DCS offers several different payment options, so pick the one that works the best for you. Please note, effective Jan. 1, most employers or other businesses that receive an Income Withholding Order from the Division of Child Support must send payments electronically. For more information, please visit our employer page.
- You can send in a check to the Washington State Support Registry (WSSR). If you are withholding child support for more than one employee, you can combine all the Payments into one check, as long as you let us know how much you withheld from each employee.
- You can make Payments over the Internet using the DCS Online. Go to that web site for a demonstration.
- You can sign up for Electronic Funds Transfer/Electronic Data Interchange. By using Electronic Funds Transfer/Electronic Data Interchange (EFT/EDI), you can reduce your paperwork, handling costs, and bank charges when sending child support withholding Payments to the Division of Child Support (DCS). EFT/EDI can also reduce the amount of time your staff spends responding to inquiries from DCS about Payments. DCS offers a variety of EFT/EDI options:
- Repetitive Automated Clearing House (ACH) debit
- ACH Credit with addenda
- (NOTE: DCS will accept records in CCD+ or CTX format. Your bank can inform you if these options are available for your business.)
For more information, please review the informational letter about EFT options or call us at 1-800-468-7422 .
If you would like to initiate Electronic Funds Transfer with DCS, download the following form:
- US Mail Payment Address
- Washington State Support Registry
PO Box 45868
Olympia, WA 98504-5868
- Washington State Support Registry