Briefing Book 2021 (July 2020 - June 2021)
Full document (513 pgs)(Last updated 1-10-22)
The follow are sections and appendices included in the full document.
Cover Letter (1 pg)
Contents (1 pg)
Introduction to ESA (3 pgs)
ESA Program Descriptions (46 pgs)
COVID-19 Response (34 pgs)
Aged, Blind or Disabled (ABD) (18 pgs)
Basic Food (35 pgs)
Child Support (19 pgs)(Last updated 1-10-22)
Domestic Violence (8 pgs)
Medical Assistance (15 pgs)
TANF/WorkFirst (30 pgs)
Other Programs (92 pgs)
Expenditures (14 pgs)
Appendices (132 pgs)
- ESA Contacts (2 pgs)
- Geographic Maps (4 pgs)
- Abbreviations (3 pgs)
- Electronic Benefits and Funds Transfer (5 pgs)
- Federal Welfare Legislative History and State Welfare History (42 pgs)
- Changes in Cash Grant Assistance Programs/Funding Due to Welfare Reform (5 pgs)
- Child Support Federal Legislative History (10 pgs)
- Major Changes in ESA Programs by Month (61 pgs)