How do I make a fingerprint appointment?

BCCU does not schedule fingerprint appointments, you will need to contact the state's fingerprint vendor, IDEMIA (formerly MorphoTrust).

To schedule an appointment through IDEMIA, please call 1-888-771-5097 or visit their website at You will need the following to schedule an appointment:

  1. Fingerprint Appointment Form
  2. Applicant's Date of Birth
  3. Applicant Inquiry ID/OCA number found on the Interim Fingerprint Check Notification

If you are rescheduling your appointment due to the WSP or FBI rejecting your fingerprints, you can reschedule online or by phone. You must call IDEMIA at 1-888-771-5097 with the three items listed above. IDEMIA has locations throughout Washington State. Please refer to their website at, for the location nearest you.

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