Revised May 09, 2024
Legal References:
The Pregnancy to Employment section includes:
Pregnancy to Employment (P to E) provides a way for participants to:
The goal of P to E is to provide services that allow participants to learn how to work, look for work or prepare for work while still meeting the family's needs. Each participant in P to E must participate in an assessment with the WorkFirst Social Service Specialist (WFSSS) to decide which activities best meet the participant's needs. The activities required depend on:
Every pregnant person or parent(s) receiving TANF/SFA with a child under the age of two years is a mandatory participant in P to E. In a two-parent household, both parents are participants and must receive an assessment by a WFSSS.
Note: Schedule an assessment using an ACES General Appointment Letter (50-05), the eJAS appointment letter, or in the IRP.
The full comprehensive assessment helps to identify family needs and determine which WorkFirst services are appropriate, as available within the community. In order to complete a full assessment, the WFSSS must discuss and document all issue areas in the eJAS Pathway Development Tool (PDT). See WFHB 3.2.3.
Based on the results of the full assessment and any other available information (i.e. Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), Equal Access, medical reports, etc.) the WFSSS or WorkFirst Program Specialist (WFPS) works with the participant to develop an Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) to participate in activities that:
NOTE: Use the DSHS 14-012 Consent to Exchange Information for Services Coordination when exchanging highly protected (special records) information with another service provider.
A partial assessment includes a minimum requirement to identify if the family's circumstances have changed and the family's needs require the department to address any potential issues such as mental health, chemical dependency, etc. The eJAS PDT is also used to document a partial P to E assessment (See WFHB 3.2.3).
To fulfill partial assessment minimum requirements, the WFSSS must cover the following:
WorkFirst staff must schedule all P to E assessments within 30 days of the referral.
A participant must complete a full comprehensive assessment when the department first becomes aware they are:
NOTE: Don't require the other parent in a 2-parent household to complete a full assessment or any assessment before the baby is born.
A partial P to E assessment requirement applies to:
NOTE: The WFSSS may require a partial assessment at any time if information received indicates there are mental health and/or chemical dependency issues.
If mental health or chemical dependency is identified in the P to E assessment, the WFSSS refers the parent to a professional for an in-depth assessment to support the initial identification.
Persons with an identified need for mental health and chemical dependency are referred to the appropriate professional for more in-depth evaluations.
PI (Pregnancy/Child under two) is the indicator component code used to identify P to E participants on the Component Screen in eJAS.
The PI indicator code allows staff to track and monitor all of their P to E participants. The PI component is NOT an activity; it is an identifier. Another component, such as GE or XP, should always go with the PI component, unless the parent/caregiver is is not required to participate, or is choosing not to participate, because they are:
WF staff should enter the PI component with zero hours for a maximum of 21 months. You may want to use the length of the component as a tickler for the pathway milestones.
For example, a participant reports a pregnancy with an estimated due date. The WFSSS/WFPS may then set the end date of the PI code to coincide with the date the participant enters the third trimester, the date the baby is due or every three months until the date the baby reaches two years of age.
If there is a future estimated due date on the eJAS Client Demographic screen and no active PI component on the Component/Contractor/IRP Update screen, the WFPS/WFSSS receives a pop-up message notifying a PI component is needed.
In the first and second trimester of pregnancy, participation is based upon the results of the assessment and may include work, looking for work or a combination of pregnancy to employment services. A pregnant person is required to participate full-time during the first two trimesters of pregnancy unless they have a good reason to participate fewer hours.
The third trimester of pregnancy starts 90 days before the estimated due date. For example, if the estimated due date is 7/14, the third trimester starts on 4/15. Please use the Defining 3rd Trimester Tip Sheet to determine the start date of the third trimester.
In the third trimester of pregnancy, participation for the pregnant participant is based upon the results of the full assessment and the participant may:
Be required to participate up to 20 hours per week if the comprehensive evaluation, or an assessment, indicates a need for mental health and/or alcohol or drug treatment (unless medical evidence indicates that the participant is not able to participate in any activity),or
Participate in the WorkFirst program on a voluntary basis, if there are no identified mental health and/or chemical dependency issues, or
Choose not to participate in WorkFirst activities until delivery date, if there are no identified mental health and/or chemical dependency issues.
If a mental health or chemical dependency professional indicates that a participant should do more than 20 hours per week of treatment, we should encourage them to participate in the number of hours recommended; however, we can only require 20 hours per week of participation. If they refuse to participate in required available treatment, follow the good cause process. Indicate the appropriate participation status on the "Component/IRP Information Screen" by selecting if the participant is:
•Required to participate in mental health and/or chemical dependency treatment;
•Volunteering to participate in mental health and/or chemical dependency treatment; or
•Exempt from participating.
After the child is born, the participant(s) receiving TANF cash assistance:
Voluntary Participation while taking the Infant, Toddler, or Postpartum Exemption
If a participant qualifies for the infant exemption, toddler exemption, or postpartum exemption, has no identified mental health and/or chemical dependency issues per the comprehensive evaluation and chooses to participate in WorkFirst activities the department won't pursue sanction if we learn they are no longer participating as required in their IRP.
Take the following steps if the participant stops participating:
Staff must also document in eJAS "Pregnancy/Parenting" notes the period of time the participant is taking the infant or toddler exemption and that they provided the letter.
Note: If a discrepancy in the number of infant exemption days used is identified, review the following information to determine if:
If the Actual End Date entered doesn’t reflect the date the IE should have been closed, contact Customer Support with the following information requiring an update:
The IE counter located on the eJAS Component/Contractor/IRP Update screen tracks and identifies how many days of IE the participant has used.
Required Mental Health/Chemical Dependency Treatment
If the participant stops participating in required mental health and/or alcohol or drug treatment, start the good cause process whether or not the participant is using the IE or TE. If the participant chose to use their IE or TE and enters sanction, they continue using their exemption.
If a mental health or chemical dependency professional indicates that a participant should do more than 20 hours per week of treatment, encourage the participant to participate in the number of hours recommended; however, we can only require 20 hours per week of participation.
Participants can choose to be excused from participating in WorkFirst activities during months that they're needed in the home to personally provide care for their child(ren) under two years of age. Participants have a personal responsibility to decide whether to choose the infant or toddler exemption. The exemptions aren't automatic; participants must choose to claim the exemption.
The infant and toddler exemption options serve as a safety net to allow participants to be in the home with their child for the early stages of development while still having WorkFirst opportunities available. Encouraging voluntary WorkFirst participation is important since the exemption doesn’t stop the 60-month TANF time limit clock.
When offering either exemption, staff must remind the participant of the benefits of participating in WorkFirst activities, such as:
All rules of the Infant Exemption (IE) apply to the Toddler Exemption (TE) except that the age requirement has expanded to one year old children and the lifetime limit has increased to 730 days.
Note: If a discrepancy in the number of infant exemption days used is identified, review the following information to determine if:
If the Actual End Date entered doesn’t reflect the date the IE should have been closed, contact Customer Support with the following information requiring an update:
Until additional system changes become available, Customer Support won't be able to make adjustments to the TE component.
Only the custodial parent(s) can claim the infant or toddler exemption; needy relatives/caregivers aren’t eligible for this exemption unless they have legally been given parental rights.
Unmarried parenting minors can choose to take the IE for up to 12 weeks after the birth of the child. After the 12 weeks, they're subject to the school attendance requirement for unmarried parenting minors.
Only one participant living in the household with a child under two years old (even if there are two infants/toddlers in the household) can claim an infant or toddler exemption at any given time, for a maximum of 730 days in a lifetime, not to exceed 730 days. Participants choosing to use the infant or toddler exemption may:
Remind the participant that they can only claim the infant or toddler exemption for 730 days in a lifetime. Then tell the participant what their required participation is, if they DO claim the infant or toddler exemption, and if they DO NOT claim an exemption. This gives the participant the information they need to decide whether to claim the exemption.
Upon 365 days in either exemption (or combination of the two), WorkFirst staff must schedule an annual comprehensive evaluation update appointment for the participant to review their situation and determine if they need any additional services. WFPS may require a new Pregnancy to Employment assessment at this time if deemed necessary.
It is essential to document in the eJAS “Pregnancy/Parenting” note type whether a participant chooses either exemption. If the participant chooses the infant or toddler exemption, document the period of time the participant is choosing to take it.
The department contacts a participant choosing either exemption who isn’t engaged in any other WorkFirst activities once every three months to:
The three-month contact may be either by a letter or telephone. (WorkFirst staff must document the contact in eJAS and update the IRP, if necessary)
Component code IE identifies participants who are choosing the infant exemption for a child under the age of one and the TE to identify participants who are choosing the infant exemption for a one year old child. The component codes are:
Don't use this code for any other reason. Using this code for any other reason makes a participant's exemption count inaccurate.
eJAS tracks and display the total number of days a participant uses their infant exemption in the "Number of days in IE" field on the Component/Contractor/IRP Update screen. Remember, TE days must be tracked manually at this time.
When opening the IE or TE component, the WFPS/WFSSS are required to indicate the appropriate participation status for participant's choosing to take the exemption on the "Pregnancy to Employment Participation Status" field by indicating if the participant is:
WorkFirst staff:
WorkFirst participants may choose to use their infant or toddler exemption when needed in the home to personally provide care for their child under two years of age whether they are receiving TANF for that child or not.
If the child under two years old isn't on the TANF assistance unit, add the child as a non-member in ACES 3G. This lets eJAS know that the participant has a child under two years old in the home and eJAS allows you to code the IE or TE.
Participants who have already claimed the infant or toddler exemption (or a combination of the two) for a maximum of 730 days can request an additional 12-week postpartum exemption period (84 days) if they have another child. This period allows participants to spend time with the newborn before they must participate in WorkFirst activities.
A participant can participate in the WorkFirst program on a voluntary basis during this period if there are no identified mental health and/or chemical dependency issues. If a participant qualifies for a postpartum exemption period, has no identified mental health and/or chemical dependency issues per the P to E assessment(s) and chooses to participate in WorkFirst activities the department doesn't pursue sanction if we learn that a participant is no longer participating as written in the IRP.
Take the following steps when the participant stops participating:
Staff must also document in eJAS "Pregnancy/Parenting" notes the period of time the participant is taking the PD and that the letter was provided.
If the comprehensive evaluation or other assessment(s) indicates a need for mental health and/or alcohol or drug treatment the participant must participate up to 20 hours per week.
A participant may choose to not participate in WorkFirst activities for a set period of time or until the child turns 12-weeks of age if there are no identified mental health and/or chemical dependency issues. Only one parent living in the household can claim this 12-week postpartum exemption, not to exceed 84 days, at any given time.
Use component code PD to identify participants who choose to take the 12-week postpartum exemption period. This indicator component code is:
When opening the PD component, the WFPS/WFSSS is required to indicate the appropriate participation status for participant's choosing to take the PD on the "Pregnancy to Employment Participation Status" field by indicating if the participant is:
WorkFirst staff:
Encourage WorkFirst as the 12-week postpartum exemption period is limited to 84 days for each child after they have exhausted their infant or toddler exemption.
A parent's IRP and activities should reflect a steady progression towards work, looking for work, or preparing for work, as well as having a healthy and thriving child. P to E activities may include linking parents to:
Staff must continue to engage parents in WorkFirst activities that moves them most effectively toward economic stability.
The Pregnancy to Employment Participation and Coding Quick Guide, also located in the Forms & Other Resources section, details participation requirements while the person is pregnant and after the child is born.
Home visiting programs are voluntary, family-focused services offered to expectant parents and families with new babies and young children to support the physical, social, and emotional health of the family. When families receive home-based support, children are more likely to be better prepared for school and support a stronger parent-child bond.
When families engage in home visiting programs they are voluntarily matched with trained professionals. These home visitors engage families in their homes or community settings to provide information and support related to children’s healthy development, support the parent-child relationship, and provide information on importance of early learning and connections to other information, services and supports in the community.
The Home Visiting & Parent Support referral pathway focuses on increasing access to home visiting and other local community parenting supports for WorkFirst families.
Its goals are to:
WorkFirst Staff offer a referral to Home Visiting/Parent Support services at various points while a family is in the P to E pathway:
If/when, a participant accepts a referral for these services; staff may either refer the family to a local known service provider, or to Within Reach. Within Reach partners with DSHS to assist in connecting families with home visiting and parent support options within their community.
Participants who continue to engage in these services, Post-PtoE Pathway:
The goal of connecting parents to home visiting and parent support services is to encourage and support family well-being and development of the child. These programs allow parents the agency to choose whether to engage in services. If at any time a participant, who is no longer in the PtoE Pathway, decides engaging in home visiting or parent support services is not right for their family, staff are to engage them in a discussion regarding their IRP and if need be, determine appropriate alternative activities.
Known in some locations as Families That Work, WorkFirst Literacy Skills Center, etc. (check your local college or CBO WorkFirst Delivery Agreement (WFDA) for Education and Training). Parents receive instruction in the basic skills they need to join the workforce, improve their child raising skills, and break family cycles of illiteracy. Parents served by WorkFirst Family Literacy are current WorkFirst recipients.
The goal for WorkFirst Family Literacy parents is an economically stable and literate family, with outcomes that include:
Parents participating in WorkFirst Family Literacy programs follow the same model for quantifying participation, as do our participants in other training programs. To calculate participation hours, use the actual hours the parent is in the education and training activities, to include classes, labs, and supervised study halls/tutoring sessions. The college or community based organization notifies the WorkFirst case manager of the appropriate eJAS component code to use.
NOTE: Life Skills training is a countable activity for participation and Parent Education is not, though it may be an appropriate activity for the parent depending on their situation.
Parents in the WorkFirst Family Literacy program will be doing a combination of the following types of allowable activities:
Parents are involved in work activities at the level appropriate to their skills and their IRPs. These can include volunteer experiences, WorkFirst Work-Study, Community Jobs, etc.
In addition to Family Literacy funded by WorkFirst, the State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC) through the Adult Basic Education Office funds Family Literacy at community colleges in 3 locations across the state. Each provider works with community partners like DSHS WFPS's and WFSSS's, Head Start and ECEAP directors, WorkSource Center staff, and First Steps case managers.
The First Steps Program is designed to provide additional health care, enhanced services and case management to Washington Apple Health eligible people and infants. This program seeks to reduce parent and infant illness and death, as well as increase access to maternity and infant care for low-income families.
First Steps services include, but aren't limited to:
The WFSSS should provide all pregnant person with information regarding the services available through the First Steps program as follows:
For additional information about the First Steps program visit the Social Services Manual by clicking here.
Participants in the Pregnancy to Employment pathway may enter sanction for:
What does the Case Manager need to know about sanction and pregnancy to employment participants?
Note: Participants that reach their 60-month TANF time limit may qualify for a time limit extension if they are in an Infant, Toddler, or Post- Partum exemption.
The following eJAS codes are commonly used for WorkFirst individuals engaged in P to E:
In addition to the PI identifier code, indicate the WorkFirst participation by using the appropriate eJAS codes on the component code screen as needed, to the actual hours of time spent in activities (such as XF for family violence resolution or JS for job search). It is important for tracking program progress to show the different components the participant is in.
Note: On the Customer Accountability Report (CAR), participants in stand-alone PI displays in Participation Not Required (State Only) section. However, participants coded PI with other components displays in the section of the report determined appropriate based on their level of participation. For example, a participant is coded PI and 20 hours per week in PT. The participant shows in section 6 - Participation Below Full Time at WorkFirst Standard.
Either the WFSSS or WFPS - whomever is managing the case:
1. Request “Consent” (DSHS 14-012) form completed and signed by the participant.
Within Reach:
Note: If Within Reach is unable to make contact WFPS/WFSSS will close the RW component and review case for next steps (such as contacting the participant to develop a new IRP).
Upon receipt of the XP referral, the Contractor:
Once the participant is enrolled, the Contractor:
For the duration of the home visiting/parent education program, the Contractor:
Prior to the XP component end date the WFPS/WFSSS and the contractor conducts a Continuous Activity Planning meeting (CAP), see WFHB, to determine if the participant may continue utilizing home visiting/parent education:
Revised on: May 19, 2022
Legal References:
The Limited English Proficiency Pathway section includes:
The Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Pathway provides specialized culturally appropriate services to refugees and other WorkFirst participants with limited English proficiency. The goal of the LEP Pathway is to increase participants' employability and economic stability.
Key features of the Pathway are:
All LEP participants must be screened for Equal Access (EA) services and family violence.
Anyone who is receiving cash assistance and has difficulty understanding or communicating in English should be referred to the LEP Pathway. This includes:
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) recipients are single or married individuals without dependents, and who can't be claimed as someone else’s dependent. They must meet program income and resource requirements, and their immigration status must allow them to access cash assistance. RCA recipients who aren't exempt are required to meet work and training (W&T) requirements, and can be served through the LEP Pathway to meet these requirements. See WAC 388-400-0030 , 388-466-0120, 388-466-0005, 388-466-0150.
Individuals receiving RCA can receive cash for ONLY a 12-month period beginning in the first month they entered the United States. For asylee (AS) and victims of trafficking (VT) clients, this is the date of their certification letter or order from the U.S. government. Due to this short timeline, these clients need immediate, intensive job search and job placement assistance.
RCA individuals:
Are referred to LEP Pathway contractor as soon as possible
If there's no DSHS contracted LEP Pathway provider in the area, refer client to the available work and/or training provider
Aren't required to have an Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP)
Must have an Employability Plan (EP) and a Family Self-Sufficiency Plan developed for them
Must participate in work and/or training activities such as job search, ESL, skills training, etc. unless exempted
RCA follows TANF exemption criteria. RCA recipients are exempt from Work and Training (W&T) activities if they:
Age (client is sixty years of age or older) is an unconditional exemption. For all other reasons, recipients must provide proof that they are unable to participate in the form of medical testimony or other evidence. An exempt RCA recipient may voluntarily participate in W&T.
The W&T requirements of RCA recipients may be met through participation in the LEP Pathway. The LEP Pathway offers several participation options to enhance skills and employability.
Survivors of certain crimes may be eligible for State Family Assistance (SFA), if they meet all other eligibility requirements with the exception of immigration status. Survivors of certain crimes who qualify for SFA are required to engage in WorkFirst.
For more information on this population, please see WAC 388-424-0001 and EA-Z Manual: Citizen and Immigration Status Requirements Specific to Program – Benefits for Survivors of Certain Crimes.
All lawfully present non-qualified aliens, (also referred to as ‘lawfully residing individuals’), who qualify for SFA benefits, are subject to WorkFirst requirements. This population includes any noncitizen individuals without any immigration status, but who are residing in the U.S. because they have applied for adjustment of status and USCIS allows them to live in the U.S. lawfully while waiting for the results of their application.
Examples of lawfully residing individuals may include:
For more information, please see WAC 388-424-0001 and EA-Z Manual: Citizenship and Immigration Status Requirements for all Programs – Definitions).
Survivors of certain crimes and lawfully residing individuals most often do not have work authorization document (EAD). They aren’t referred to employment-specific services or job search activities. Instead, they’re:
Due to the unique circumstances of these populations, WorkFirst participation requirements are tailored to support the participant and their family. Actively take steps to refer and/or place participants into activities to help resolve or cope with their circumstances and create a safe environment for the family, as well as prepare for future employment if appropriate. WorkFirst participation exemptions are available to these populations, if they qualify (see WFHB 6.8).
Survivors of certain crimes and lawfully residing individuals without work authorization are identified in eJAS using the PU indicator (set at “0” hours), along with appropriate activity component, depending on assigned activities. PU is not an exemption code. It is just an indicator that these individuals do not have an authorization to work in the U.S. and can’t participate in employment-specific and job search activities..
Participants who are LEP are required to complete the comprehensive evaluation and assessments (if indicated) as applicable to all WorkFirst participants before being referred to the LEP employment pathway for bilingual and culturally appropriate services.
The LEP Pathway offers several participation options for participants to enhance their skills and employability. Core activities are countable toward the federal TANF participation rate; however, some core activities are time-limited. Non-core activities can only be countable toward the federal TANF participation rate if they are stacked with a 20 hour per week countable core activity. See WFHB 1.2.3 for additional information about adding an additional three hours (preferably core activity hours) in the parent’s IRP when possible.
The LEP Pathway program includes:
Participants in the LEP pathway should:
Regular case staffing(s) are encouraged to review participation and progress. Anyone with an EA plan may need more time in the component activity and fewer participation hours to accommodate their additional needs.
Participants who meet participation requirements are eligible for WorkFirst support services (see WAC 388-310-0800). Those who are working full time and are still eligible for TANF cash assistance should be encouraged, but not required, to enroll in educational activities along with their employment.
WorkFirst LEP participants can engage in activities outside the LEP pathway. WorkFirst staff or Refugee Social Service Specialist (RSW) must follow the referral process as outlined in the appropriate WorkFirst chapter in those cases.
The following core activities are examples:
Non-core activities used to stack with core activities, are also great opportunities when a participant doesn't need ESL. These activities can include:
The non-LEP pathway contractor or agency must report these activities, and WorkFirst staff/RSW must review them.
Community Service is a structured unpaid work activity in which LEP TANF participants work for the direct benefit of the community under the support of a public or non-profit organization. It's a core activity that counts towards the federal participation rate and is coded as XS on the eJAS component code screen.
Participants may be determined to be best suited for Community Service if they:
Work Experience (WEX) is a structured unpaid work activity, which offers an opportunity for participants to practice or expand their work skills in a supportive and flexible work environment in a public or non-profit organization. It is a core activity that counts towards the federal participation rate and is coded as WE on the eJAS component code screen.
Participants may be determined to be best suited for a WEX if they:
A Bilingual Site Supervisor can be assigned at the Community Service or WEX worksite to provide supervision and bilingual support to the participant, assisting in developing the skills, insights and attitudes that enhance their ability to advance toward eventual employment.
Job skills training is a short term training that lasts up to seven weeks and enhances participant’s employability by providing instructions and teaching specific skills that are marketable to employers. This service is a non-core activity that must be stacked with a 20 hours core activity to meet federal participation rate. It is coded as JT on the eJAS component code screen.
Customized Job Skills Training (CJST), formerly known as pre-employment training, is an 8-22 week training program that is customized for specific employers or tied to a specific industry. CJSTs must include industry-specific training and be tied to jobs with good labor market demand. It's a time-limited core activity that counts towards the federal participation rate and is coded as PE on the eJAS component code screen.
ESL service is provided for participants with ESL levels 1-6 to assist in gaining language skills necessary to obtain and maintain employment. CASAS and ORIA-approved assessment tools are used to determine a participant’s ESL level and language skill gains, as defined by the Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC).
Use the JT eJAS component code for ESL when stacked with 20 hours of core activities and indicate in the participant’s Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) that ESL is a skill needed for employment
Use the ES eJAS component code for a stand-alone ESL activity until the participant's English proficiency is sufficient to participate in core activities
Only classes with an expectation of homework equal to or greater than the scheduled class hours may be eligible for claiming unsupervised homework hours. We can claim up to one hour of unsupervised homework time for each hour of actual class time attended. If there is no homework expectation, we cannot claim homework hours.
Community or technical college contractors use the WorkFirst Calculator Tool to determine and document the total number of hours per week the participant is participating, including: scheduled class time, unsupervised homework time, any scheduled supervised homework time, and the maximum number of allowable education hours. A copy of the completed WorkFirst Calculator Tool is kept in the participant's file. Community or technical college contractors combine the participant's actual attended hours with the allowable homework hours from the WorkFirst Calculator Tool to report via eJAS by the 10th of each month for the previous month as total participation hours.
Community Based Organization (CBO) contractors use the Educational and Homework Requirements Worksheet (EHRW) to document scheduled class hours and the homework expectation for the class. Contractors must keep a copy of the EHRW form in the participant's case file. To claim homework hours, CBO contractors double the participant's actual attendance hours to report via eJAS by the 10th of each month for the previous month.
In the event that the participant drops out or is referred back before completing their ESL class, one hour of homework time can be claimed for each actual class time hour attended by the participant if the homework expectation hours are equal to or greater than the scheduled class hours. This applies to community or technical college and CBO contractors.
After two excused absences in a calendar month, the WorkFirst partner/contractor:
Unexcused Absences
After two unexcused absences in a calendar month, the WorkFirst partner/contractor:
For more on how to treat excused and unexcused absences, please refer to section
LEP Pathway contractors are contracted through the DSHS Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (ORIA) to provide ESL instruction and employment services to refugees and TANF participants. They:
For a complete list of contracted LEP Pathway contractors by region, and their current eJAS contractor codes please see the LEP Pathway Contractor List.
For a summary of the LEP Pathway process, please see the TANF/WorkFirst Application and LEP Pathway Program flow chart.
Revised January 3, 2025
Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET) provides training and education with a goal of assisting Basic Food recipients in attaining a living wage career. BFET services are available from all WA State community and technical colleges as well as many non-college community based organization (CBO) contractors.
BFET can assist participants with job readiness if they aren’t receiving TANF but are receiving food assistance by providing the following:
How is BFET different from TANF?
Each BFET provider has their own unique program focusing on one or more of the above services. Participants can find out more about these programs by contacting a provider by phone (using the brochure below) or by visiting
The following brochures about Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) are available:
WorkFirst staff will take the following steps when participants transition from BFET to TANF: