Component Hours

The maximum component hours a participant is allowed in the BFET program is 40 hours per week. Employment hours are not included in these hours. Participants enrolled in an activity(s) 19 hours or less per week are considered part time. Participants enrolled in an activity(s) at least 20 hours per week or more are considered half time or more. Hours of participation can affect eligibility for childcare and ABAWD work requirements.


Component hours are based on the number of hours the participant is expected to participate in the component. The hours for JRS include case management, not the participant’s employment hours. For BB, BG, EN and IA, IB and IC, the component hours are not based on credit hours. For example, if a participant attends Vocational Education (BG) for 6 hours per week and has an estimated 10 hours of homework or study time per week, the BG should show 16 hours per week.