2020 DSHS News Releases

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DSHS to furlough employees and close offices one day a week through July 20

Jun 25 2020

DSHS Office of Communications, Chris Wright, (360) 628-1043


Agency will then furlough employees one day a month through November

OLYMPIA – In order to comply with the furloughs ordered last week by Governor Jay Inslee, the Department of Social and Health Services will close its offices across the state starting on Monday, June 29 and continue to do so each Monday through July 20. During this time, those DSHS offices that are open, including those with only limited services, will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through ...read the full news release

Public input wanted on proposed 48-bed facility in Clark County

Jun 24 2020

DSHS Office of Communications, Kelly Von Holtz, 360-902-7739

OLYMPIA -- The Department of Social and Health Services is proposing construction of a 48-bed, behavioral health facility in Clark County and wants public input by August 28, 2020.

The proposed project site is within the Columbia River Mental Health Services campus located at 6926 NE Fourth Plain Blvd in Vancouver, Washington.

The facility would provide secure, civil behavioral health services, which is part of the major reform happening in our state with regard to the ...read the full news release


Commission charged with evaluating response to crisis in nursing homes

OLYMPIA - Candace Goehring, the director of Residential Care Services, a division within DSHS’ Aging and Long-Term Support Administration, has been selected to serve on an independent commission established by the Centers for Medicare & ...read the full news release

Washington families get help to buy food during school closures

Jun 10 2020

DSHS Office of Communications, Norah West, 360-902-7833

OSPI Contact: Ben King, ben.king@k12.wa.us, 360-725-6435


Pandemic EBT available early July for children whose schools closed due to COVID-19

OLYMPIA – Because schools have been closed due to COVID-19, families in Washington state will soon have food benefits available to them to help buy groceries while children have been home from school. Called Pandemic EBT, or ...read the full news release

Adult abuse remains a concern during COVID-19 crisis

Jun 03 2020

DSHS Office of Communications, Chris Wright, (360) 628-1043


OLYMPIA – June is Adult Abuse Awareness Month in Washington state. The annual statewide awareness campaign is designed to promote education, identification and reporting of the mistreatment of vulnerable adults throughout the state.

“The campaign carries additional weight this year in light of the COVID-19 crisis and prolonged stay at home order,” said Department of Social and Health Services Secretary Cheryl Strange. “Mistreatment is not as visible as it once was. We rely on ...read the full news release