Nationally, an increasing number of employers faced with rising employee health care premium costs either have chosen to drop health care benefits for their employees or to pass on to their employees a greater share of coverage costs. As a consequence, there have been trends towards more employees and their dependents applying for state purchased health care programs supported with public funds. In response to these trends, the 2006 State Legislature enacted Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 3079. This legislation directed the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and the Health Care Authority (HCA) in coordination with the Employment Security Department (ESD) to report annually on the employment of Medical Assistance clients and Basic Health Program (BHP) enrollees. This report provides both aggregate and employer-specific data related to HCA Medical Assistance clients and non-client parents with dependents with HCA medical coverage, as specified in the legislation (enacted as Chapter 264, Laws of 2006 and codified in RCW 74.09.053 and RCW 70.47.170).
Report and/or Additional Information:
Related Publications:
- Employment Status of Apple Health Care Clients and Non-Client Individuals with Dependents Who Are Apple Health Care Clients (9.111)
- Employment Status of Apple Health Care Clients and Non-Client Individuals with Dependents Who Are Apple Health Care Clients (9.115)
- Employment Status of Apple Health Care Clients and Non-Client Individuals with Dependents Who Are Apple Health Care Clients (9.117)
- Employment Status of HCA Medical Assistance Clients and Persons with Dependents with HCA Medical Coverage (9.104)
- Employment Status of HCA Medical Assistance Clients and Persons with Dependents with HCA Medical Coverage (9.106)
- Employment Status of HCA Medical Assistance Clients and Persons with Dependents with HCA Medical Coverage (9.109)
- Employment Status of Medical Assistance Clients (9.80)
- Employment Status of Medical Assistance Clients and Persons with Dependents with DSHS Medical Coverage (9.97)
- Employment Status of Medical Assistance Clients and Persons with Dependents with DSHS Medical Coverage (Annual) (9.90)
- Employment Status of Medical Assistance Clients and Persons with Dependents with DSHS Medical Coverage; Statewide Data for CY 2007, By Firm Detail for January 2008 and June 2008 (9.94)
- Employment Status of Medical Assistance Clients and Persons with Dependents with DSHS Medical Coverage; Statewide Data for CY 2009 By Firm Detail for January 2010 and April 2010 (9.102)
- Employment Status of Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) Care Clients and Non-Client Individuals with Dependents Who Are Medicaid Clients (9.120)
- Employment Status of Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) Care Clients and Non-Client Individuals with Dependents Who Are Medicaid Clients (9.121)
- Employment Status of Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) Clients and Non-Client Individuals with Dependents Who Are Apple Health Clients (9.129)
- Employment Status of Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) Clients and Non-Client Individuals with Dependents Who Are Apple Health Clients (9.123)
- Employment Status of Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) Clients and Non-Client Individuals with Dependents Who Are Apple Health Clients (9.125)