Here you will find reports on employment outcomes for consumers receiving community outpatient mental health services funded through DSHS Behavioral Health Administration, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery. Outcome measures include employment rates, wages, hours worked and total earnings. Detail is provided by client characteristics for each Behavioral Health Organization (BHO).
The monitoring reports allow comparisons across state regions and over time. Factors that may affect employment outcome trends include:
- Differences in service delivery across BHOs
- Variation in local economic conditions, which may present greater employment challenges in some BHOs than in others
- Changes in mental health funding levels
- Changes in the state economy, which will in turn affect the overall potential for finding work
Washington State’s Delivery Model for Community Outpatient Care.Mental health services in Washington State are administered by Behavioral Health Organization (BHOs). These networks contract with licensed community mental health providers to supply mental health services. BHOs coordinate crisis response, community support, residential, and resource management services. Funding is provided from the state to the local BHOs for consumers who are Medicaid eligible through capitated Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans. Limited services are available to those who are non-Medicaid eligible as general state funds allow. In areas where there is no BHO, the department issues and manages fee-for-services contracts with local providers.
Related Publications:
- Adult Aged, Blind, and Disabled Clients Served by the Mental Health Division (3.27)
- Bringing Recovery into Diverse Groups through Engagement and Support (4.97)
- Disability Caseload Trends and Mental Illness: Incentives under Health Care Reform to Invest in Mental Health Treatment for Non-Disabled Adults (3.36)
- Expenditures and Use of DSHS Services: Aged, Blind, and Disabled Clients, FY 2001 (9.65)
- First Episode Psychosis (3.45)
- Identifying Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders Using an SBIRT Model: Washington State's Experience (11.242)
- Managed Medical Care for Persons with Disabilities and Behavioral Health Needs (6.56)
- Medical Cost Offsets Associated with Mental Health Care (3.28)
- Outcomes for Persons Discharged from Community Psychiatric Hospitals (3.42)
- Overdose Deaths among Medicaid Enrollees in Washington State (4.92)
- Patterns of Prescription Opiate Use by Aged, Blind or Disabled Clients in Washington State (8.27fs)
- Quality Indicators and Outcomes for Persons Discharged from State Psychiatric Hospitals (3.41)
- Sustainability of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment in Healthcare Settings (4.101)
- The Impact of Mental Health Court on Recidivism and Other Key Outcomes (3.49)
- Using Claims-Based Risk Indicators to Predict Health Outcomes for Children with Mental Illness (3.38)
- Washington State Mental Health Services: Cost Offsets and Client Outcomes (3.29)
- Washington State Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Cost Offset Pilot Project (11.109)