What options do I have if my fingerprints keep being rejected?

Some applicants have fingerprints that are difficult to capture or are poor quality. We recommend applicants experiencing issues follow the guidance in our Fingerprint Fact Sheet.

Here are some options for multiple rejects:

  • The applicant can travel to the WSP office in Olympia to be printed for a small out of pocket fee. WSP will not reject fingerprints they take in-house. Please note, the FBI may still reject the prints requiring another printing.
  • An applicant has the option of being fingerprinted at a local law enforcement office with ink on a hard card for a small out of pocket fee.
  • BCCU can notify the fingerprint vendor when applicants are experiencing issues with printing and have been rejected multiple times. The vendor can contact the printing site, and if available, have a senior technician or supervisor assist at the applicant’s appointment to try to obtain the best prints possible. If you have an applicant who is difficult to fingerprint or has experienced more than two rejects, please contact BCCU to explore options.


Page Topic: 
Fingerprint Quality and Rejects