Chapter 4: Career Scope Services

4.1 Career Scope Phases and Processes

(Time-limited core)

Revised on: June 7, 2024

Legal references:

The Employment Services- Career Scope/Work Search section includes:

  • 4.1.1 What is Career Scope?
  • 4.1.2 What are Career Scope phases and how long do services last?
  • 4.1.3 Who is prepared to participate in Career Scope services?
  • 4.1.4 What is the referral process for Career Scope services?
  • 4.1.5 How do Career Scope Coaches support WorkFirst participants?
  • 4.1.6 What is Life Skills training as part of Career Scope activities?
  • 4.1.7 How are actual hours of participation tracked?
  • 4.1.8 What is Temporary Employment and how is it tracked?
  • 4.1.9 How are participants in a family violence situation assisted?
  • 4.1.10 What is the process for early referral back from Career Scope services?
  • 4.1.11 Career Scope services- Step-by-Step guide
  • 4.1.12 Strategies for Success (SFS) Life Skills- Step-by-Step guide for participants enrolled in Job Search.
  • 4.1.13 Step-by-Step Guide Strategies for Success (SFS) Life Skills for participants not enrolled in Job Search. 

4.1.1 What is Career Scope?

Career Scope is a four-phased WorkFirst job search, employment services, and career development pathway. Participants receive support with the completion of essential employment portfolio assets. Career Scope provides the following support to participants:

  • Provides individualized employment pathways to meet participants where they are through tools and training; Coach Assisted, Coach Supported, and Coach Supervised work search services.
  • Connects participants to "better fit" employment (expanding sectors and in-demand occupations, career ladders and benefits) through targeted job development, including on-the-job training.
  • Expands skill development and online learning opportunities.
  • Uses Strength based employment assessments to help participants identify career pathways.
  • Focuses on long-term connections with post-TANF working families through optional ongoing retention and career development services.

4.1.2 What are Career Scope phases and how long do services last?

Phase 1: Orientation and Assessment

  • The Career Scope Orientation is an overview for WorkFirst participants to learn about the benefits and responsibilities of participating in the Career Scope program. Orientation focuses on employment as a means towards self-sufficiency.
  • During Phase 1, participants complete a Employment Skills Assessment. The assessment helps determine a participant's work values, interests, work skills, and work readiness. The Career Scope Coach enters a summary of this assessment into ESD Job Search Activities in eJAS under the ESD Skills and Assets and adds a note in eJAS.

Phase 2: Asset Development

  • Participants develop the necessary tools to begin looking for work.
  • The participant is expected to complete these tools within the first two to three weeks. The Career Scope Coach enters the asset completion dates into the ESD Skills and Assets.
  • Portfolio Assets include the following:
    • Master Application
    • Resume
    • Interviewing Skills
    • 60 Second Commercial
    • Labor Market Research
  • Additional documents include in each Portfolio:
    • List of 3 references
    • Cover Letter/Thank You note examples

Phase 3: Employment Pathways

  • With the tools completed, the Career Scope Coach is able to provide an individualized approach to gaining job skills/employment. Career Scope Coaches document the participant's progress and support/coaching offered on the Participant Notes screen in eJAS.

Phase 4: Post TANF/Employment Services

  • The goal of Post TANF/Employment Services is to offer recently employed WorkFirst participants, support to maintain their employment.
  • Newly employed individuals, who were TANF recipients, remain connected to their Career Scope Coach by phone, e-mail, or through one-on-one in person sessions.
  • At multiple points during the Career Scope process, Career Scope Coaches tell participants about post-employment services to help them find full-time or stable employment.

How long do Career Scope services last?

  • Career Scope services last up to twelve weeks, divided into the three active phases and one post TANF phase for job retention and wage progression as outlined above.
  • CSD staff can approve additional Career Scope services based on participation and the recommendations of ESD Career Scope Coaches, as part of the "Continuous Activity Planning" process.
  • As mentioned above, post TANF/Employment Services are also a resource to participants after obtaining employment.

4.1.3 Who is prepared to participate in Career Scope?

Being prepared to participate in Career Scope is defined as being "work ready."

Participants referred to Career Scope services should have the following:

  • Childcare arranged, with a back-up plan.
  • Reliable transportation, including a back-up plan.
  • A current comprehensive evaluation or assessment in eJAS.
  • A picture ID and Social Security card, or if in the process of requesting a new card, verification be obtained within the first four weeks of Career Scope.

Participants referred to Career Scope should:

  • Be willing, able, and available to accept employment if offered; full time employment being the goal.
  • Participate in Career Scope either full time (FT) or part-time (PT) in combination with other work readiness or barrier removal activities described in their Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) or part time employment:
    • FT is 32-38 hours per week or
    • 20-23 hours per week for single parents with a school age child under the age of 6
    • PT is a minimum of 10 hours per week and can be combined with
      • completing the last 4 weeks of a Commerce Program's, training and/or education or;
      • participating in barrier removal activities or,
      • part-time employment.

Report into the Career Scope Coach on scheduled attendance days as set by the Career Scope Coach in person, by phone, or by email.

4.1.4 What is the referral process to Career Scope services?

WorkFirst Staff adds ESD Career Scope activities in the participant's IRP, using the RI referral code with the number of hours they agreed to participate in Job Search.

Note: The end date of the RI referral code is either the day of the appointment with ESD, or seven days, whichever comes first.

Job Search Components are as follows:

  • RI- Prepare for Job Preparation/Job Search.
  • JS- Career Scope services which include Job Preparation, Job Search.

Career Scope Services- On-the-Job training code:

  • OT- Subsidized employment in which the employer provides training to the participant that leads to full-time employment.

Career Scope Services- ESD Work Experience code:

  • WE- Placement into an unpaid activity to obtain work skills in a workplace setting. ESD does not have a contractor code.

Career Scope Services- Skills Enhancement Training code:

  • JT- Training or education for job skills required by an employer to provide an individual with the ability to obtain employment or to advance or adapt to the changing demands of the workplace. This can be customized training for a specific employer or general training to prepare for employment.
  • SW- Indicator code put in by the Case Manager when the participant is attending Strategies for Success while in a JS component.

4.1.5 How do Career Scope Coaches support WorkFirst participants?

During one-on-one meetings with participants, the Career Scope Coach:

  • Ensures the activities assigned and agreed to reflect full or part-time participation as required in the Individual Responsibility Plan.
  • Assigns participants to workshops, job clubs, short-term job skills training, and other activities as required.
  • Helps participants build their own list of activities to meet their goals.
  • Informs participants of their daily participation expectations and how to record completed activities listed on their WorkFirst Activity Log. The WorkFirst Activity Log is a tool used to capture the participant's job search activities and required hours of participation.
  • Encourages participants to retain a copy of the Activity Log for employer follow up.
  • Develops with participants, the number and type of employer contacts they are expected to make.
  • Evaluates the participant's progress with assigned activities for the previous week(s) and/or days.
  • Documents in eJAS notes, participation concerns such as; unexcused absences, missing verification of temporary employment, incomplete tasks, and required actions to be taken to improve participation.
  • Recommends other activities if work search is no longer considered appropriate.
  • Records on the Participant Monthly Participation screen or the Multiple Participant Participation screen in eJAS the hours of participation, holiday hours, temporary employment hours, and excused and unexcused hours for each day.
Note: Recording and tracking attendance: WorkFirst attendance in eJAS is connected to the Participant Monthly Participation and the Multiple Participant Monthly Participation screens in eJAS, where Career Scope Coaches enter required participation hours from WorkFirst Activity Logs. Career Scope Coaches set the attendance requirements on the day one of the job search/orientation with the participant. Career Scope Coaches track and update attendance and add notes in eJAS under Participant Notes section. 

4.1.6 What is Life Skills training as part of Career Scope activities?

Life skills training, as part of Career Scope prepares participants to meet the demands of everyday life and employment, but may not address all family barriers. Programs are locally designed and operated to maximize availability resources to best serve participants within their community. Life skills training is provided by Employment Security Department, local community colleges, or other community organizations including Community Jobs contractors.

Life Skills modules offered by ESD is titled Strategies for Success.

Life skills training is included in JS hours, attendance is documented on the participant's Activity Log.

Life skills training is available for one week, or 30 hours, and participants enter training near the beginning of job preparation activities as part of employment services. Services already provided in Career Scope, such as resume writing, or basic education skills are not duplicated in life skills training.

Life Skills topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Self-awareness
  • Attitude
  • Balancing work and personal life
  • Money management
  • Stress and anger management
  • Time management
  • Communication skills
  • Appropriate standards for dress and participation

For independent Life Skills training refer to section 7.3.6 What is Independent Life Skills Training?

4.1.7 How are actual hours of participation tracked?

Actual hours of participation are when participants start and end their Career Scope activities each day. Starting and ending Career Scope activities each day is defined as:

Career Scope starts each day when the participant begins their first work search activity, examples below:

  • Starts an internet work search,
  • Works on their resume, an employment application, thank-you letter or,
  • Arrives at their WorkFirst/WorkSource office or,
  • Stops at an employer's business or an activity associated with work search.

Career Scope ends each day when the participant ends their last work search activity, for example:

  • Leaves their WorkFirst/WorkSource office or,
  • Stops at an employer's business or an activity associated with work search as their last activity or,
  • Completes the day's final internet work search, works on their resume, employment activity, thank-you letters, at home.

Career Scope Coaches are responsible for updating actual hours in eJAS.

4.1.8 What is Temporary Employment and how is it recorded?

Temporary Employment is a paid, unsubsidized job lasting 30 days or less. Examples include work for temporary employment agencies (such as Manpower, Labor Ready, etc.) and casual labor (such as odd jobs for their landlords, friends, and relatives) or other employers offering temporary employment.

Temporary Employment can be a part-time (31 or fewer hours per week), or full-time employment FT, (32 or more hours per week.) In either case, there is an estimated employment end date of 30 or fewer days and employers do not consider participants to be permanent employees.

Career Scope Coaches will coordinate with the Case Manager in cases where the temporary employment lasts more than four consecutive days or is reoccurring each week to decide whether participants are in the appropriate component.

Career Scope Coaches duties are as follows:

  • Excuses participants in eJAS for Temporary Employment as "Temporary Employment Unverified" when the participant calls the Career Scope Coach to be excused for this purpose.
  • Reminds the participant to provide any missing detailed employment information during their next scheduled day of work search.
  • Verifies employment, completes the Temporary Employment Verification Form and changes the "Temporary Employment Unverified" in eJAS to "Verified- Temporary Employment Verified." Hours for "Verified Employment," are not entered into eJAS in Client Monthly Participation/Multiple Client Monthly Participation as verified hours. The Case Manager will enter the employment hours into ACES system using the historical entry of employment hour process. These hours will later be included in the hours reported as participation to the federal government.
  • If unable to verify employment, and the participate does not call in to report the absence timely, leave the "Temporary Employment Unverified" as recorded and treat this time as a "no show." Enter a note in eJAS indicating what actions were taken to verify employment and that the participant was advised they were considered a "no show" on that day. Ensures the participant knows that if Temporary Employment cannot be verified they will be considered a "no show" and they may not be excused for Temporary Employment in the future.

The Career Scope Coach ensures the original Temporary Employment Tracking Logs are sent to the regional DSHS Hub Imaging Unit (HIU) by the 10th of the month following the employment months being recorded.

The Case Manager works the documents from the DMS system and records the employment hours in ACES using the historical entry of employment hours.

See WFHB section 8.1.6 How do we code hours for temporary employment.

4.1.9 How are Career Scope participants in a family violence situation assisted?

If a WorkFirst participant discloses they are working on resolving a current family violence need, or coping with a previous family violence situation, while participating in Career Scope activities, the Career Scope Coach does the following:

  • Outlines the requirements of the program. Let's the participant know that there are people who can help them work through whatever emerges as they work through the program.
  • Supports the participant in meeting participation requirements while considering safety needs.
  • Assists in developing Career Scope activities for the participant that do not put them at further risk of family violence.
  • Considers and discusses with the participant what other employees need to know and provide briefings accordingly. Considers steps needed to provide safety of the office employees and other participants.
  • Reviews whether all options for addressing the participant's specific barriers to obtaining and or maintaining a job have been exhausted.
  • Excuses, in eJAS, any absence(s) that occurred because a family violence situation arose or worsened.
  • Refers the participant back to the Case Manager with recommendations if they do not or cannot follow through with work search requirements.
Note: Further family violence resources can be found in the WorkFirst Handbook section 6.5.

4.1.10 What is the process for referral back from Career Scope Services?

Participants will be referred back if they don't make contact with their Career Scope Coach, no-show for orientation, or at any time it's determined that Career Scope services aren't the appropriate activity. Career Scope Coaches select the appropriate reason when referring participants back.

The refer back (RB) examples from the RI referral are as follows:

  • If a participant reports for Career Scope orientation and it's determined they don't meet the Work Ready Criteria, see section 4.1.3
  • If a participant doesn't attend job search orientation

Reasons to refer back (RB) from Job Search (JS) component are: 

  • Participant Refuses to Participate (states they aren't going to participate)
  • Participant Unable to Participate (medical/legal reasons)
  • Loss of Contact (Participant is a no call/no show and cannot be contacted)
  • Participant Has No Childcare
  • Participant Has No Transportation
  • Noncompliance/Participation (Participant isn't complying or participating as required)
    • For more details on excused/unexcused absences, see 3.7.2 Documenting and Reporting Participation
  • Completed 12 weeks of JS
  • Other Continuous Activity Planning (CAP) Outcomes, including barriers the participant may need to focus on before entering Career Scope services
Note: Career Scope Coaches must connect with the Case Manager by phone, or if unable, by e-message to alert them the participant is being referred back from Job Search (JS).

Steps for the Refer Back (RB):

  • An RB component will be entered by the Career Scope Coach 
  • A Continuous Activity Planning (CAP) note is entered by the Career Scope Coach as part of the RB process

Refer Back from Career Scope Services, Work Experience or On-the-Job Training:

Career Scope Coaches must contact the participant's Case Manager to conduct a joint evaluation and include the participant (when possible) to determine next steps. Career Scope Coaches close the JS, WE, or OT; enter an "RB" in eJAS with zero hours and with an end date of no more than 4 days from the date entered; select the appropriate reason code for the RB, and document in eJAS CAP notes why the participant is being referred back.

Career Scope Coaches enter in eJAS Notes a recommendation, as part of the "Continuous Activity Planning," for the next activity or activities, ensuring they meet the requirements of the "Decision Making Criteria" the process of allowing participant's to make decisions around their participation goals.

Other CAP outcomes, including barriers the participant may need to focus on before entering Career Scope services.

Refer to WFHB section How do we treat excused and unexcused absences?

4.1.11 Career Scope Services Step-by-Step Guide

WorkFirst staff:

  • Opens the RI (prepare for job preparation/job search) component to match agreed hours in IRP (typically for 35 hours for full-time participation, 23 hours for part-time participation or 38 hours full-time job search when one parent is doing all the participation for both parents in a two-parent family and no less than 10 hours for part-time participation).
  • The end date on the component is the day of the appointment, or the end of the time frame for participants to contact ESD. This date will pre-fill into the IRP template.
Note: An RI component can only be opened for 7 days. Career Scope Coaches don't have access to close the RI.

WorkFirst staff:

  • Develops an IRP with the participant based on the recommendation from the Comprehensive Evaluation that includes the correct participation hours in Career Scope activities.
  • Adds Career Scope services to the IRP, and the participant's requirement to have in place childcare or transportation, if these are necessary.
  • Monitors the RI activities to ensure the participant childcare and transportation plans are in place prior to reporting for Career Scope activities.
Note: When a participant is accepted into Career Scope, the Career Scope Coach converts the RI component to Job Search (JS) and adds the required participation hours.



For Limited English Proficient (LEP) refer to WFHB section 5.2 Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Pathway, the worker enters the JS code with the contractor code. For Tribal TANF refer to WFHB section 9.3 and when the tribe has employment services use the RT referral component (valid for 7 days). Monitor and close RT component when the participant starts Job Search activities with the tribe.

Expectations for Career Scope Coaches:

  • Assesses participants referred to Career Scope activities to ensure they are Work Ready. Provides Career Scope Orientation, when the participant is Work Ready.
  • Provides participants with WorkFirst Activity Logs, coaches participants on how to properly complete the logs with required hours of participation, collects the logs weekly, and enters the hours of participation in eJAS.
  • Enters Employment Skills Assessment Summary and tracks Asset Inventory dates into the ESD job Search Activities section in eJAS.
  • Records and tracks daily-required attendance, refers participants to workshops, hiring events, job openings, and Strategies for Success as appropriate.
  • Keeps the Case Manager informed by engaging in CAP meetings to assess the participant's needs/progress.
  • Provides support services per the Support Service Directory limitations (as appropriate) and trigger Auto-Pay for job search and employment (when verified).
  • Verifies Temporary/Permanent Employment and reports employment to the Case Manager.
  • Notes all progress, changes, and circumstances (adhering to confidentiality policies) in eJAS notes.

4.1.12 Strategies for Success, (SFS) Life Skills Participation Step-by-Step Guide: Participants enrolled in Job Search.

The Career Scope Coach:

  • Asks the Case Manager to enter the indicator component code of SW with 0 hours and an end date that reflects the last date of the scheduled workshop.
  • Signs up the participant for desired workshops through or by direct communication (phone/email) with the instructor, paying attention to class delivery method (in person or virtual.)
    • When signing up for Strategies for Success workshops through, indicates in the registration that the participant is in JS and include their CSO number. Or, directly contacts the instructor with information about the participant (name, email, phone number), the workshops the participant want to enroll in, and indicate the participant is in JS, with their CSO number. 

The Case Manager:

  • Creates the SW indicator component code per partner request
    • Start date is the date the partner requests the component
    • Code 0 hours
    • End date: last date of the participant's scheduled workshop/s
  • Documents the case actions in eJAS notes, i.e., scheduled workshops.
Note: The contracted JS provider will track and monitors the Strategies for Success participant through their existing Job Search component.  

The Strategies for Success Instructor:

  • Supervision
    • Provides required daily supervision.
  • Documentation
    • Documents attendance records every week and maintains them in an ESD data tracking system. 
    • Provides this information in a State-approved format, such as an approved attendance roster, signed by the participant and faculty member, supervisor, or other appropriate individual, or a document in electronic tracking systems, as appropriate. 
  • Verification
    • Provides explanatory narrative, information, documentation, and records needed to support State Work Verification Plan requirements.

The Career Scope Coach:

  • Supervision
    • Instructs the participant to include SFS class and participation hours on WorkFirst Activity Log.
    • Follows up with the participant regarding attendance or other issues impacting participation in class.
  • Documentation
    • Uses eJAS to report participation to the Case Manager on a weekly basis.
    • Includes participation in SFS in total weekly participation hours when recording Actual Hours.
    • Immediately notifies the Case Manager if the participant isn't maintaining satisfactory progress, or fails to participate as required, see WFHB section 3.7.2 Documenting and Reporting Participation.
  • Verification
    • Provides explanatory narrative, information, documentation, and records needed to support State Work Verification Plan requirements.

4.1.13 Step-by-Step Guide Strategies for Success (SFS) Life Skills for participants not enrolled in Job Search 

WorkFirst staff: 

  • Meets with the participant
    • Reviews the Strategies for Success curriculum and determines which workshops the participant would benefit from. Class details are available on
    • WorkFirst staff communicates with the participant regarding the delivery method of the workshop/s (in person or virtual and the times/locations of the workshop/s class details are available on
    • If Strategies for Success is delivered virtually, ensures the participant has the means (hardware, internet, etc.) to be able to attend.
      • Obtains the participant's email address and includes it in the participant's eJAS profile to ensure the instructor can send virtual invites and class materials to the participant. Reminds the participant to check email for the instructor's communication. 
        • Note there are both virtual and in-person Life Skills classes across the state. ESD can accommodate participants through virtual classes if the participant's area is only offering in person classes. 
    • Refers the participant to Employment Security Department using the SW (Strategies for Success) component code.
  • Adds the LS component 
    • Start date is the date WorkFirst staff meets with the participant 
    • Codes 20 hours
    • End date is the last date of the participant's scheduled workshop/s. Account for the Instructor Development Weeks (IDWs)
    • Adds the SFS contractor code and populates the IRP
  • Adds the SW component
    • Start date is the date WorkFirst staff meets with the participant
    • Code 0 hours
    • End date is the last date of the participant's scheduled workshop/s. Account for the Instructor Development Weeks (IDWs)

The WorkFirst participant:

  • Creates a account.
    • If the participant has access to a computer, logs onto to create an account as follows:
      • Click on "Create Account" this will create an account the participant can access for all WorkSource related services. 
      • Completes all fields as prompted to create an account.
Note: if the participant does not have access to a computer or digital skills, the Life Skills Instructor will assist with registration. 

The Strategies for Success Instructor: 

  • Contacts the participant with class information.
    • Provides assistance with registration (if the participant is not already registered.)
    • Provides assistance with Life Skills registration (if the participant is unable to register online.)
  • Supervises
    • Provides required daily supervision.
  • Documents
    • Documents attendance records every week and maintains them.
    • Provides this information in a State-approved format, such as an approved attendance roster signed by the participant and faculty member, supervisor, or other appropriate individual or document in electronic tracking systems, as appropriate.
  • Reports
    • Uses eJAS to report participation to the Case Manager if the participant isn't maintaining satisfactory progress, or fails to participate as required see WFHB 3.7.2 Documenting and Reporting Participation.
  • Verifies
    • Provides explanatory narrative, information, documentation, and records needed to support State Work Verification Plan requirements.
 Note- See the following desk aids below-Strategies for Success LS Referrals for Participants not in JS and Life Skills (SFS) ESD Attendance and Completion Guidelines Desk Aid.


Related WorkFirst Handbook Sections

Forms & Other Resources

4.2 On the Job Training (OJT)

(Fully countable core)

Revised September 20, 2021

Legal References:

The On-the-Job Training section includes:

  • 4.2.1 What is Career Scope On The Job Training - OJT?
  • 4.2.2 What are Career Scope services - OJT standards?
  • 4.2.3 How is employer participation and reimbursement determined?
  • 4.2.4 How is monitoring progress conducted?
  • 4.2.5 What are wage progression Career Scope services OJT Standards?
  • 4.2.6 What are Career Scope services OJT Limitations?
  • 4.2.7 What is release time training?
  • 4.2.8 How are records maintained?
  • 4.2.9 eJAS Codes
  • 4.2.10 Career Scope services OJT - Step-by-Step Guide

4.2.1 What is Career Scope Services On the Job Training - OJT?

On-the-Job Training (OJT) offers the opportunity for full-time subsidized employment for participant receiving cash assistance. OJTs provide skills training on site with an employer. OJTs may also be combined with formal classroom or skills training. The goal of an OJT is prepare a participant for full-time employment and transition off cash assistance.

Full-time is defined as 32 - 40 hours a week. The Case Manager authorizes the creation of two types of full-time OJTs:

  1. The first allows a participant to learn new skills in a new job.
  2. The second offers wage progression by increasing skills to move a participant into a new job with the participant's existing employer or with a new employer.

See WFHB section 1.2.3 for additional information about adding an additional three hours (preferably core activity hours) in the participant’s IRP when possible. When a participant has 20 hours of unsubsidized employment (or 30 hours for a two-participant family) this will meet the core activity requirement.   For two-parent families or single parents with no children under six in this situation, consider adding non-core activities to meet the strengthened participation requirements.

Employers eligible to participate in OJTs are:

  • Private companies or corporations
  • Non-profit companies or corporations
  • Public agencies (only if a participant cannot access their own records)

4.2.2 What are Career Scope Services - OJT Standards?

There are four (4) options to request an OJT ETR to approve less than minimum wage. Note: Should the employer offer one or any combination of the following, the $12 per hour wage may be waived.  Those options include:

  • Employer provides medical coverage
  • Employer provides dental coverage
  • Employer provides retirement benefits 
  • Employer offers a defined career pathway with set wage increase milestones (to be included in the OJT ETR request).
  • Write all OTJ contracts for full time work. Full time work is defined as 32-40 hours a week.
  • Write OJTs for up to twelve weeks depending on time needed to learn skills
  • Reimburse an employer for up to and including 50% of the total gross wages.
  • Reimburse for regular work hours only, no holiday or vacation hours.
  • Reimburse pre-approved release hours for classroom or skills training at 50% of the initial starting wage.
  • Build all wage increases into the original OJT contract.
  • List specific occupational skills the employer will teach.
  • Meet wage progression standards (listed below- 4.3.5) for a wage progression OJT.
  • Do not write OJT contracts for occupations with other available funding sources, such as certified Nurse Aides.
  • Apprenticeship positions are not appropriate for OJTs because the apprenticeship is already a training position.
  • Meet all the standards, limitations and general conditions as outlined in the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions .
  • Obtain an approved Exception to the Rule for any exception to WorkFirst policy.
  • Start training only after the Employment Security Department (ESD) Career Scope Supervisor, Career Scope Coach and the employer sign the On-The-Job Training contract, the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master Agreement, and the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions,

The Career Scope Supervisor reviews the OJT contract to ensure it:

The ESD Career Scope Supervisor documents the review and justification for the contract in eJAS employment type notes.

After the ESD Career Scope Supervisor reviews and approves the contract and documents the review in eJAS employment notes, they sign the On-The-Job Training contract, the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master Agreement , and the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions. Then the Career Scope Coach and employer sign each document.

Within three business days of obtaining all signatures, send a copy of the OJT contract package to the ESD WorkFirst Administration Unit. The package contains the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master AgreementWorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions, and the OJT contract.

When participants report their OJT earnings and hours to DSHS, their Case Manager records the participant's actual hours of participation by updating the ACES 3G Earned Income screen.

4.2.3 How is Employer Participation and Reimbursement Determined?

  • Determine if WorkFirst may enter into a contract with an employer.
  • Have the employer read and sign the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master Agreement , and the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions. The WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master Agreement , and the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions are agreements between a local office and a specific employer to conduct training.
  • Involve the employer in the OJT development by explaining the purpose of the OJT and the employer's training responsibilities.
  • Ensure the employer will provide sufficient supervision for the participant to learn the contracted skills.
  • Inquire about the number of subsidized workers and unsubsidized workers the employer currently employs. An employer may not receive subsidies for more than 25% or 1 in 4 of the employer's workforce. (In figuring consider all programs that may subsidize workers, such as WIA, Veteran programs or Commerce's Community Jobs program.) To contract with a company above the 25% level requires an approved Exception to the Rule (ETR).
  • Involve employers in the OJT development so they understand the purpose of the OJT and their training responsibilities.
  • Consult with both the employer and participant about progress (listed in 4.2.4.below).
  • Support all employer reimbursements with copies of time and payroll records.
  • Obtain copies of the timesheets signed by both the employer and the participant.
  • Attach copies of the time sheets and payroll records to the voucher for employer reimbursement.
  • If the OJT employer fails to pay the employee wages or the employee's paycheck fails to clear the bank due to insufficient funds, WorkFirst funds must not be used to compensate for the loss of pay. Wage issues should be taken to the Labor and Industries Wage Board.

4.2.4 How is monitoring progress conducted?

A Career Scope Coach monitors the employee's progress regularly. A Career Scope Coach visits the worksite to ensure all OJT training objectives are met and all parties remain satisfied with progress.

  • A Career Scope Coach makes on-site visits at the worksite during the 1st, 3rd, 7th and 11th week (according to the length of the OJT.)
  • Visits may be more often if the employer and the ESD Career Scope Coach agree.
  • Within three working days after each visit, record an "Employment" type note in eJAS documenting at a minimum the following items:
    • Progress towards meeting the OJT goals as stated by both the employer and the participant
    • Any concerns along with solutions raised by the employer or employee
    • Reason for ending an OJT early

4.2.5 What are wage progression Career Scope Services OJT Standards?

Use a wage progression Career Scope services OJT when a participant has the opportunity to increase his or her earning potential. When the contract is created, the participant must still receive WorkFirst cash assistance.

A wage progression Career Scope services OJT must meet the following conditions:

  • Allows an employed participant to exit WorkFirst cash assistance with a better job.
  • Successfully places a participant in a full-time job with increased wages and benefits
  • Places the participant with a different employer or in a new job with their current employer.
  • Provides training to obtain key job skills essential to attaining the wage progression.

4.2.6 What are Career Scope Services OJT Limitations?

Refer to WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Contract Terms and Conditions for a complete list of employer expectations and limitations.

4.2.7 What is release time training?

Release time training is classroom or skills training provided by someone other than the employer. A community college or professional organization may provide this training. Employers receive 50% reimbursement for wages during the hours a participant is in this release time training. No more than 25% of the total contracted hours may be for release time training. Support service funds may cover the cost of the release time training and for any books or related supplies needed.

4.2.8 How are records maintained?

Maintain the signed original WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master Agreement, WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions and On-The- Job Training Contract in the local office until one quarter after the program year ends. Then the office may archive the OJT documents for six years.

4.2.9 eJAS Codes

  • OT (On-the-Job Training)

4.2.10 Career Scope Services OJT - Step-by-step guide

The Career Scope coach:

  • Interviews an eligible participant who may benefit from OJT.
  • Discusses possibility of an OJT for an eligible participant with an employer.
  • Talks with the employer approving authority about work site standards, limitations and general conditions. Have the employer sign the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master Agreements and WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions.
  • Figures percentage of subsidized employees for the employer. (Listed above in 4.2.3)
  • Obtains an approved Exception to the Rule from ESD WorkFirst Administration Unit for any exception to WorkFirst policy.
  • Negotiates expectations, length, content and employer reimbursement regarding the proposed OJT with the employer and employee.
  • Determines justification for training. Document the justification in eJAS employment notes.
  • Determines whether the prospective OJT employer is an established vendor in the automated system, and, if not completes a Statewide Payee and W-9 IRS Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification form (accessible online through the Inside ESD Website eforms).
  • Determines whether a Master Agreement Number exists and is current in JAS. If no Master Agreement Number exists, follow this procedure:
  • Make sure you have the signed a WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master Agreements and WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions from the employer. (See step 3 above.)
  • Creates the Master Agreement Number in JAS. (Consult ESD WF Internal Controls chapter on On-The-Job Contracts).
  • Closes the JS component.
  • Enters the OT component code and employment information in eJAS. The OT component may be entered for a future date. The OT component dates automatically fill as the start and end date on the OJT Training contract in JAS.
  • Creates the contract in JAS (Consult the ESD WF Internal Controls chapter regarding On-The-Job Contracts).
  • Prints 4 copies of the OJT contract.
  • Prints all vouchers for the contract period.
  • Prints all WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Evaluation Forms for the contract period.
  • The Career Scope Supervisor reviews and then documents the review and justification for the contract in eJAS employment type notes.
  • After the Career Scope Supervisor reviews and approves the contract and also documents the review, they sign the WF On-The-Job Training contract, the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master Agreement, and the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions. Then the Career Scope Coach and employer sign each document.
  • Delivers copies of vouchers and evaluation forms to the employer along with the individual's contract.
  • Records the service in eJAS, including employment information.
  • Notifies the Case Manager that an OJT has been created.
  • Informs the participant to report earnings to their Case Manager.
  • Monitors the individual's performance.
  • Provides support services when necessary.
  • For details on creating and modifying OJT contracts and creating and modifying OJT vouchers, refer to the ESD WF Internal Controls Manual.
  • Within three business days of obtaining all signatures, sends copies of the On-The-Job Training Contract, the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master Agreement , and the WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions to ECDD, attn: WorkFirst OJT, PO Box 9046, Olympia, WA 98507-9046.
  • Maintains the signed original WorkFirst On-The-Job Training Master AgreementWorkFirst On-The-Job Training Terms and Conditions and On-The- Job Training Contract in the local office until one quarter after the program year ends. Then the office may archive the OJT documents for six years.

The Case Manager:

  • Enters the earnings in ACES 3G.


Related WorkFirst Handbook Sections

Forms & Other Resources

4.3 Work Experience (WEX)

(Fully countable core)

Revised July 24, 2020

Legal References:

The Career Scope Work Experience section includes:

  • 4.3.1 What is a Career Scope Work Experience?
  • 4.3.2 Who would benefit from a Career Scope WEX?
  • 4.3.3 What are Career Scope WEX timeframes?
  • 4.3.4 What are Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements?
  • 4.3.5 What are Career Scope WEX Work Site Standards?
  • 4.3.6 Who develops the Career Scope work site development/training agreement?
  • 4.3.7 What is the process for reviewing the Career Scope WEX assignment?
  • 4.3.8 What is required to supervise (monitor), document, verify and report WEX actual hours of participation?
  • 4.3.9 Industrial Insurance coverage
  • 4.3.10 Career Scope services WEX - Step-by-Step

4.3.1 What is a Career Scope Work Experience?

A Career Scope WEX is an unpaid part-time training assignment linked with job search activities. WEX offers an opportunity for participants to practice or expand their work skills in a supportive and flexible work environment. The Career Scope WEX opportunities are typically short-term activities (up to 6 weeks). The WEX assignment provides minimal supervision and should complement the participant's career goals.

4.3.2 Who would benefit from a Career Scope WEX?

Participants with no significant barriers to employment and are otherwise appropriate for Career Scope activities may benefit from a short-term WEX. These participants have:

  • Arrangements for childcare and transportation, and
  • Been unsuccessful in job search due to:
    • Insufficient current work history,
    • Lack of one or two job skills in a new career field,
    • Insufficient current job references or,
    • Been away from the labor market for an extended period.
Note: Participants need only be deficient in one area above to be considered appropriate for a short term WEX.

4.3.3 What are Career Scope WEX Timeframes?

A Career Scope WEX assignment may be approved for up to six (6) weeks. The Career Scope Coach must review the WEX assignment prior to the end of the 5th week. The review will determine how much more time is needed (up to an additional 6 weeks) for the participant to practice or expand his/her work skills to be competitive in the local labor market.

4.3.4 What are Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Requirements?

According to state and federal law, participants cannot be required to engage in unpaid work for more hours than their monthly grant amount plus their monthly food stamp amount divided by the federal, state, or local minimum wage, whichever is higher. Career Scope Coaches coordinate with the Case Manager or as shown on the WorkFirst Work Experience/Community Service FLSA Calculator hours block found in the WorkFirst Handbook to ensure that the number of hours a participant is scheduled to participate in the WEX meets FLSA requirements. For a detail summary on FLSA see Chapter How To Deem

For nonexempt two- parent families, the maximum number of work experience hours can be split between the two parents. During the development of the WEX, the Career Scope Coach must determine if the participant is a member of a two- parent family to ensure the WEX hours do not exceed FLSA requirements.

4.3.5 What are Career Scope WEX Work Site Standards?

The Career Scope Coach, in coordination with the WorkSource business team (if available), will develop Career Scope Career Scope WEX placement sites.

  • Career Scope WEX sites may only be developed within an ESD state agency site:
  • During the development process, coordination efforts with other service providers such as CJ, WIA, etc., needs to occur in order to effectively utilize local community resources and employers.
  • The Career Scope WEX job site must meet the following standards, limitations and general conditions as outlined in the FLSA calculator in eJAS to calculate the FLSA hours. 
    • Must provide supervision and skills training for the participant.
    • Must submit to the Career Scope Coach a WorkFirst Monthly Time Report and Progress Review signed by the work experience provider and the participant at the time of the site visit conducted every two weeks.
    • Must not give the participant security or other access to WorkFirst participant information, such as in ACES, eJAS, JFS or Efforts to Outcome (ETO) ESD's customer management information system.

4.3.6 Who develops the Career Scope WEX Work Site Development/Training Agreement?

The Career Scope Coach develops the Career Scope WEX training site and completes all required documentation.

Prior to the creation of the WEX contract, the Career Scope Coach will use the Work Experience/Community Service FLSA Calculator, to calculate the maximum hours a household may participate in Work Experience or unpaid Community Service.

The Career Scope Coach obtains signatures on the WorkFirst Work Experience (WEX) Master Agreement, and the WorkFirst Work Experience Training Contract Terms and Conditions, and the ESD Voluntary Enrollment Form. Then the Career Scope Coach creates the JOBS Work Experience Contract in JAS/JFS.

There is no expectation of transition to unsubsidized employment with the work site after completion of the work experience training agreement.

4.3.7 What is the process for reviewing the Career Scope WEX Assignment?

The work site supervisor must review the participant's progress at least every two weeks and complete the Work Experience Monthly Time Report and Progress Review form. The reviews address:

  • Actual hours in attendance or absent
  • Attitude
  • Communication skills
  • Grooming/Dress
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Job skills progress
  • Motivation
  • Production, and
  • Punctuality

The Work Experience Monthly Time Report and Progress Review form will be obtained from the employer during the Career Scope Coach's visits. Visits will be conducted every two weeks.

4.3.8 What is required to supervise (monitor), document, verify and report Work Experience actual hours of participation?

  • Supervising WEX participation is conducted by the WEX site supervisor.
  • WorkFirst required documentation of a participant's WEX participation is a completed Work Experience Monthly Time Report and Progress Review form submitted by the Work Experience site supervisor and given to the Career Scope Coach every two weeks.
  • ESD required documentation of a participant’s volunteer WEX participation is a completed ESD Volunteer Enrollment form and ESD Volunteer Timesheet submitted by the Work Experience site supervisor and given to the Career Scope Coach no later than the end of each month of the WEX contract.
  • Verification of participation will be accomplished by:
    • Career Scope Coach will receive the Work Experience Time Report and Progress Review ensuring this form is completed and signed by the site supervisor and the participant when conducting on site visits every two weeks.
    • Career Scope Coach will discuss any questions of participation with the site supervisor and the participant.
  • Recording actual hours:
    • Career Scope Coach will review the Work Experience Time Report and Progress Review form, and record actual hours of participation in eJAS (including excused and unexcused absences).
    • Actual hours will be record twice monthly, but no later than the 10th of the month following the month in which they occurred.
  • Record Keeping:
    • Records (the WorkFirst Work Experience (WEX) Master Agreement , the WorkFirst Work Experience (WEX) Training Contract Terms & Conditions,  the JOBS Work Experience Contract, the Work Experience/Community Service FLSA Calculator (Fair Labor Standards Act),  the ESD Voluntary Enrollment Form, and the ESD Volunteer Timesheet.
    • Local WorkFirst offices make all copies of the WEX contracts and forms stated above and keep copies in their local office for (1) full quarter past the end of the current program year then archive for 6 years.
    • Local WorkFirst offices will submit the original WEX contracts and forms stated above to the ECDD WorkFirst Administrative Unit with in 5 business days of creating the WEX contracts .The WF Administrative Unit will  keep the original WEX Contracts and forms for (1) full quarter past the end of the current program year then archive for 6 years.

4.3.9 Who pays for Industrial Insurance Coverage? RCW 51.12.035

State and federal law also requires a participant in work experience be covered by state industrial insurance for medical aid benefits. This coverage is sometimes referred to as L&I.

  1. Career Scope WEX sites may only be developed within an ESD state agency site only.
  2. The ECDD WorkFirst Administrative Unit will forward the ESD Volunteer Enrollment form and the ESD Volunteer Timesheet to the ESD Payroll Services-WEX Unit for Industrial Insurance processing.

4.3.10 Career Scope WEX - Step-by-step guide

  1. The Career Scope Coach establishes an ESD WEX by:
    1. Interviewing an eligible participant who would benefit from WEX.
    2. Discussing with an eligible participant the appropriate work site opportunities.
    3. Determining and coordinating the stacked activities with other service providers, i.e. college, to ensure the participant remains in full time participation prior to commencing the WEX.
    4. Determining with the Case Manager or as shown on the WorkFirst Work Experience/Community Service FLSA Calculator, monthly/weekly hours block, the number of hours the participant may participate in a WEX.
    5. Developing WEX work sites and coordinating with Community Jobs and Workforce Investment Act (WIA) providers to avoid duplication of effort.
    6. Creating a WEX Agreement to:
      1. Discuss work site standards, limitations, and general conditions with the approving authority for the work site.
      2. Negotiate an agreement with the work site provider and sign the WorkFirst Work Experience (WEX) Master Agreement , the WorkFirst Work Experience (WEX) Training Contract Terms & Conditions and the ESD Voluntary Enrollment Form.  
      3. State the specific job duties to reflect the skills to be learned or enhanced.
      4. Justify the Work Experience. The Career Scope Supervisor must document the justification for the WEX in eJAS notes prior to signing Work Experience documents.
      5. Prior to the participant starting the Work Experience Contract all signatures must be obtained from the Career Services Coach, the WEX participant, the Career Scope Supervisor and the WEX work site supervisor. The participant may sign to acknowledge the contract.
      6. ESD is responsible to pay the L&I premium for all Career Scope Work Experience performed for any department within the ESD agency. Arrange and submit the ESD Volunteer form and the ESD Volunteer Timesheet to the ECDD WorkFirst Admin Unit for processing.
      7. Advise the work site provider of the requirement to complete and turn in  the Work Experience Monthly Time Report and Progress Review and the ESD Volunteer Timesheet to the ESD Career Coach at each WorkFirst visit.
      8. The Career Scope Coach must mail the ESD Volunteer Enrollment form  at the beginning of each WEX contract, the Work Experience Monthly Time Report and Progress Review every two weeks, and the ESD Volunteer Timesheet monthly to the: Employment Security Department, ECDD WorkFirst Admin Unit., WEX Coordinator, P.O. Box 9046 , Olympia , WA 98507-9046
    7. Documenting on the eJAS Notes Screen:
      1. Work site name, location, supervisor, and supervisor's phone number.
      2. Start and end dates of WEX agreement.
      3. Days and hours of participation.
      4. Skill sets to be practiced or expanded.
      5. List all stacked activities that will ensure participant remains in full time participation.
      6. Documentation of progress and on-site visits every 2 weeks.
    8. Entering *WE on Component Screen in eJAS.
    9. Register the General Agreement in eJAS.
    10. Create the JOBS Work Experience Contract in JAS/JFS.
    11. Coordinating with the Case Manager to update the IRP to include stacked activities with the Work Experience.
  2. The Career Scope Coach:
    1. Accompanies the eligible participant to the Work Experience training site for initial introductions.
    2. Provides the employer with the Work Experience Monthly Time Report and Progress Review form. This form will be returned to the Career Scope Coach during the on sites visits every two weeks.
    3. Documents the participant's progress in eJAS Notes for attendance, attitude, communication skills, grooming/dress, interpersonal relationships, job skills progress, motivation, production, and punctuality after each 2 week visit.
    4. Records actual hours of participation, excused absences and other information concerning participation in eJAS.
    5. Forwards the WorkFirst Work Experience (WEX) Master Agreement, the WorkFirst Work Experience (WEX) Training Contract Terms & Conditions, the JOBS Work Experience Contract, the Work Experience/Community Service FLSA Calculator (Fair Labor Standards Act) and the ESD Voluntary Enrollment form to the ECDD WorkFirst Administrative Unit , WEX Coordinator PO BOX 9046, Olympia WA 98507-9046, within 5 business days of the WEX Contract start date.
    6. Forwards the Work Experience Monthly Time Report and Progress Review every two weeks and the ESD Volunteer Timesheet monthly to the: Employment Security Department, ECDD WorkFirst Admin Unit, WEX Coordinator, P.O. Box 9046 , Olympia , WA 98507-9046.
    7. Authorizes Support Services when needed.
    8. Meets with the participant at the end of the 5th week to review the participant's overall progress, determines next steps, and documents as part of Continuous Activity Planner:
      1. If the participant is ready to resume job search or
      2. If other activities would be more appropriate.
    9. Modifies the WEX Agreement as needed to include:
      1. Extending the period of time in the agreement
      2. Extending the WE on the Component Screen
      3. Coordination with the Case Manager to continue stacked activities for full time participation.
  3. The Case Manager will do the following actions:
    1. Updates the IRP to include the stacked activities.
    2. Enters new component codes for stacked activities.
  4. The ECDD WorkFirst Unit will:
    1. Date stamps the WEX contract forms and documentation when received.
    2. Verifies all documents for the correct information including the WorkFirst Work Experience/Community Service FLSA Calculator for the correct hours per the Fair Labor Standards Act.
    3. Makes copies of the ESD Volunteer Enrollment forms and the ESD Volunteer Time Report to include in the WEX file and document the date when forwarding the originals to the ESD Payroll Services-WEX Unit for the Industrial Insurance processing.
    4. Monitors the WEX contract to ensure timelines are kept.
*Note: The WE component is also used for internships and practicum. For more on internships and practicum see Section 7.5.


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