The Briefing Book is your reference guide to our programs, client demographics, caseloads, and expenditures. The book highlights information for each State Fiscal Year (SFY), the period of July through June, and provides you with some historical data as well.
You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to view the documents. Click here for the latest version of Acrobat Reader if you do not already have it on your computer.
Below is the most recent Briefing Book. To search archives of past State Fiscal Year Briefing books, please click here.
Due to budget considerations, we are no longer printing a hard copy of this book.
For more information about this Briefing Book web page, contact:
George Xu, PhD
Department of Social and Health Services
Economic Services Administration
360.725.0680 /
Mailing Address:
DSHS/ESA . Attn: George Xu, PhD
PO Box 45559
Olympia, WA 98504-5559
Briefing Book 2015 (July 2014 - June 2015)
Full document (419 pgs)
The follow are sections and appendices included in the full document.
Cover Letter (1 pg)
Contents (1 pg)
Introduction to ESA (2 pgs)
ESA Program Descriptions (39 pgs)
Aged, Blind or Disabled (ABD) (16 pgs)
Basic Food (34 pgs)
Child Support (17 pgs)
Medical Assistance (15 pgs)
Pregnant Women Assistance (PWA) (13 pgs)
TANF/WorkFirst (30 pgs)
Other Programs (75 pgs)
Expenditures (13 pgs)
Appendices (96 pgs)
- ESA Contacts (2 pgs)
- Geographic Maps (4 pgs)
- Abbreviations (4 pgs)
- Electronic Benefits and Funds Transfer (4 pgs)
- Federal Welfare Legislative History and State Welfare History (22 pgs)
- Changes in Cash Grant Assistance Programs/Funding Due to Welfare Reform (4 pgs)
- Child Support Federal Legislative History (6 pgs)
- Major Changes in ESA Programs by Month (50 pgs)