Both the noncustodial parent and the custodial parent are responsible for certain costs. DCS may have included one or more of these costs in calculating the current child support obligation. Costs are shared by both parents based on their proportionate share of the basic child support obligation. DCS may serve a Notice of Support Owed to establish the amount a parent owes for costs if these costs were not included in the calculation of the basic financial obligation. These costs may include:
- Health care costs. Both parents are obligated to pay their share of health care costs based on their proportionate share of income. Health care costs include, but are not limited to, medical, dental, orthodontia, vision, chiropractic, mental health treatment, prescription medications, and other similar costs for care and treatment. They may include uninsured medical expenses, copayments, and deductibles for the child or children. They may include the parent's proportionate share of a medical insurance premium in excess of the amount being enforced by DCS through service of a Notice of Support Owed because the medical premium share is limited to 25 percent of the basic child support obligation.
- Daycare expenses.
If you still have questions, contact your support enforcement officer at the phone number listed on the last page of the notice you received. If you are not sure which office handles your case, call the KIDS line at 1-800-442-KIDS (5437).