
In some situations, multiple providers can work with the same participant to achieve their IEP goals. Both providers and colleges can work with a participant at the same time, but each use a different component(s). It is the Agency’s responsibility to coordinate services for co-enrolled participants to prevent duplication of service. Duplication of service means the participant receives the same component or the same participant reimbursement from multiple providers in different components.


DSHS encourages BFET providers to collaborate and make referrals to other providers for services that they do not offer in their BFET program. For example, when a participant nears the end of their VE goals at a SBCTC Contracted College, the SBCTC Contracted College may refer BFET Participants to a DSHS Contracted Provider to provide BFET services.


Co-enrolled Components

When components are open with another provider, BFET Eligibility cannot be used to open components. eJAS will generate the following message: “This client has BFET-related activity and cannot auto open at this time.” Submit the component on an Eligibility List to BFETHelp@DSHS.WA.GOV.


When closing components with co-enrolled participants, only close the component attached to your agency’s eJAS provider code.