Vocational Education (VE)

VE is captured using the BG component. VE is part of a job placement program requiring industry specific training. The focus is on the required credentials between low-skill adults and livable wage jobs. This education or training will result in a person receiving recognized credentials.  Services include occupational assessment, entry-level job skills training, customized training, institutional skills training, and upgrade training. VE activity must be:

      Credentialed or

      Recognized by an independent third party or

      Accepted by local industry employers.


For SBCTC Contracted Providers and Northwest Indian College

VE activity can include:

      Certificate and Two-Year Career and Technical Education – Training provided by the community and technical colleges as part of a program of career and technical education (as defined in section 3 of the Carl D. Perkins Act of 2006). Per the Perkins Act requirements, these training programs are directly connected to business partners through advisory committees and vetted through a program approval process and provide credentials and skills in alignment with industry needs.

      Entrepreneurship Preparation – Training provided by the community and technical colleges to prepare an individual to start a business.  The training is not required to be credit bearing.

      Customized and Contract Training – Training provided by the community and technical colleges in response to business and industry needs. Training may include industry-recognized credentials (i.e. Flagger Certification, OSHA, etc.) or must be directly connected to a business or industry. The training is not required to be credit bearing.

      A minimum number of credits are not required as long as courses fit the above categories.


The BG component may be opened for a maximum of 150 days at a time with the ability to update on expiration.