Requirements for SWBL

In accordance with 7CFR 273.7§ (2)(iv) and 7 CFR 273.7§ (2)(iv)(A)(2) SWBL activities must:

      Provide structured learning opportunities to improve a participant’s employability.

      Include the opportunity for participants to gain specific skills in their desired career field.

      Include a curriculum or written training plan with specific training objectives.

      Follow a documented training path with the goal of entering unsubsidized employment at the end of the SWBL experience.


SWBL worksites must:

      Pay an individual a wage at least equal to the state/local minimum wage.

      Comply with all applicable labor laws.

      Not displace or replace existing employment of individuals not in BFET.

      Provide the same benefits and working conditions as non-E&T participants doing comparable work for comparable hours.


SWBL experiences cannot:

      Exceed six (6) months.

      Exceed One (1) WBL activity per participant, per calendar year.

      Constitute more than three (3) percent of the workforce for the employer. A BFET Provider may request an exception to the (3) percent maximum, via a detailed email to, and wait for an approval or denial in writing from DSHS BFET Policy


Providers must design and administer SWBL activities to improve the employability of E&T participants through training, enabling participants to move promptly into regular unsubsidized public or private employment.


All of a BFET participant’s WBL activities whether subsidized by BFET or another program, must be entered into eJAS. Paid positions from programs outside of BFET do not count towards the total number of contracted BFET SWBL performance goals.