Home and Community Based Services

Amendments and new sections will address the need for a legally enforceable agreement between the operators of AFH, ESF, and ALF and residents in those settings whose care is paid through Medicaid. Requirements for these agreements include the need to outline resident rights that include resident eviction processes and appeals related to transfer and discharge. This rulemaking is needed to comply with federal regulations 42 CFR §441.530(a)(1)(vi)(A) & 42 CFR §441.301(c)(4)(vi)(A). 

The status of this rulemaking project is active

DSHS is conducting rulemaking which may amend the following WAC chapters: 

  • [Chapter 388-76, 388-78A, 388-107]

This rule making project will address the following subjects:

  • [Legally enforceable agreements related to resident rights that include resident eviction protections related to transfer and discharge. ]
  • [Insert Subject]


Rulemaking Milestone 



CR-101 Filed 


WSR 24-22-123 

CR-102 Filed 



CR-103 Filed 



CR-104 Filed 



CR-105 Filed 



Public Comment/Hearing 













Meeting Information 

Meeting Date 


Topics Covered 



Interested Parties conference call/meeting #1

Project purpose, scope, timeline



Interested Parties conference call/meeting #2

Review and comment on draft rules



Interested Parties conference call/meeting #3

Review and comment on draft rules



Interested Parties conference call/meeting #4

Review and comment on draft rules



Interested Parties conference call/meeting #5

Review and comment on draft rules


01/30/25 Interested Parties conference call/meeting #6  

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