Two additional Western State Hospital employees test positive for COVID-19

Release Date: 
Mar 25 2020
DSHS Office of Communications
Kelly Von Holtz

LAKEWOOD -- The Department of Social and Health Services announced today that two employees, who work on separate wards at Western State Hospital, have tested positive for COVID-19.

All hospital staff who have been in close contact with these employees have been notified.

Last week, DSHS announced that two patients and one staff member, who had not worked during the incubation period, had tested positive for the virus. Since that announcement, one patient and Western employee have both recovered. The other patient remains hospitalized locally.

WSH follows protocols for infectious diseases as a matter of routine. Due to COVID-19, the hospital has also implemented restrictions for patient and staff movement between wards and screens all staff prior to their shift for symptoms or exposure to the virus.

Anyone who visited Western State Hospital between March 19 and 21 should monitor for symptoms, and if exhibiting any consistent with COVID-19, contact their health care provider for further direction.

Western continues to combat the spread of this pandemic with increased cleaning of high-touch areas, limiting travel outside of the hospitals for patients and continued screening of everyone entering the facility.

