Full document (270 pgs) This file was updated on 3/7/2012. It now contains a 27 page section on the Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Program beginning at page 96.
The follow are sections and appendices included in the full document.
- Cover Letter (1 pg)
- Contents (1 pg)
- Introduction (2 pgs)
- Program Descriptions (36 pgs)
- Basic Food Program (16 pgs)
- Child Support (15 pgs)
- Disability Lifeline (18 pgs)
- Medical Assistance (5 pgs)
- Refugee/Immigrant (27 pgs) The Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Program section of the 2011 Briefing Book was updated 3/7/2012.
- TANF/WorkFirst (21 pgs)
- Other Programs (49 pgs)
- Expenditures (12 pgs)
- Appendix 1 - Contacts (2 pgs)
- Appendix 2 - Geographical Maps (2 pgs)
- Appendix 3 - Abbreviations (3 pgs)
- Appendix 4 - Electronic Benefits Funds Transfer (2 pgs)
- Appendix 5 - Welfare History Overview (13 pgs)
- Appendix 6 - Changes in Cash Grant Assistance (3 pgs)
- Appendix 7 - Child Support Federal Legislative History (5 pgs)
- Appendix 8 - Major Changes in ESA Programs by Month (36 pgs)