You may be required to become a licensed private vocational school if you provide core basic training. This requirement applies to any training business meeting certain criteria (see below).
When you must meet the Vocational School Requirement
You must be licensed as a vocational school when:
- You offer a course that is more than 24 hours in length, and
- Students pay for all or part of the training. This includes "self-pay" students who take out loans or students whose parents or relatives pay for the training.
Meeting the vocational school requirement begins when you are approved to offer core basic training.
Read the laws governing private vocational schools.
Exemptions to the Vocational School Requirement
You do not have to be a licensed vocational school if your business offers training and:
- Students are not required to pay for any part of the training.
- Only trains students who are referrals from state agencies, such as Work Source Centers or Labor and Industries, and you are paid by the agencies (rather than the students).
If you must become a licensed vocational school
The Workforce Board oversees the licensing of private vocational schools. Contact the Workforce Board once you have submitted your application to be a contracted community instructor for core basic training.
Please direct any questions you have about licensing as a vocational school to the Workforce Board. Our office will also be in contact with the Workforce Board once we being processing the application submitted.
Contact Information
Website: Workforce Board Website
Phone: 360-709-4600