May 15, 2013
ADSA: AFH 2013-004
Dear Adult Family Home Provider:
Since July of 2012, Residential Care Services (RCS) has received numerous calls from providers and long-term care (LTC) workers about training requirements and home care aide (HCA) certification. The callers spoke about delays in being able to complete the LTC worker training and obtaining the HCA certification within the required time frames.
Providers and the associations have also expressed concern about the implementation of the training and certification requirements and any resulting citations and enforcement actions. RCS has determined that, for employees hired between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013 who have not completed the training and/or certification within the required time frames a consultation or citation may be written but enforcement will only be considered if negative or potentially negative problems have occurred for residents that could be reasonably related to the lack of training or certification.
For employees hired on or after April 1, 2013; LTC workers must complete required training within 120 days of hire and receive HCA certification within 150 days. If workers fail to complete training and obtain certification within required deadlines RCS will:
Write a citation; and
Recommend enforcement action if negative or potentially negative problems can be linked to the failure to obtain the training or certification.
If you have questions, please contact your RCS Field Manager.
Joyce Pashley Stockwell, Director
Residential Care Services