Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Expedited Rule Making (CR-105)

Rule Title/Subject

Contact Person

Washington State Register Citations

WAC 388-891A-0610 & 388-891A-0890

DVR received recent guidance from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) that clarifies RSA’s interpretation of when vocational rehabilitation agencies may provide post-employment services under the Rehabilitation Act. RSA’s interpretation is inconsistent with how Washington Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) was providing post-employment services prior to filing Emergency Rule WSR 23-10-044, which modified how the service is defined in WAC. Provision of Post-Employment Services is subject to receipt of federal funding and continuing to apply WACs as written will place DVR out of compliance with federal guidance and could jeopardize its ability to receive federal funding. DVR is pursuing a rule change to stay in compliance with RCW 74.29.050. The Attorney General’s Office, Client Assistance Program, and the Washington State Rehabilitation Council have been consulted and support DVR’s reasons for the rule making. Updating the rule will ensure DVR is in compliance with the RSA’s guidance regarding the provision of Post-Employment services after employment has been achieved but before the individual is reported as having exited the vocational rehabilitation program.

Mari Heusman 360-280-2044

WSR 23-15-044

Objection date - September 18, 2023