DCS Annual Kids Art Contest

Every year, we invite kids up to age 17 to share their creative talents by entering our calendar artwork contest. Winning entries become part of the Division of Child Support’s annual sticker calendar. This year’s deadline for submissions is Aug. 15, 2024. The free calendar will be distributed in November and made widely available to DCS customers across the state.

Artwork theme: Create a superhero self-portrait

We all have the potential inside us to make a huge difference. But oftentimes that power is hidden in us. Create a superhero self-portrait to express your unique abilities and aspirations.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • What are your super powers? Show your special powers through symbols, pictures, accessories, and words. If you have the power of flight, you might draw yourself soaring above the city.
  • What does your superhero costume look like? Do you wear a cape, a mask, maybe glasses? Do you have tools? Do you have a cape or maybe wings?
  • Do you have an animal or sidekick that accompanies you? Draw them too!
  • Where do you live? Place your superhero self in an environment that reflects your story. Are you saving the city, or are you in a secret lair planning your next move?
  • Add comic book-style sound effects like “POW” or “ZAP” to bring your portrait to life.
  • What is your superhero name?


  • Artwork must be original and horizontal, not vertical (up and down).
  • Art can be produced using crayons, paint, color pencils, markers or oil pastels. Clay and mixed media/collage will also be accepted.
  • Use bright, bold colors that fill the entire page.
  • Computer-generated artwork will not be accepted.

How to enter:

  • Take a high-resolution picture of the artwork and save it as a .jpg or .png file.
  • Send an email to dcscontests@dshs.wa.gov with Calendar Contest in the subject line. Attach the image of the artwork to the email.
  • Please include the artist’s name, age, and city and state of residence, as well as an adult contact person and contact information in your email.
  • Each child may submit up to three pieces of art.
  • Entries must be received by Aug. 15, 2024.

Selected entries will be featured in DCS’s annual calendar. Some may be featured on DSHS’ social media sites or website. We will only post the first name of the child along with their age and artwork.

Questions? Please contact Candee Bellamy at 360-664-5256 or Candee.Bellamy@dshs.wa.gov.