Unfortunately, some applicants have fingerprints that are difficult to capture. This could be due to working with chemicals, fine/smooth skin, or prints that are worn down due to certain work or activities etc. Please refer to our Fingerprint Fact Sheet. The suggestions outlined in this document may improve fingerprint quality.
The Washington State Patrol (WSP) must determine that the fingerprints are the best quality. If WSP determines the fingerprints are not the best quality and they believe better prints can be obtained, the applicant will need to be printed again.
Once the WSP accepts the fingerprints, they will send them to the FBI for processing. The FBI will then determine whether the fingerprints are the best quality. If the FBI rejects the prints, the applicant will need to be printed one more time. If the FBI rejects them a second time, BCCU will request a National Name Date of Birth check from the FBI and the fingerprint process will be completed.
To view WSP and FBI fingerprint process, please refer to our flowchart.