WBL Participants, Providers & Worksite Responsibilities

To meet documentation, reporting, and service provision for WA State BFET program requirements the following documents and content must be in place before worksite placement.


Worksite Agreement

Worksite agreements are the blueprint for the WBL position between the BFET provider and the worksite agency.

      To meet requirements, one worksite agreement per worksite per contract period is needed.

      The worksite representative and contractor must sign the worksite agreement before any participant's begins work.

      Worksite agreements must be renewed at the start of every contract cycle.

      Worksite agreements must be available for review by DSHS at contract monitoring.

      Worksite agreements must include worksite agency responsibilities as listed below.


Job Description

Worksite agency and provider develop the job description for the SWBL and NWBL position(s). It must be maintained in the participant's file and copies given to the participant and supervisor. At minimum, job descriptions must include the following:

      Detailed job duties

      Detailed work schedule, including lunch breaks (if applicable) and maximum hours per week.

      Document if the work schedule varies due to business needs.


The worksite agency will:

      Follow all employment laws (e.g., breaks, safety), safety rules, and requirements.

      Provide materials and tools required to perform the job.

      Provide daily supervision throughout their work experience to ensure the participant is learning new skills stated in their Training Plan

      Give feedback to the participant on work quality and quantity, areas for improvement, and progress.

      Provide participant performance feedback to BFET contractor staff.

      Work with BFET contractor staff and participant to resolve issues and skill gaps.

      Maintain, verify, and submit work attendance records every pay period.

      Ensure participants work no more than the number of hours per week listed on the job description.

      Ensure the participant receives a 30-minute lunch break if a shift is more than five (5) hours, unless there is an approved lunch break waiver on file.

      Ensure participant does not work on state holidays.

      Report all participant absences to the BFET contractor immediately.

      Complete a monthly evaluation and engage in monthly worksite supervisor contacts.


The BFET Provider will:

      Outreach and identify possible WBL worksites.

      Negotiate and form worksite agreements and job descriptions.

      Enroll participant in BFET.

      Assess and match clients to SWBL and NWBL positions.

      Document progression

      Case management

      Work with worksite agency and the participant to resolve issues and skill gaps.

      Process payroll for participants


The BFET Provider orientation to WBL activities with each participant must include:

      Impact of WBL wages on household BFA benefits

      Review of impact of WBL wages and financial preparedness

      Review of BFET agency new employee packet (including though not limited to Human Resources requirements, mandatory training, payroll schedule and benefits)

      Review of employer’s pre-requisites or requirements for  employment at a given worksite (eg, background checks, health screenings, etc)

      Review and complete a Work Based Learning Participant Agreement

      Review the position Training Plan form.

      Updated Individual Employment Plan, reviewed and initialed by participant and case manager.


WBL Participant Requirements:

      Review WBL Forms and expectations

      Complete a WBL Participant Agreement

      Perform job duties as assigned.

      Report barriers, challenges, or other issues to BFET Provider

      Report required change of circumstances to DSHS.