Full document (194 pgs, 1.14MB)
The follow are sections and appendices included in the full document.
Program Descriptions (38 pgs, 112KB)
TANF/WorkFirst (20 pgs, 144KB)
TANF Time Limits (11 pgs, 65KB)
Child Support (6 pgs, 51KB)
Working Connections Child Care (8 pgs, 72KB)
Food Assistance (12 pgs, 70KB)
General Assistance (11 pgs, 100KB)
Other Programs (38 pgs, 171KB)
Expenditures (14 pgs, 73KB)
- Appendix 1 - Contacts (1 pg, 9KB)
- Appendix 2 - DSHS Regional Map (1 pg, 125KB)
- Appendix 3 - Abbreviations (2 pgs, 10KB)
- Appendix 4 - Electronic Benefits and Funds Transfer (1 pg, 32KB)
- Appendix 5 - Federal Welfare Legislative History and State Welfare History (6 pgs, 29KB)
- Appendix 6 - Change in Cash Grant Assistance Programs/Funding Due to Welfare Reforms (2 pgs, 11KB)
- Appendix 7 - Child Support Federal Legislative History (4 pgs, 16KB)
- Appendix 8 - Major Changes in ESA Program by Month (13 pgs, 43KB)