Royal City The DSHS mobile Office is coming to Provide Public Assistance Benefits

The DSHS Mobile Community Services Office onsite, open to the community, and available for applications, reviews, changes, ID vouchers, add additional free minutes to contracted lifeline phone plans and assistance for the following programs:

 -Basic Food Assistance

 -Cash Assistance

 -Medicare Savings Program

 -Disability Medical Assistance

 Additionally, Mobile CSO staff can assist you in replacing your EBT Quest card and provide information on Washington Connection and healthcare coverage through Health Plan Finder. There will also be a chance to ask questions and get information regarding other resources in your area.

 Please look for our truck and stop by. Share this post on Facebook!

Royal City Family Medical Center
103 Camelia Street NW
Royal City, WA
United States
Thursday, October 6, 2022 - 12:00 to 15:00