Seven and Eight Bed

The department is considering amending WAC 388-76-10031, License requirements—Seven or eight bed adult family homes—Licensure. This proposal refiles the project previously filed as WSR-23-17-056 that seeks to clarify requirements for homes wishing to increase capacity to seven or eight beds when the adult family home (home) serves only residents who do not require assistance with evacuation and the home does not have a residential sprinkler system. This project also implements ESHB Chapter 147, Laws of 2024- Adult Family Homes- Applications to Increase Bed Capacity. The department is filing this notice to combine the two projects. The department may amend other related rules as necessary. 

The status of this rulemaking project is in progress. 

DSHS is conducting rulemaking which may amend the following WAC chapter: 

  • WAC 388-76-10031, License requirements—Seven or eight bed adult family homes—Licensure This rule making project will address the following subjects: 

This adult family home rulemaking project filed on April 30, 2024 will address the following subjects: 

  • Clarify requirements for homes wishing to increase capacity to seven or eight beds 
  • Residential sprinkler systems 


Rulemaking Milestone 



CR-101 Filed 


WSR 24-10-097 

CR-102 Filed 



CR-103 Filed 



CR-104 Filed 



CR-105 Filed 



Public Comment/Hearing 












Meeting Information 

Meeting Date 


Topics Covered 



































Other Resources

Active Rulemaking
Program/Facility Type: 
Adult Family Home (AFH)