limit Hardship Extensions Chart for more details about the extension categories, criteria, required documentation, participation requirements and review cycle.
Homeless TLE examples:
1. Rita was approved for a 6-month TLE due to experiencing homelessness. She participated with her local coordinated entry provider and obtained housing three months into her TLE. Rita reported to her Case Manager she established housing at the third month. Her Case Manager let her know she had three months remaining left in her extension, and at month 6, unless she meets another hardship TLE category, her grant will close.
2. Steven was approved for a TLE due to experiencing homelessness. At month 6, Steven was still unable to find housing. He met with his Case Manager and completed a new TLE review, where it was determined he had engaged in activities to work towards locating stable housing. Due to meeting the homeless TLE requirements, he now qualifies for an additional 6 months. A new IRP was developed with his Case Manager, which requires Steven to continue to participate in activities to secure stable housing.
Homeless TLE examples for households who are homeless or caring for a homeless child as defined by the McKinney-Vento Act:
High Unemployment Rate TLE Approval Examples:
High Unemployment Rate TLE Denial Example:
TANF/SFA ends when an adult recipient no longer meets TANF/SFA eligibility criteria including TLE requirements, during their extension time period.
The adult recipient may be able to access free clinics, or, if the parent is already seeing a doctor, WorkFirst staff can purchase a report or a full medical exam.
Give the adult recipient the Missing Verification for Interview (0023-01) pend letter requesting medical evidence using the same timeframes used for all other time limit cases with the following text:
“You must provide documentation of your [or your child or adult relative’s] mental, physical, emotional or cognitive impairment and your ability to engage in work from a source such as one of the primary medical professionals or supplemental medical evidence described in WAC 388-447-0005.
Medical documentation must include:
The system uses the same medical evidence fee schedule as Aged, Blind and Disabled (ABD) program. See the Social Services Manual – Medical Evidence Requirements and Fee Schedule section for more information on how to process these payments.
When an adult recipient with 60 months of TANF/SFA declares family violence issues, WorkFirst staff:
Uses the same verification requirements as the Division of Child Support (DCS) Good Cause process to document the family violence. Verification may include one of the following:
Documents family violence information in the eJAS family violence note type (but not on any eJAS or ACES letters). Offers a referral to the on-site or community based family violence advocate.
The adult recipient may pursue the time limit extension without filing a DCS Good Cause claim. Encourages the adult recipient to request DCS Good Cause if establishing and/or collecting cash and/or medical support may result in serious physical or emotional harm to the child or adult recipient.
An adult recipient must follow a family violence service plan developed by a person trained in family violence services to be eligible for the family violence time limit extension. An on-site advocate or a trained Case Manager can create a family violence plan.
An adult recipient living with an abuser may be approved for a family violence time limit extension. Develop a family violence service plan the adult recipient can follow safely if living with the abuser. Connect the adult recipient to an on-site or local family violence advocate where appropriate for the family’s safety.
Family violence can also occur in a two-parent assistance unit. Use office protocol to interview parents separately (see WFHB 6.5.6). WorkFirst staff should omit any direct references to family or domestic violence in eJAS notes or the IRP for confidentiality.
An adult recipient can complete a family violence service plan with a family violence advocate whenever possible. They can also complete a temporary service plan requiring a service plan within 30 days of creating a temporary plan (up to 90 days with a supervisor approval). A Case Manager trained in family violence can complete the plan if the adult recipient parent does not want to complete a plan with a family violence advocate. The family violence service plan must be listed in the IRP as a condition of remaining eligible for a family violence time limit extension.
Creates a reasonable and safe plan for adult recipients, drawing on locally available resources. Documents the adult recipient's family violence plan in eJAS family violence case notes.
See the Social Services manual, Good Cause chapter, and the WorkFirst Handbook, Section 6.5, Family Violence, for more information about DCS Good Cause verification requirements and family violence.
Contact the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) to determine if the family has an open child welfare case and work collaboratively with them to address the family needs from both the child welfare system and the WorkFirst program. For a family who may have an open tribal child welfare case, send the adult recipient parent’s name and eJAS ID to WorkFirst program managers Sarah Mintzer with a cc to Sarah Garcia to determine eligibility for a TLE.
Approve an adult recipient parent for a child in dependency TLE if:
Document in eJAS any DCYF/tribal child welfare court ordered dependency considerations or actions and the actions taken on case including forwarding tribal child welfare cases to WorkFirst Program Managers noted above.
DCYF or tribal child welfare involved families may be required to do counseling or treatment activities to help keep their families together. Add these activities as WorkFirst participation requirements appropriately.
Involve DCYF or tribal child welfare in case staffing, assessments, and any intensive work with the family during a child dependency TLE to create joint plans that will meet the family’s needs.
WorkFirst staff determines if the adult recipient qualifies for a time limit hardship extension. WorkFirst staff are approved to authorize WorkFirst support services per WAC 388-310-0800(1)(a).
Prior to the TLE appointment, review the case for evidence of potential eligibility for an extension and identify:
Determines TLE eligibility during the appointment by:
When reviewing the adult recipient's medical evidence, if it doesn't meet the WorkFirst severity and duration requirements, refer adult recipient parent to the TLE disability evaluation process using the Disability Determination section of the Social Services Manual.
For each adult recipient, the eJAS time limit extension tool must be completed. Please see Time Limit Extension Decisions- Step-by-step guide for complete process.
When an adult recipient doesn't meet the criteria for an extension, generate a TLE denial letter after completing the eJAS tool. Add the appropriate text to the time limit denial letter using the eJAS template text or as shown on the Time Limit Hardship Extensions Chart describing the evidence the WorkFirst staff took into consideration when making the TLE decision. Notify the adult recipient parent if they only meet some of the criteria needed to qualify. Save the eJAS denial letter or print for translation, if needed. Don’t mail the letter until the adult recipient reaches 60 months of TANF/SFA assistance to ensure the worker mails the eJAS and ACES letters are mailed at the same time.
When an adult recipient qualifies for an extension, eJAS automatically enters the TLE code(s) 4-11 in the TLE tool. When an adult recipient qualifies for more than one time limit extension, ACES automatically allows the longest extension. When both parents in a two-parent TANF/SFA assistance unit have 60 months or more and one is approved for an extension while the other is denied, approval overrides the denial in ACES and TANF/SFA remains open for the entire AU. The ACES notice reflects the information for the approved TLE.
Enter the TLE decision into eJAS before the end of an adult recipient’s 60 months, whenever possible, to avoid overpayments. ACES generates a 10-day notice letter in month 60 to close or extend TANF/SFA assistance based on the time limit extension decision. See, How do I send the time limit decision notices to the adult recipient, for additional processing instructions.
When an adult recipient doesn't qualify for a TLE, provide the following information regarding additional support to the family:
If necessary, explain the process for obtaining additional medical or other needed evidence.
Add explanatory text to the eJAS TLE decision letter when there isn't enough evidence to qualify for a time limit extension. View the Time Limit Hardship Extensions Chart.
If the adult recipient doesn't qualify for an extension, eJAS passes information to ACES on a real-time basis and enters the extension reason 13 in ACES. Cases close once reason 13 in eJAS is populated in ACES and the parent has reached 60-months.
ACES generates a 10-day notice to close the case by the end of the 60th month and an extension denial is entered into the eJAS TLE tool. See, How do I send the time limit decision notices to the adult recipient, for additional processing instructions.
Process and send out English ACES and eJAS denial notices in one envelope. Approved time limit extension require no action. ACES generates and, as needed, translates the approval notices.
Translated TLE denial letters require the following action:
An adult recipient may request an administrative hearing if they receive 60 months of TANF/SFA and their case terminates, or they don’t agree with the months used towards their 60-month lifetime limit.
When an adult recipient is eligible for continued benefits per the EAZ manual, Fair Hearing- Pending Continued Benefits, the Administrative Hearing Coordinator notifies the Case Manager to approve an administrative hearing (#12) TLE in the eJAS TLE tool. Use the first month the case will remain open pending an administrative hearing decision as the start date in the eJAS tool, approve the extension in three-month increments and reinstate the case. ACES keeps the case open and sends a notice.
The Administrative Hearing Coordinator conducts the hearing and finalizes the decision, processing the case per the EAZ Manual, Fair Hearing-The Decision.
"You requested an administrative hearing on [date] to contest [your TANF months/TANF time limit extension denial]. We continued TANF benefits on your case pending an administrative hearing decision. The Department's action was upheld on [date] and you no longer qualify for TANF continued benefits. WAC 388-418-0020 and 388-458-0040."
An adult recipient's circumstances may change or the adult recipient may be able to provide more evidence of time limit extension eligibility. Examples could include the following; a medical condition may worsen, they may disclose family violence, they may become homeless, or they may increase their hours at work.
When an adult recipient doesn't qualify for a TLE and offers more or new evidence before we close their case:
Once the new evidence is received, re-determine eligibility for a TLE. If the parent fails to provide the requested information by the date on the IRP or a Missing Verification for Interview (0023-01) pend letter, review the case and determine eligibility based on the information in the adult recipient’s case record.
Use the eJAS TLE tool to document the decision. Translate the eJAS TLE decision letter as needed, adding any needed details per the eJAS time limit denial letter template or the Time Limit Hardship Extension Chart, if the adult recipient remains ineligible.
A pregnant adult recipient may choose to explore additional months of benefits before their TANF case closes due to time limits. WorkFirst staff must obtain necessary information for TANF or Pregnant Women Assistance (PWA) eligibility immediately by:
Completing a TANF Time Limit Extension Review to screen for any further TLE hardship criteria.
Follows the TLE process:
After the Supervisory/Designee reviews the case, and the TLE is denied, then WorkFirst staff follow CSD Procedure "Pregnant Women Assistance (PWA)" for next steps to approve the case for PWA.
An applicant may reapply at any time for cash assistance after termination of benefits due to time limits, including when they have new evidence or a change of circumstance (e.g., a new, serious medical condition) that may qualify them for a time limit extension.
All needy applicants at or over 60 months of TANF/SFA cash assistance must have a Time Limit Extension (TLE) review completed by WorkFirst staff. TLE reviews for TANF applicants require a number of communications between Case Managers and financial staff, see CSD Procedure Handbook "Processing a Request for TANF Cash when Household Exceeds 60 months," for additional details on the procedure of completing the TLE. The goal is to help the applicant explore their needs and if eligible for a TLE, extend their aid.
If the applicant states they believe they meet TLE criteria, WorkFirst staff would explore the applicant's needs and complete the TLE tool in eJAS. WorkFirst staff need to reference the Time Limit Hardship Extensions Chart to determine if the applicant meets any of the TLE criteria- include all that apply to the applicant.
Disability Determination:
Kai is over their 60 months and reapplies for TANF/SFA due to losing their job. Kai stated they have a disability that keeps them from participating in employment related activities and needs care from family members to complete daily activities of living. Kai is finding challenges getting into a provider and doesn't have objective medical evidence at this time. Kai has been out of work now for over 6 months and has exhausted their unemployment benefits. Kai believes their medical condition is a disability. The Case Manager looks in the ECR and doesn't find objective medical evidence. Kai doesn't have an established provider. The Case Manager refers Kai to the Disability Specialist to complete the Disability Determination through the Sequential Evaluation process (SEP process,) to determine if Kai meets the "Disabled Adult" TLE criteria. The Disability Specialist will complete the SEP process and communicate back to the Case Manager the determination. See CSD Procedure Handbook, "Processing a Request for TANF Cash when Household Exceeds 60 months" for steps to complete this process.
Infant, Toddler, or Post-Partum:
Kate is reapplying for TANF cash assistance and she has already used 60 months of assistance. Kate just had a baby a week ago, can't return to employment and doesn't have any medical leave from her place of employment. Kate reports she meets no other TLE criteria, she has exhausted her IE/TE days, and will return to work after her post-partum weeks have ended. Kate is approved for a post-partum TLE until her 12 weeks are exhausted.
Family violence & Homeless:
May is applying for TANF cash assistance and has exhausted their 60 months. They have been in an on and off again relationship with a partner, not the father of the child. May needs to see a family violence advocate to discuss family violence services now that they have left the home they shared with their abuser. May and their child are homeless, living in their car and need resources and connection to their local Coordinated Entry provider in their county. Due to the CSO not having an onsite Family Violence Advocate, a Case Manager completes a family violence service plan (FVSP) with May to connect with an advocate within 90 days to develop a more concrete FVSP. May develops an IRP with the Case Manager to connect with a Family Violence Advocate and connect with their local Coordinated Entry provider for housing needs. The Case Manager approves the family Violence TLE category.
At the TLE meeting with an adult applicant, WorkFirst staff completes the following actions:
To review TLE denial decisions, the supervisor or designee:
If the supervisor/designee agrees with the TLE denial decision they:
1. In the TLE Decision section, within the eJAS TLE tool, reviews and checks all of the boxes below in agreement:
2. Adds notes in the "comments" section at the bottom of the tool, stating the TLE has been reviewed and they agree with the TLE denial, resulting in denial of benefits.
If the supervisor/designee agrees with the TLE denial, the Case Manager:
Note: The letter must be printed from the TLE tool and sent to the adult parent to deny the TLE. Printing prompts the systems to deny the benefits.
If the Case Manager does any of the following actions:
The letter will not print and a decision will generate regardless, denying TANF/SFA for No Extension without proper notice.
See CSD Procedure Handbook "Processing a Request for TANF Cash when Household Exceeds 60 months," for additional details on the procedure to complete the TLE.
If the supervisor/designee disagrees with the TLE denial, the supervisor/designee:
In the TLE Decision Section in eJAS, within the TLE tool, reviews and checks applicable boxes:
If the supervisor/designee disagrees with the TLE denial, the Case Manager:
See CSD Procedure Handbook "Processing a Request for TANF Cash when Household Exceeds 60 months," for additional details.
After the TLE interview/appointment, if the applicant shares with WorkFirst staff they have a health issue(s) that interferes with their ability to do work related activities, WorkFirst staff follow the CSD procedure "Processing a Request for TANF cash When Household Exceeds 60 Months," section (e) When the Case Planner can't determine that the TLE can be approved or denied.
If an applicant shares they have a health issue(s) that interferes with their ability to do work related activities during the TLE interview, the Case Manager:
When receiving a Barcode tickle for Time Limit Extension Denial Letter needing translation, the Case Manager:
Refers to the ACES processing Procedure "Processing a Request for TANF Cash when Household Exceeds 60 month," for additional information.
Revised on: October 11, 2024
The Infant, Toddler, and Post-Partum Time Limit Extension (TLE) begins July 1, 2024.
WorkFirst staff will process the Infant/Toddler/Post-Partum TLE in eJAS for applicants and recipients as follows:
The Ineligible Parent Hardship Time Limit Extension (TLE) approval process continues as follows:
Legal References:
The TANF time limit policy is divided in two separate sub-sections:
Section 3.6.1 – Time Limit Extensions describes how to make TANF/SFA time limit extension decisions.
Section 3.6.2 - Time Limit Extension Reviews how to maintain the case once a TANF time limit extension is approved. This section includes:
An adult recipient’s circumstances may change once they are approved for a time limit extension. If this occurs WorkFirst staff:
Example: An adult recipient is approved for a disability and an SSI extension. Then the adult recipient is no longer required to pursue SSI, WorkFirst staff would complete the eJAS tool to re-approve the disability time limit extension only. Since the adult recipient is still eligible for an extension, there is no need to create an eJAS denial letter for the closed SSI related extension.
Example: WorkFirst staff are notified that the adult recipient’s employment hours have changed and dropped below 32 hours per week. WorkFirst staff first check to see if the adult recipient already meets any other extension criteria. If not, WorkFirst staff would schedule the adult recipient for a new TLE review appointment. If at the new TLE appointment, the adult recipient doesn’t meet any other extension criteria, the WorkFirst staff would deny the TLE.
Adult recipients with an approved time limit extension must participate in WorkFirst activities required in their IRP. TLE categories that fall under the sanction process, if the participant stops engaging in their required activity, under WAC 388‑310‑1600, are included below:
See the next section for information on time limit extensions for those approved for a TLE based on the following criteria and the participant ends up not engaging in required WorkFirst activities:
See the following resources for additional information:
To qualify for a family violence time limit extension, the adult recipient must participate in activities needed to address the family violence issues according to a service plan developed by a person trained in family violence. When the person stops following their family violence service plan, and refuses to participate, the person would no longer qualify for the extension.
When a Case Manager is notified that the participant is not participating in their family violence service plan the Case Manager:
If the adult recipient is closed for no time limit extension, later reapplies and now agrees to participate in their family violence plan or activities to obtain stable housing, the extension can be re-approved. Adult recipients’ cases are reviewed to determine if they need to participate for 28 days and cure their sanction.
To qualify for a homeless time limit extension, the adult recipient must participate in activities to achieve stable housing. These activities must be developed in coordination with a housing provider or other available resources. The adult recipient must comply with a housing plan, completed by a housing provider, if available. If the adult recipient parent stops participating with their IRP requirements, they will no longer qualify for the homeless extension.
When a Case Manager is notified that the participant stopped participating in activities to achieve stable housing the Case Manager:
If the adult recipient is closed for no time limit extension, later reapplies and now agrees to participate in their housing plan, the extension can be re-approved. Adult recipient's cases are reviewed to determine if they need to participate for 28 days and cure their sanction in order to receive a full grant.
If the case closes for no time limit extension (229 exceeds the time limit) and the non-compliance sanction (252 NCS process) in the same month, the NCS case closure overrides the time limit case closure in ACES and the adult will be required to participate for four weeks, if able, before TANF can be approved.
To qualify for the Infant, Toddler, or Post-Partum time limit extension, the applicant/recipient must have:
The recipient must complete a pregnancy to employment assessment with a Case Manager. If during the assessment the Case Manager recommends the recipient is required to participate in a substance use assessment/counseling and/or a mental health assessment/counseling, the recipient must follow through with those mandatory activities. If the adult recipient stops participating with their required IRP activities, they will no longer qualify for the Infant, Toddler, and Post-Partum time limit extension.
If a Case Manager is notified that a participant has stopped participating in required substance use or mental health counseling while in the Infant, Toddler, or Post-Partum time limit extension, the Case Manager:
If an adult recipient closed for no time limit extension, later reapplies and agrees to participate in their required activities, the extension can be re-approved. Adult recipient's cases are reviewed to determine if they need to participate for 28 days and cure their sanction in order to receive a full grant.
Cases with an approved time limit extension (TLE) appear on the CLMR two months before the current extension is slated to end. Case Managers begin the review process as quickly as possible as it may take some time for the adult recipient to provide updated evidence, such as medical evidence for themselves or a disabled family member.
The Case Manager, based on a family's circumstances:
Prior to a TLE Review appointment:
At the TLE review appointment with the adult recipient, the Case Manager:
To review, TLE denial decisions, the supervisor or designee:
If the supervisor/designee agrees with the TLE denial decision they:
1. In the TLE Decision section of the eJAS TLE tool, reviews and check all of the boxes below in agreement:
2. Adds notes in the "comments" section at the bottom of the tool, stating the TLE has been reviewed and they agree with the TLE denial, resulting in termination of benefits.
3. Selects the "agree" button and "ok" on the pop-up that follows. When 'ok' is selected the case appears on the CLMR section #2- TLE No Extension Report for the Case Manager to complete the final actions on the case.
If the supervisor/designee agrees with the TLE denial, the Case Manager:
If the Case Manager does any of the following actions:
The letter will not print and a decision will generate regardless, denying TANF/SFA for No Extension without proper notice.
See CSD Procedure Handbook "Processing a Request for TANF Cash when Household Exceeds 60 months," for additional details to complete the TLE.
If the supervisor/designee disagrees with the denial, the supervisor/designee:
If the supervisor/designee disagrees with the TLE denial the the Case Manager:
See CSD Procedure Handbook "Processing a Request for TANF Cash when Household Exceeds 60 months," for additional details.
Note: The supervisor/designee's decision reason is indicated by the unchecked boxes in the eJAS TLE tool, stating what was missed in the TLE review process. For example, if the following boxes were left unchecked, they need to be followed up on by the Case Manager:
During or after the TLE review appointment, if the recipient shares they have a health issue(s) that interferes with their ability to do work related activities, the Case Manager:
If the adult recipient stops participating as required, the Case Manager:
When the current time limit extension is due to expire, the Case Manager:
After the TLE review appointment, if the recipient shares they have a health issue(s) that interferes with their ability to do work related activities, WorkFirst staff follow CSD Procedure "Processing a Request for TANF Cash when Household Exceeds 60 months."
The Federal Participation Requirements section includes:
Revised February 27, 2018
The federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) requires States to report actual hours of participation and be able to show that all reported activities were countable, supervised, documented and verified according to federal specifications. States also face new federal restrictions on the types of activities we can count towards participation.
States must also have a system of internal controls in place by October 1, 2007 to ensure they accurately report participation data to the federal government. Washington's system of internal controls, WorkFirst Quality Assurance, is described in section 3.7.3.
This section describes the federal participation verification requirements, when they apply and the Work Verification Plan.
While there are many factors in determining the Work Participation Rate (WPR), the table below shows the basic federal work participation requirements for individual work participation.
Work-Eligible TANF Recipients |
Federal Work Participation Requirements |
1. Each participant unless they meet the criteria in #2-6 in this chart |
30 hrs/wk with 20 hrs/core |
2. Recipient parents in a two-parent household who qualify for the two-parent options (see 1.2.3) |
Combined hours of both parents 35 hrs/wk with 3o hrs/core |
3. Single parent/caregiver with a child under 6 |
20 hrs/wk core |
4. Participants claiming the Infant Exemption or who are pregnant in 3rd trimester |
None *Exempt when child is less than one year old if they haven’t used 365 days in their lifetime. |
5. Teen head of households (age 18 or 19 years of age) that don’t have a High School Diploma or GED |
Maintaining satisfactory attendance in a secondary school or the equivalent. |
6. Unmarried pregnant or parenting minors (age 17 and younger); except between infant’s birth and turning 12 weeks old |
Maintaining satisfactory attendance in a secondary school or the equivalent |
Please see section 1.2 for state work requirements.
We monitor all participation to make sure parents are following their Individual Responsibility Plan and getting the services and activities they need to progress. Under the new federal rules, however, we will need to take additional steps for unpaid core and non-core activities to document and report that the parent participated as required.
The chart below shows the additional federal requirements for unpaid core and non-core activities.
These requirements don't apply to paid core activities: employment, self-employment, Community Jobs, Career Jump, on-the-job training, WIA paid WEX (coded as PT or FT in eJAS) and work study. The hours of paid core activities will be collected using ACES data and verified as required under the WorkFirst eligibility rules. The average weekly hours of employment will be calculated in ACES and displayed in eJAS so every WorkFirst partner will know how many employment hours we are reporting to the federal government.
Requirements for All WorkFirst Activities |
Additional Federal Requirements for Unpaid Core and Non-core Activities |
Set IRP requirements and record the scheduled hours of participation on the eJAS component code screen. | Document, then report, how many of the scheduled hours the parent actually participated each month. |
Providers/partners monitor participation. | Providers/partners must document actual hours of participation in a State-approved format on a regular basis and be able to produce the documentation upon request. |
Don't count non-job search travel time as participation. | |
Activity/Job Search Logs document on and off-site job search activities. | |
Providers/partners confirm the parent participated each month no later than the 10th of the following month. | Providers/partners report actual hours of participation in eJAS (including non-contracted activities). |
Providers/partners excuse absences if the parent is unable to attend scheduled activities. | Providers with eJAS access must document and report hours of excused absence. |
Providers/partners report unexcused absences immediately. | Providers with eJAS access must also report hours of unexcused absence. |
Parents aren't asked to make up hours missed due to absences. | Parents are asked to make up missed hours, as possible, by the end of the month. |
Each contractor or partner documents and reports participation for the activities they directly provide. Partners must obtain documentation and do the eJAS reporting for non-contracted activities as follows:
DSHS staff will use the eJAS WorkFirst participation verification form to document participation in non-contracted activities. These forms will not collect information about absences and school breaks, so eJAS reporting in these areas are not required.
DRA only allows States to report documented, actual hours of participation. At the same time, DRA created other rules to compensate for the "actual hour" rules. For example, since FLSA limits how many hours of community service and work experience States can require, DRA allows States to "deem" a parent's core activity requirement met as long as s/he participates the maximum allowable hours.
DRA also allows States to count excused absences and holidays as participation. WorkFirst will claim the following absences and holidays towards participation:
DRA limits the number of excused absences we can count towards participation to 10 a year, with no more than 2 absences in any given month. Many parents will likely need more excused absences than this over the course of the year.
For excused absences step-by-step, please refer to Monitoring Participation - Step by Step Guide.
We treat excused and unexcused absences differently. With excused absences, the determination we need to make is whether the parent is in the right activity and whether we need to negotiate a new activity. For unexcused absences, we need to follow the current good cause process to determine the reason the parent is not participating, while ensuring the parent has the opportunity to reengage quickly.
In either case, after 2 absences, the WorkFirst partner/provider (excluding ESD) will send an immediate notification to the case worker. ESD will contact the WFPS (either by phone, email, etc) and document the contact.
For Excused Absences, the WorkFirst partner/provider will then:
This allows the parent to remain in the activity while the service provider, case manager and parent have an opportunity to discuss if participation in this activity is appropriate. This is also consistent with current policy to have continuing conversations with parents and service providers to ensure parents are engaged in appropriate activities.
For Unexcused Absences, the WorkFirst partner/provider will then:
This allows the parent to remain in the activity while the service provider, case manager and parent, when possible, have an opportunity to discuss whether participation in this activity is appropriate.
If it is decided that the activity is not appropriate for the parent, the WorkFirst partner/provider will refer the parent back to DSHS.
The Case Manager will:
Note: Immediate notification allows the activity to remain open and appointments to be rescheduled while notifying the case manager of the presenting issue that is being addressed.
For how to treat excused and unexcused absences step-by-step, please refer to section - Monitoring Participation, Step-by-Step Guide.
For more information on how ESD treats excused and unexcused absences, please refer to section 4.1.5 - What are participation requirements? Or section 4.1.11 Career Scope Services Step-by-Step Guide.
DRA requires each state to submit a Work Verification Plan describing how the State will comply with federal participation verification requirements. The plan must be approved by the federal government and amended, as needed, to reflect changes in our participation verification procedures and rules.
Washington State's Work Verification Plan describes:
Federal auditors will read to the WorkFirst Work Verification Plan to determine if we are out of compliance with federal participation verification requirements. Failure to comply with our approved plan results in an up to five percent reduction in our federal block grant.
Revised on: September 20, 2021
The Documenting and Reporting Participation section includes:
When we refer to "monitoring participation", we are talking about a monitoring and reporting system that makes sure WorkFirst participants are actively doing required activities. Monitoring participants in their WorkFirst activities is a key element in ensuring strengthened accountability.
WorkFirst participants benefit from this strengthened accountability because it will help them model the type of behavior that is required by employers. Close monitoring, and learning to come in or call in to scheduled activities, will help participants build transferable skills for the workplace.
As we monitor participation, partner agencies, contractors and non-contracted service providers will be following the same basic guidelines to report attendance, participation and progress for WorkFirst participants:
All partners and contractors must report whether a participant is participating and progressing satisfactorily each month, as follows:
Satisfactory participation means the participant is actively involved in doing the required activities. Satisfactory progress means that the participant is making gains, learning new skills, and becoming more employable.
The WFPS and WFSSS also access eJAS ad-hoc, the Client Accountability Report (CAR) and the Caseload Management Report (CLMR) each day to track whether a participant has had an unexcused absence or has been referred back via eJAS.
WFPSs or WFSSSs monitors participation on a regular and consistent basis. If the participant is working with a contractor or partner agency, participation and progress reporting occurs electronically through eJAS. If the participant is working with a non-contracted service provider, the participation and progress information from the eJAS WorkFirst participation verification form is be input into eJAS by the WFPS or WFSSS by the 15 th of each month for the previous month's activity.
You can find information about how partners document and report participation in the Employment Services, WorkFirst Training, LEP Pathways, Supported Work and Community Jobs sections. The remainder of this section describes how to document and report participation in contracted and non-contracted services.
We must document excused absences and actual hours of participation for unpaid core and non-core activities. Under federal rules, we must obtain written documentation in a State-approved format, such as time sheets or attendance records, to verify the specific hours of attendance by each participant in scheduled activities. Non-contracted providers must document participation by filling out an eJAS WorkFirst participation verification each form each month.
Partners and contractors must also document their approval of excused absences in eJAS notes. The eJAS note should describe why the participant was unable to attend his or her scheduled activity, the date of absence and the hours absent.
The eJAS notes, time sheets, attendance records and eJAS forms become the source documents for participation reporting in eJAS. In addition, documentation must be held by the provider, contractor or partner agency for at least 30 months so it is available for state or federal audits.
eJAS Note Redaction Procedure
If a note has been entered in eJAS in error, or in an inappropriate note type, the note must be redacted.
eJAS note Redaction Step by Step
The service provider documents the participants' attendance in the program and report any unexcused absences within one business day to the WFPS or WFSSS via eJAS. The WFPS or WFSSS starts the good cause determination and starts the sanction process, if appropriate, when a participant exceeds the allowable limit for unexcused absences.
By the 10th of each month, contractors must report to the WFPS or WFSSS, via eJAS, to confirm the participant's progress (when required) and participation for the previous month's unpaid core or non-core activity. Participation for community jobs, career jump, on-the-job training and work study participation is collected from ACES earnings data.
Specifically, the contractor reports:
For excused absences, contractors and partners report regularly scheduled hours missed due to excused absences, listing the date of the absence and the number of hours missed on that date. If the participant only misses part of a day, enter actual hours and excused absence hours separately in eJAS. For example, a participant is scheduled to participate for 7 hours on the 12th, but gets an excused absence for 3 hours in the afternoon for a doctor's appointment. Enter 4 actual hours of participation and 3 excused absence hours for the 12th into eJAS.
For holidays, contractors report regularly scheduled hours missed due to state holidays. Holiday hours should reflect but not exceed an average of the daily hours the participant is scheduled for an activity.
For example, a participant is scheduled to participate 5 hours per day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Everyone is given 2 days off for the Thanksgiving holiday. When reporting participation for this participant:
Contractors ask participants to make up absences if possible. Any makeup time should be reflected in the contractor's documentation and entered into eJAS under actual hours of participation.
The WFPS or WFSSS receive an e-message from the contractor when an participant has an unexcused absence or is referred back electronically. When this happens:
Contracted providers are required to report unexcused absences immediately and participation/progress monthly. WorkFirst partner agencies make sure that their contractors are reporting each month, and can withhold payment if this requirement is not met.
We may refer participants to non-contracted services, such as free basic education, doctors, or various types of services from non-profit agencies. Since these providers don't have eJAS access, the WFPS or WFSSS must manually monitor participation for these cases. For unpaid core or non-core activities, the WFPS or WFSSS must also enter documented actual hours of participation into eJAS.
A standard WorkFirst Participation Verification Form is available in eJAS for these cases. This form is the tool to be used by the WFPS or WFSSS to document the participant's progress and participation in their WorkFirst activities. The form collects information about actual hours of participation but not ask for information about absences. For unpaid core or non-core activities, use DMS to store the form so this documentation can be made available to state and federal auditors.
The WFPSs or WFSSSs print the form from eJAS and give or mail the form to the participant. Add to the participant 's IRP that it is the participant's responsibility to have the service provider complete the form and return the form to the WFPS or WFSSS by the 5th of the month. The WFPS/WFSSS enters the WorkFirst participation information into eJAS by the 15th of each month for the previous month's activity.
The WFPS or WFSSS must ensure these forms are turned in each month. When these cases are set up, open the component code for 30 days if it is not a core or non-core activity. The IRP end date should be the anticipated end date of the entire activity. The IRP is not required to have the end date of the activity coincide with the date of the 30-day review. For not countable activities, eJAS reports will alert you that a monthly participation report is due based upon the end date of the component code. Core and non-core activities will appear on the WFPS or WFSSS Multiple Client Monthly Participation eJAS screen.
For non-countable activities, if the report confirms the participant is making progress, update the component code for another 30 days. The IRP must have the actual start and end date for the non-contracted activity so we can track how long the activity is supposed to last.
If the participant has a medical deferment, with written documentation from a medical provider that indicates the participant is unable to perform any activities or attend any appointments for a length of time greater than 30 days, the participant isn't required to provide the monthly reviews to the WFPS or WFSSS.
If the WorkFirst Participation Verification Form is unclear or is missing necessary information to confirm the participation is occurring, the WFPS or WFSSS contacts the non-contracted service provider to verify the information (documenting the contact's name, title, phone number and date of contact). For countable core or non-core activities, enter zero hours into eJAS if you cannot obtain actual participation hour documentation from the provider.
WorkFirst participants who are engaged in issue resolution as their WorkFirst participation must have the participant's participation reviewed every 30 days.
When an participant is receiving services from a contracted provider, the WFPS or WFSSS receives the monthly report electronically via eJAS. If the participant is in a countable X code, they appear on the WFPS or WFSSS multiple client monthly participation eJAS screen. These participants may have the "X" component code with an end date of greater than 30 days, because the reporting occurs through eJAS.
Participants who are in "X" component codes and receiving non-countable services from a non-contracted service provider must have the component code for a maximum of 30 days, the end date of the activity is used as the tickler to ensure the WorkFirst Participation Verification form has been received.
The WorkFirst partner or contractor:
Upon 2 excused or unexcused absences, sends an immediate notify via eJAS to the WFPS.
Upon 2 excused or unexcused absences, contacts the participant , if possible, and the case manager as part of the Continuous Activity Planning (CAP) process to determine whether the activity is appropriate for the participant and discuss next steps.
Excused Absence
Upon receipt of the immediate notification or contact from ESD, the WFPS:
Unexcused Absence
Upon receipt of the immediate notification or contact from ESD, the WFPS:
If it is identified that the appropriate next step would be to refer the client back, then the component can be closed (ESD will close the component and refer the participant back). The WFPS:
The WorkFirst Quality Assurance section includes:
The federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) requires States to accurately report actual hours of WorkFirst participation. States must also establish a system of internal controls to make sure they find and fix any systematic errors in the participation data they report to the federal government.
The federal government will do its own audits as well. States that are found substantially out of compliance with meeting federal participation verification requirements may lose up to five percent of their federal block grant.
WorkFirst Quality Assurance is a partnership effort to examine how well we are doing with implementing WorkFirst Forward and to create joint plans for any needed corrective action. The primary elements of WorkFirst Quality Assurance are:
The WorkFirst partnership will also use contract monitoring, staff training and local planning area coordination meetings to identify and address areas that could lead to federal errors.
Data accuracy initiatives will assess whether the data we report to the federal government is free of data input errors and omissions. The goal is to improve WorkFirst data accuracy and eliminate factors that generate errors. This proactive approach will result in fewer errors, reduce re-work and preserve federal funding.
Data accuracy initiatives will likely change over time as we review cases and identify root causes of errors. The overall strategy includes:
The federal government already reviews the WorkFirst data we send them and lets us know when they find possible errors. Examples of the errors they find are incorrect marital status or parents in sanction with no grant reduction. WorkFirst Quality Assurance has set a process in place to handle these potential errors before we submit data to reduce our risk of federal penalties. This process will:
The DSHS Office of Quality Assurance will draw a statistically valid sample of WorkFirst cases each month and work with the WorkFirst partnership to conduct case reviews. Each WorkFirst partner who provided an activity to the family will be on point to provide supporting documentation on the case.
WorkFirst Quality Assurance case record reviews will identify areas that, if left unaddressed, will lead to federal discrepancies. Key elements of the reviews include:
The case record review will also look at how well we are doing with meeting WorkFirst participation requirements. Not every parent is able to participate full-time all the time, but we do want to make sure staff understand how to stack activities correctly. We also want to determine causes and solutions when parents' actual participation does not match their scheduled hours of participation.
The WorkFirst Participation Review Committee (PRC) meets monthly to review potential problem cases from the case reviews. The idea behind the PRC is that bringing together the combined expertise of partners will help identify ways in which discrepancies may be reduced.
The PRC committee will:
The PRC will distribute case record review findings prior to each meeting. Representatives from each WorkFirst partner agency will attend the meetings, as well as information technology staff.