FWB Services

Adults with kids

About the FWB Team

The FWB team is located throughout the state of Washington and is comprised of a Unit Manager, Registered Nurses, Program Specialists, and Regional Medical Consultants. RMCs are active licensed pediatricians available for clinical consultation for children/youth in a dependency with the state, as well as non-dependent children whose health and/or safety are in question.

FWB Services

The FWB program supports infants, children, and youth in foster care, licensed and relative caregivers, and social workers, Tribal social workers, and the Department of Children, Youth, and Families. We support these individuals and positively impact the lives of children in foster care through care coordination, consultation, medically fragile group home oversight, and partnerships with multiple cross agencies and managed care organizations.

Care CoordinationA picture containing text, room, gambling houseDescription automatically generated

Our team can help caregivers and social workers through several care coordination services, including but not limited to:

  • Developing comprehensive health overviews.
  • Providing health education and answering medical questions.
  • Identifying available providers, specialists, supports, and resources in your area.


Our consultation services include but are not limited to:

  • Providing program and clinical consultation to DCYF social workers, as well as providing educational materials and resources to DCYF.
  • Providing consultation and coordination to all Washington State Tribal governments regarding out-of-home placement.
  • Identifying and supporting medical and safety policies.
  • Acting as authorized representative in grievance processes for children enrolled in MCO.
  • Identifying medically fragile and complex children in out-of-home placement, referring for care coordination services, and reviewing the Child Health and Education Tracking (CHET) Report.

​Medically Fragile Group Home 

We provide expert level consultative services to DCYF upon request which may include answering medical questions, reviewing medical and medication documentation and policies and procedures, and more.

Partnerships with multiple cross agencies and managed care organizations

Through our partnerships across the state and with various agencies, FWB has the unique ability to create connections between state agencies, social workers, local and national agencies, and health care and behavioral health care services to ensure safe and equitable care for our children in foster care and to connect social workers and caregivers to the supports and resources they need. 

For more information on various education topics and partner resources, click here.


If you would like to make a referral to the FWB program or managed care organizations on a child/youth in dependency, please:

  1. Complete this form: FWB Referral Form 
  2. Email your completed form to: fwb@dshs.wa.gov

For consent forms and more, see our Education & Resources page.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you!

  • Email: fwb@dshs.wa.gov (preferred)
  • Phone: 1-800-422-3263 ext. 52626, option 5
  • Fax: 360-725-2284 

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