AFH Applications

AFH online license application note: There are certain symbols that create errors in the completed application. Do not use the following symbols &, =, or +. Instead, use the following terms: (and) (equals) (plus), spelling out the words, with parentheses on either side. See the updated Instructions for the license application for details.  We are researching a permanent fix to this issue and will advise you of any changes.

During the application process, we communicate with applicants by email. Please make sure you check your spam or junk folder to avoid missing important messages.

To ensure that the flow of communication with the applicant(s) is as accurate as possible, Business Analysis and Applications Unit (BAAU) staff will only communicate directly with the applicant(s) either by email or phone call. This is to ensure that applicant(s) directly provide BAAU staff with accurate information; can dialogue and discuss questions about their application. Communicating directly with applicant(s) helps keep them informed and ensures that they can complete the application requirements accurately.  If the applicant(s) are working with third party, they can share the communications between them and BAAU, should they decide.

All requirements in WAC 388-76-10057 must be met prior to an application being submitted to the Department. Applications submitted without the required items listed in this WAC will not be accepted.

The spouse or domestic partner of an entity representative must be included on the AFH application. The department will conduct a Washington State background check and a national fingerprint background check on the spouse or domestic partner in accordance with WAC 388-76-10115 and WAC 388-76-10161. The department will conduct a credit check on the spouse of an entity representative when the entity representative has an ownership interest in the business in accordance with WAC 388-76-10115. If this applies to you, and the information is not included on your application, BAAU will email you to request this information.

Specialty contracts such as Meaningful Day Activities, Expanded Community Services (ECS) and Specialized Behavior Support (SBS) are not transferable when there is a change in ownership (CHOW). The new owner must meet the qualifications and have a fully executed specialty contract prior to providing specialty services. Payment for specialized services cannot be issued without the appropriate specialty contract in place. Information regarding specialty contracts can be found here: Residential Long-Term Care Facilities Specialty Contracts.

Effective January 1, 2024, the Department provided Orientation class is no longer required. View the AFH Initial Inspection process informational slideshow.

How Long Does It Take To Become Licensed?

  • Processing of an application for licensure does not begin until the application is considered complete (i.e. all requested items received by the Business Analysis & Applications Unit);
  • Once the application is determined to be complete, the processing timeline begins and could take up to 60 days. 
  • On-site inspection by the Department must occur as part of the licensing process and licensure depends on the results of this inspection.
  • The majority of applicants do not meet minimum licensing requirements on the first inspection, thus requiring a subsequent visit.
  • After each inspection, the Department sends a letter to the applicant clearly outlining which licensing requirements have not been met and the specific issues that led to them not being met.
  • The Department has a maximum of 3 inspection visits; if after the third visit the applicant has still not met all the licensing requirements, the case is reviewed to determine the extent of the non-compliance and if a fourth visit is warranted.
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