- Within 20 business days after the date of the Notice:
- Check the appropriate box and send the Employer Response to DCS, or call DCS with the appropriate response.
- Send Part B, Medical Support Notice to Plan Administrator to the office or labor union who administers the health care plan.
- If you serve as your own plan administrator, return the Plan Administrator Response to DCS within 40 business days after the date of the Notice.
If you have questions about the National Medical Support Notice, you can get help in the following ways:
- Contact the DCS field office which issued the NMSN
- Contact the DCS Employer Hotline at 1-800-591-2760
- Attend a DCS Employer Workshop (click here for information)
- Click here to see the rules that govern DCS' use of the NMSN. These rules are part of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC).
- Compliance Guide for Qualified Medical Child Support Orders