Legislative Reports

One of the goals of Department of Social and Health Services was to make all legislatively mandated reports widely available on the internet, saving taxpayers money by reducing printing, publication and distribution costs. This web site was developed to carry out that commitment. To view the list of reports posted, select from the search criteria below.

Questions? Contact Government Relations.


Nursing Homes - Physicians Employment

In April 2011, the legislature passed SHB 1315 concerning employment of physicians by nursing homes. The law required the department to submit a one-time report on consumer satisfaction and medical cost implications of including physicians on staff in nursing facilities.

Authorization: SHB 1315, C228 Laws of 2011 Section 3
Report: PDF icon January 2013
Report Type: One-Time

2012 Kinship Care Oversight Report

The Kinship Care Oversight committee was formed in 2003 to provide guidance in identifying, supporting and strengthening kinship care families. Kinship care includes relatives caring for children on a dependency order within the child welfare system as well as relatives caring for children not formally involved with the public child welfare system. The committee is required to submit a report. (expires 06/30/13)

Authorization: RCW 74.13.621, Chapter 50 Laws of 2011
Report: PDF icon December 2013
Report Type: Annual

2012 Racial Disproportionality in WA State

As required by the legislature, this report explains efforts by the Dept. of Social &b Health Services to remediate racial disproportionality in the Washington state child welfare system.

Authorization: RCW 74.13.096, Chapter 465 Laws of 2007 (SHB 1472)
Report: PDF icon January 2013
Report Type: Annual

TBI Council - Implementation of the Comprehensive Statewide Plan

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) alters the lives of individuals living in WA State. National estimates indicate that there are nearly 135,000 individuals living with TBI related disabilities. The comprehensive statewide plan addresses the unique needs of WA citizens living with, or affected by, TBI.

Authorization: RCW 74.13.030(3)
Report: PDF icon January 2013
Report Type: Every 2 years

WorkFirst Wage Progression Report - 2nd Quarter 2012

RCW 74.08A.411 mandates a quarterly report on performance measures of WorkFirst clients 12, 24 and 36 months after leaving the program. Performance measures reported under this requirement are: Percentage increase in earnings and hourly wage; Percentage of WorkFirst returns.

Authorization: RCW 74.08A.411
Report: PDF icon RCW 74.08A.411
Report Type: Quarterly

Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Incentive Payments System Design

The Department of Social & Health Services and the Department of Health are required to consult with the WA State Health Care Association and Aging Services of WA to design a quality incentive payment program for skilled nursing facilities and submit the design of the system to the legislature.

Authorization: RCW 74.48.090, 3ESHB 2127, Ch. 7, Laws of '12, S921(1)
Report: PDF icon January 2013
Report Type: One-Time

JLARC - Involuntary Treatment Act Judicial Cost Reimbursement

Legislation in 2011 (SSB 5531) created a process for Regional Support Networks (RSNs) reimbursement of counties' actual judicial costs associated with the county-prosecuted Involuntary Treatment Act (ITA) cases. The same legislation directed the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee to asses the actual direct costs of providing judicial services for involuntary civil commitments in each county; review and analyze the reasons for differences in costs among counties; and identify issues and methods for updating the costs to reflect changes over time.

Authorization: Follow-up to JLARC report SSB 5531 Section 3
Report: PDF icon January 2013
Report Type: One-Time

Racial Disproportionality and Disparity in WA State

This is the sixth annual update, as required by the the WA Legislature in SHB 1472, regarding the efforts of DSHS to remediate racial disproportionality in the WA state child welfare system.

Authorization: RCW 74.13.096(6)
Report: PDF icon Racial Disproportionality
Report Type: Annual

Racial Disproportionality and Disparity in WA State 2013

This is the fifth annual legislative update as required by the Washington Legislature in SHB 1472, regarding the efforts of the Department of Social and Health Services to remediate racial disproportionality in the Washington state child welfare system.

Authorization: SHB 1472, Chapter 465, Laws of 2007
Report: PDF icon Racial Disproportionality and Disparity Report 2013.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Quarterly Child Fatality Report

October – December 2013

Authorization: RCW 74.13.640
Report: PDF icon 4th Quarter 2013 Quarterly Fatality Report - redacted.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

WA State Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias

2016 Legislative Report: WA State Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias

Authorization: SSB 6124 Laws of 2014
Report: PDF icon 2016 WA Alzheimer's State Plan - Full Report Final.pdf
Report Type: One-Time

Adult Planned Respite

Adult Planned Respite

Authorization: ESSB 6052, Chapter 4, Law 2015, Section 205
Report: PDF icon Adult Planned Respite
Report Type: Annual

Enhanced Respite Services

Developmental Disabilities Administration Enhanced Respite Services for Children ages 8-18.

Authorization: ESSB 6052, Sec. 205 (1)(n), Law 2015
Report: PDF icon DDA Report Childrens Respite.pdf
Report Type: Annual


WorkFirst Expenditure Report

The department is required to submit an expenditure report to the fiscal committees of the legislature and the legislative-executive WorkFirst Oversight Task Force.

Authorization: Chapter 217 , Laws of 2012, Section 1(2)(c )
Report: PDF icon March 2013
Report Type: Quarterly

Forensic Admissions & Evaluations - Performance Targets

On May 1, 2012, RCW 10.77 was amended by SSB 6492. The amendment made changes to the evaluation process, set timelines for the admission and evaluation of forensic mental health patients and required the State Hospitals to set up a system of reporting and accountability when performance targets were not met.

Authorization: RCW 10.77.068, SSB 6492
Report: PDF icon March 2013
Report Type: Quarterly

Behavioral Health Organizations Reserve Levels

RSN / BHO Medicaid and Non-Medicaid Rates 

Authorization: ESSB 6052
Report: PDF icon BHO
Report Type: Annual

Child Fatality Report 1st Quarter 2014

1st Quarter 2014 Child Fatality Report

Authorization: RCW 74.13.640
Report: PDF icon 1st Q 2014 Child Fatality Report
Report Type: Quarterly


Annual Quality Assurance Report

The Department is required to prepare an annual quality assurance report that includes but is not limited to performance outcomes regarding health and safety of children in the children's services system, children's length of stay in out-of-home placement from each date of referral, adherence to permanency planning timelines and the response time on child protective services investigations differentiated by risk level determined at intake.

Authorization: RCW 43.20A.870
Report: PDF icon May 2013
Report Type: Annual

2013 Quality Assurance Children's Administration

Annual Quality Assurance Report on the Children's Administration's efforts to enhance child safety and permanency and to support child and family well-being.

Authorization: RCW 43.20A.870, RCW 74.13.031(5)
Report: PDF icon 2013 Quality Assurance Children's Administration.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Behavioral Health Organizations Rate Setting ESSB 6052, Sec. 204

Report to the Legislature

Behavioral Health Organizations Rate Setting, May 24, 2016

Authorization: ESSB 6052, Section 204 (4)(b), Chapter 4, 2015 Laws, 3rd Special Session
Report: PDF icon Behavioral Health Organizations Rate Setting
Report Type: One-Time

Children's Administration 2014 Quality Assurance Report

Children's Administration 2014 Quality Assurance Report

Authorization: RCW 43.20A.870 / RCW 74.13.260
Report: PDF icon Children's Administration 2014 Quality Assurance Report
Report Type: Annual


Evidence-based and Research-based Practices Baseline Report

In accordance with E2SHB 2536, the Department and the Health Care Authority (HCA) must complete a baseline assessment of utilization of evidence-based and research-based practices in the areas of child welfare, juvenile rehabilitation and children's mental health services by June 30, 2013.

Authorization: E2SHB 2536
Report: PDF icon June 2013
Report Type: One-Time

Forensic Admissions & Evaluations - Performance Targets

On May 1, 2012, RCW 10.77 was amended by SSB 6492. The amendment made changes to the evaluation process, set timelines for the admission and evaluation of forensic mental health patients and required the State Hospitals to set up a system of reporting and accountability when performance targets were not met.

Authorization: RCW 10.77.068, SSB 6492
Report: PDF icon June 2013
Report Type: Quarterly

Indian Tribe/State Government Implementation of SB 6175

The State-to-State Indian Tribes law requires an annual report by state agencies to report on activities with the Federally Recognized Tribes of Washington State. Activities to be reported on include collaboration, communications, establishment of a direct report to the head of the state agency and training of state employees.

Authorization: SB 6175, Chapter 122, Laws of 2012
Report: PDF icon June 2013
Report Type: Annual

Forensic Admissions and Evaluations, Performance Targets 2016, First Quarter

Forensic Admissions and Evaluations Q1 2016

Authorization: SSB 6492, Section 2(3), Chapter 256, Laws of 2012
Report: PDF icon Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - 6492 Q1 2016.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

Timeliness of Services Related to Competency to Proceed or Stand Trial 2015 Annual Report

Authorization: SSB 6492, Section 2(4), Chapter 256, Laws of 2012
Report: PDF icon 6492 2015 Annual Report.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Child Fatality Report 2nd Quarter 2014

Child Fatality Quarter 2, 2014

Authorization: RCW 74.13.640
Report: PDF icon 2nd Quarter 2014 Child Fatality Report
Report Type: Quarterly


Mental Health Managed Care Rate-Setting

In developing the new Medicaid managed care rates under which the public mental health managed care system will operate, the department must seek to estimate the reasonable and necessary cost of efficiently and effectively providing a comparable set of medically necessary mental health benefits to persons of different acuity levels regardless of where in the state they live. The department must report to the Office of Financial Management (OFM) and to the relevant fiscal and policy committees of the legislature on its proposed new mental health managed care rate setting approach.

Authorization: 3ESSB 5034, Section 204(4)(d)
Report: PDF icon August 2013
Report Type: Twice

Adult Behavioral Health - Forensic Mental Health Review

Recommendations of an independent consultant on behavioral health improvement strategy

Authorization: RCW 43.20A.895(3), 2SSB 5732
Report: PDF icon SSB 5732 Forensic Mental Health - Consultant Review 8-1-14.pdf
Report Type: One-Time

Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Performance Targets 2016 Second Quarter

Report to the Legislature: Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Performance Targets 2016 Second Quater 

Authorization: SSB 6492, Section 2 (Chapter 256, Laws of 2012) As amended by SSB 5889, Section 1 (Chapter 5, Laws of 2015)
Report: PDF icon 6492 Performance Targets
Report Type: Quarterly

BHO Early Adopter Integration of Behavioral Health Quarter 1, 2016

Authorization: 2ESHB 2376 (supplemental operating budget), section 208(21)
Report: PDF icon Report - 1st Quarterly - BHO-Early Adopter Integration of Behavioral Health.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

Child Fatality Report, Quarter 2, 2016

2nd Quarter Child Fatality Report 2016

Authorization: 74.13.640
Report: PDF icon Quarter 2 2016 Child Fatality Report.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

Child Fatality Report, Quarter 3, 2016

3rd Quarter Child Fatality Report 2016

Authorization: 74.13.640
Report: PDF icon Quarter 3 2016 Child Fatality Report.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

Child Fatality Report 4th Quarter 2015

4th Quarter Child Fatality Report October- December 2015

Authorization: 74.13.640
Report: PDF icon 4th Quarter 2015 Quarterly Fatality Report - redacted.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly


Workplace Safety in State Hospitals

Chapter 72.23 RCW requires each state hospital to develop a plan to reasonably prevent and protect their employees from violence at those hospitals and directs the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to provide an annual report to the legislature on efforts to reduce violence in the hospitals.

Authorization: Chapter 187, Laws of 05, Section 1, RCW 72.23.450
Report: PDF icon September 2013
Report Type: Annual

Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Performance Targets Second Quarter 2014

Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Failure to meet Performance Targets

Second Quarter (April 1, 2014 - June 30, 2014)

Authorization: SSB 6492, Chapter 256, L 2012, Sec 2(3), RCW 10.77.068
Report: PDF icon Forensic Admissions and Evaluation SB 6492 Q2 2014.pdf
Report Type:

Parole Services for High-Risk Juvenile Offenders 2014

Report on the information management, program evaluation, implementation, quality and effectiveness of the intensive supervision program within JJRA's parole services.

Authorization: RCW 13.40.212(2), Chapter 338, Laws of 1997, Sec. 34
Report: PDF icon Parole Services for High-Risk Juvenile Offenders.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Workplace Safety in State Hospitals

Report on the department's efforts to reduce violence in state hospitals.

Authorization: HB 1160, Chapter 187, Laws of 2005, Sec 1, RCW 72.23.451
Report: PDF icon Workplace Safety in State Hospitals 2014.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Performance Targets Second Quarter 2013

On May 1, 2012, RCW 10.77 was amended by Substitute Senate Bill 6492.  The amendment made changes to the evaluation process, set timelines for the admission and evaluation of forensic mental health patients, and required the State Hospitals to set up a system of reporting and accountability when performance targets were not met. As mandated by RCW 10.77.068(3), the following quarterly report explains the extent to which the hospitals deviated from performance targets and describes the hospital’s plans to meet these performance targets.

Authorization: RCW 10.77.068(3), SSB 6492
Report: PDF icon Q2 - 2013 - Forensic Admissions and Evaluations – Performance Targets 6492 - FINAL.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

Parole Services for High-Risk Juvenile Offenders 2013

In 1997, the Washington State Legislature required the Department of Social and Health Services’ Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration (JRA) to implement an intensive supervision program within its parole services. This legislation[1] required that the program be provided for juvenile offenders at highest risk to reoffend.   The Legislature required annual reports on progress in meeting goals for information management and program evaluation, implementation, quality and effectiveness.



Authorization: RCW 13.40.212(2), Chapter 338, Laws of 1997, Sec. 34
Report: PDF icon Parole Services for High-Risk Juvenile Offenders.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Examining the Needs of Dependent Youth in JR Care

Senate Bill 5405, passed in the 2013 legislative session, directed the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to develop recommendations regarding the needs of dependent youth in the Juvenile Rehabilitation (JR) institutions and how these youth may access services under the extended foster care program. These recommendations are to be reported to the Governor and appropriate legislative committees by September 1, 2013.

Authorization: E2SSB 5405, Chapter 332, Laws of 2013
Report: PDF icon Examining the Needs of Dependent Youth in JR Care.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Workplace Safety in State Hospitals 2015

Authorization: RCW 72.23.451
Report: PDF icon Workplace Safety in State Hospitals 2015 Legislative Report.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Workplace Safety in State Hospitals 2016

Authorization: RCW 72.23.451
Report: PDF icon Workplace Safety in State Hospitals 2016 Report.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Case Management Services for Pregnant and Parenting Women

BHO Readiness to Assume the Contracts for Case Management Services for Pregnant and Parenting Women

Authorization: ESSB 6052, Sec 208(16)
Report: PDF icon BHO Readiness to Assume Contracts for Case Mgt Svcs.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Child Fatality Report 3rd Quarter 2014

Child Fatality Report - Third Quarter 2014

Authorization: RCW 74.13.640
Report: PDF icon 3rd Quarter 2014 Quarterly Fatality Report.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly


Purchasing Mental Health, Chemical Dependency and Long Term Services and Supports, Including Services for People With Developmental Disabilities

House Bill 1738 transferred oversight of the Medicaid program from the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to the Health Care Authority (HCA) on July 1, 2011, including the responsibility to purchase medical assistance for all Medicaid recipients. DSHS retains responsibility for purchasing long term services and supports for people with physical, cognitive and/or developmental disabilities and behavioral health services for people facing mental health and/or substance abuse challenges, primarily using Medicaid funds available via cooperative agreement with HCA.

Authorization: E2SHB, 1738
Report: PDF icon November 2013
Report Type: Annual

Tribal Centric Behavioral Health

Report of the Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Workgroup to address an integrated behavioral health model which encompasses both mental health and chemical dependency treatment.

Authorization: 2SSB 5732, Section 7, Chapter 388, Laws of 2013
Report: PDF icon 5732 Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Nov. 13.pdf, PDF icon 5732 Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Nov. 13 - Exhibits1 thru 7.pdf
Report Type:

Juvenile Court Block Grant 2014

The Block Grant is a way of funding juvenile courts which emphasizes serving the highest risk youth to improve public safety and maximize savings to the state and local communities. The Block Grant Funding Formula provides financial incentive to courts that deliver the programs that have demonstrated effectiveness and divert committable youth from state institution beds.

Authorization: RCW 13.40.540
Report: PDF icon 2014 Juvenile Court Block Grant Report.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Expansion of the Basic Food Employment and Training Program - 2014

Report on the state's comprehensive workforce development system serving the needs of low-income individuals, displaced workers and employers by encouraging financial independence from public assistance through skill acquisition, personal responsibility and gainful employment.

Authorization: RCW 74.04.535
Report: PDF icon Basic Food Employment & Training 2014.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Juvenile Court Block Grant Report - 2013

Rehabilitation Administration in collaboration with the Washington Association of Juvenile Court Administrators.

The Block Grant is a way of funding juvenile courts which emphasizes serving the highest risk youth to improve public safety and maximize savings to the state and local communities.  The Block Grant Funding Formula provides financial incentive to courts that deliver the programs that have demonstrated effectiveness and divert committable youth from state institution beds. 


Authorization: RCW 13.40.540
Report: PDF icon 2013 Juvenile Court Block Grant.pdf
Report Type: Annual

WorkFirst Report on Maximizing Outcomes - 2013

Plan for maximizing outcomes.

Authorization: 3ESSB 5034 Sec 207 (1)(a)
Report: PDF icon WorkFirst Report on Maximizing Outcomes.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Expansion of the Basic Food Employment and Training Program - 2013

Authorization: RCW 74.04.535
Report: PDF icon 2013 Leg Report BFET Outcome November 2013.pdf
Report Type:

Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Performance Targets, Quarter Three 2014

Authorization: SB 6492, Chapter 256, Laws of 2012, Section 2(3)
Report: PDF icon Forensic Admissions and Evaluation SB 6492 Q3 2014.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

Juvenile Court Block Grant 2016

Juvenile Court Block Grant 2016

Authorization: RCW 13.40.540
Report: PDF icon Juvenile Court Block Grant 2016.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Basic Food Employment and Training

Expansion of the Basic Food Employment and Training Program - BFET Report for 2015.

Authorization: RCW 74.04.535
Report: PDF icon 2015 ESA Basic Food and Training
Report Type: Annual


Timeliness of Services Related to Competency to Proceed or Stand Trial 2013 Annual Report

To improve the timeliness of competence evaluation and restoration services. RCW 10.77.068 sets forth specific performance targets related to evaluating competence and offering restoration services.

Authorization: SSB 6492, C256, L12, Sec 2(4)
Report: PDF icon December 2013
Report Type: Annual

Public Safety Review Panel

Public Safety Review Panel: Report to the Washington State Legislature

The PSRP was created in 2010 pursuant to RCW 10.77.270 as an independent body to advise the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Secretary and the courts on changes in commitment status, furloughs, temporary leave, and other areas regarding persons found not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI) and those committed under chapter 71.05, RCW (the ITA) where the court has made a special finding under RCW 71.05.280(3) (also known as felony, competency, or 1114 “flip” cases).

Authorization: RCW 10.77.270(6)
Report: PDF icon PSRP 2014 Report to the Washington Legislature.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Small Rural Hospital - Psychiatric Bed Conversion

The 2013 Second Special Session of the Legislature charged DSHS with the cooperation of HCA to explore opportunities for small, rural hospitals to convert some of their hospital beds to psychiatric treatment beds.

Authorization: 3ESSB 5034, Sec. 204 (4)(f)
Report: PDF icon Small Rural Hospital - Psychiatric Bed Conversion.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Foster & Adoptive Home Placement

2014 Children's Administration report on: Meeting the need for adoptive and foster home placements; reducing the foster parent turnover rate; completing home studies for legally free children; and implementing and operating the passport program required by RCW 74.13.285.

Authorization: RCW 74.13.031(2)
Report: PDF icon Foster and Adoptive Home Placement 2014.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Refugee and Immigrant Employment Services

DHS provides employment services to refugees and immigrants through the Limited English Proficient (LEP) Pathway Program and the Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) program.  This report details all sources of available funding for refugee and immigrant employment services during the current fiscal year, amounts expended to date by service type and funding source, the number of participants served, and program outcome data.

Authorization: 3ESSB 5034, Sec. 207(4), Chapter 4, Laws of 2013
Report: PDF icon Refugee & Immigrant Employment Services
Report Type: Annual

Washington Connection Benefit Portal

This is the second annual report of the online benefit portal, Washington Connection, that was implemented to simplify and streamline access to a broad array of state, federal and local services and benefits.

Authorization: RCW 74.04.225
Report: PDF icon WA Connection Benefit Portal 2012.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Pediatric Interim Care Center

Pediatric Interim Care Center Performance-Based Contracts

Authorization: 2ESHB 1087 Sec. 202(2), Chapter 50, Laws of 2011
Report: PDF icon Pediatric Interim Care 12-1-12.pdf
Report Type: One-Time

Racial Disproportionality in the Juvenile Justice System

Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System

Authorization: RCW 13.06.050(3), RCW 2.56.031
Report: PDF icon Racial Disproportionality in the Juvenile Justice System 12-2012.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Kinship Care Oversight Committee 2013

The Kinship Care Oversight Committee provides guidance in identifying, supporting, and strengthening kinship care families. Kinship care includes relatives caring for dependent children within the child welfare system as well as relatives caring for children not formally involved with the public child welfare system.

Authorization: RCW 74.13.621, Chapter 4, Laws of 2013
Report: PDF icon Kinship Care Oversight Committee Report to the Legislature 2013.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Evidence-Based and Research-Based Practices 2013

This report examines the expansion of Evidence-based and Research-based practices within the state-run systems serving children and youth in Washington and to recommend Strategies, Timelines and Costs in this effort.

Authorization: E2SHB 2536
Report: PDF icon EvidenceResearch-basedPracticesStrategiesTimelinesCosts12-30-13.pdf
Report Type:

Blended Funding Report 2013

Report of programs that blend funds to provide services to children and their families.

Authorization: RCW 74.14A.060
Report: PDF icon Blended Funding Report.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Washington Connection Benefit Portal

Report on the effort to strengthen existing efforts of state agencies and partners to implement an online benefit portal. The goal was to streamline online access to a broad array of state, federal, and local services and benefits.

Authorization: RCW 74.04.225
Report: PDF icon WA Connection Benefit Portal 12-1-13_0.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Washington Connection Benefit Portal 2014

Report on the Online Opportunity Portal which was established to provide online access to the public to a broad array of state, federal and local services and benefits as well as employment, training and education programs.

Authorization: RCW 74.04.225
Report: PDF icon WA Connection Benefit Portal 2014.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Plan for Integrated Managed Health and Mental Health Care for Foster Children - 2014

DSHS and the health care authority plan to provide integrated managed health and mental health care for foster children receiving care through the medical assistance program.

Authorization: 2SSB 6312, Section 110, Chapter 225, Laws of 2014
Report: PDF icon Childrens Mental Health Svcs Plan 2SSB 6312.pdf
Report Type: One-Time

Naturalization Services 2014

Report on the Department of Social and Health Services efforts to assist legal immigrants receiving public assistance to facilitate the citizenship process.

Authorization: ESSB 6002, Chapter 221, Sec 207, Laws of 2014
Report: PDF icon DSHS Report to the Legislature - Naturalization Services.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Refugee and Immigrant Employment Services

DSHS provides employment services to refugees and immigrants through the Limited English Proficient (LEP) Pathway Program. Report on available funding for refugee and immigrant employment services current fiscal year, amounts expended to date by service type and funding source, the number of participants served, and program outcome data.



Authorization: ESSB 6002, Chapter 221, Laws of 2014, Section 207
Report: PDF icon Refugee and Immigrant Employ Services Dec. 2014.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Foster & Adoptive Home Placement - 2013

Report to the Governor and the Legislature on the agency success in: Meeting the need for adoptive and foster home placements; Reducing the foster parent turnover rate; Completing home studies for legally free children; and implementing and operating the passport program required by RCW 74.13.285.

Authorization: RCW 74.13.031(2)
Report: PDF icon Foster and Adoptive Home Placement Dec. 2013.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Violations, Penalties, and Actions Relating to Persons on Conditional Release to a Less Restrictive Placement - 2013

Report on violations of court-ordered conditions of release committed by all civilly committed sex offenders who are living in less restrictive alternative (LRA) settings and the penalties and actions taken by the department to remove a person from an LRA setting. 

Authorization: RCW 71.09.325(4)
Report: PDF icon SCC - Violations Report - Dec 2013.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Family Assessment Response 2012

Implementation Report -The Family Assessment Response pathway is an additional pathway to engage families, address the basic needs of children in order to stabilize and strengthen the family unit, improve child and family well-being, safely prevent out of home placements and is anticipated to benefit children and families through early intervention.

Authorization: RCW 26.44.260(2), ESSB 6555 [Chapter 259, Laws of 2012]
Report: PDF icon Family Assessment Response report Dec 2012.pdf
Report Type: One-Time

Capital Add-On Rate and the Effectiveness in Incentivizing Assisted Living Facilities to Serve Medicaid Eligible Clients

Authorization: RCW 74.39A.320
Report: PDF icon Capital Add-On Rate and the Effectiveness in Incentivizing Assisted Living Facilities to Serve Medicaid Eligible.pdf
Report Type: One-Time

Differential Rates for Medicaid and Non-Medicaid Client Services

This report provides information regarding differential rates paid for alcohol and substance abuse assessment and treatment services for Medicaid and non-Medicaid clients and the impact to providers as previously uninsured clients become eligible for services through the Medicaid expansion under the ACA, highlighting Adult Substance Use Disorder (SUD) clients.

Authorization: ESSB 6002, Chapter 221, Laws of 2014, Section 208(7)
Report: PDF icon DSHS Report to the Legislature - ESSB 6002.pdf
Report Type: One-Time

2013 Report on the Process for Establishing Medicaid Rates for Assisted Living Facilities and Adult Family Homes

Report on the process for establishing Medicaid rates for assisted living and adult family homes. This report includes information about licensing and physical plant standards, contracting provisions, and per capita and biennial expenditures for assisted living and adult family homes.

Authorization: 3ESSB 5034 Sec 206 (9), c. 4, 2013 Laws, 2d sp.s. Sec. 206(9)
Report: PDF icon Report on the Process for Establishing Medicaid Rates for Assisted Living Facilities and Adult Family Homes.pdf
Report Type: One-Time

Naturalization Services 2013

Report to the Legislature on all sources of available funding for naturalization services during the current fiscal year, amounts expended to-date by service type and funding source, number of participants served, and program outcome data.

Authorization: 3ESSB 5034, Sec 207 (4)
Report: PDF icon 2013 Leg Report Naturalization Services .pdf
Report Type: Annual

Blended Funding Report 2014

The department shall document the number of children who participate in blended funding projects, the total blended funding amounts per child, the amount charged to each appropriation by program, and services provided to each child through each blended funding project and report this information to the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1st of each year, beginning in December 1, 2000.

Authorization: RCW 74.14A.060, Chapter 219, Laws of 2000, Sec 2
Report: PDF icon DSHS Legislative Report - Blended Funding, Children's Admin, Dec2014.pdf
Report Type: Annual

State Psychiatric Hospital Budget and Staffing Plans 2015

Authorization: SHB 1105, 2015 Regular Session, Section 5(7)
Report: PDF icon Psychiatric Hospital Staffing Plan and Budget Allocations.pdf
Report Type: Annual

WA Connection Opportunity Portal

WA Connection Opportunity Portal 2016

Authorization: RCW 74.04.225
Report: PDF icon Washington Connection Benefit Portal Report.pdf
Report Type: Annual

Foster and Adoptive Home Placement 2016

Foster and Adoptive Home Placement 2016

Authorization: RCW 74.13.031 (2)
Report: PDF icon Foster and Adoptive Home Placement 2016
Report Type: Annual

Evidence-Based and Research-Based Practices Updates and Recommendations

Evidence Based Practice 2015 BHA

Authorization: E2HB 2536
Report: PDF icon Evidence Based Practice 2015
Report Type: Annual

Behavioral Health Primary Health Regulations

Behavioral Health Primary Health Regulations

Authorization: E3SHB 1713, Sec. 533
Report: PDF icon Behavioral Health Regs Task Force 2016 .pdf
Report Type: Annual

WA Connection Benefit Portal

Report to the legislature: December 2015 - WA Connection Benefit Portal

Authorization: E2SHB 2782
Report: PDF icon 2015 ESA WA Connection Benefit Portal
Report Type: Annual

Refugee and Immigrant Employment Services

Report to the legislature: 2015 Refugee and Immigrant Employment Services

Authorization: ESSB 6052, Chapter 4, Section 207
Report: PDF icon 2015 ESA Refugee and Immigrant Employment Services
Report Type: Annual

Naturalization Services

2015 Report to the Legislature - Naturalization Services

Authorization: ESSB 6052, Chapter 4, Laws of 2015, Section 207
Report: PDF icon Naturalization Services
Report Type: Annual

Refugee and Immigrant Employment Services

Limited English Proficient (LEP) Pathway and Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) (2016)

Authorization: ESSB 6052 Section 207 (3)
Report: PDF icon LEP Pathways
Report Type: Annual

Naturalization Services

Refugee and Immigrant Services - Naturalization (2016)

Authorization: ESSB 6052 Section 207 (4)
Report: PDF icon 2016 Naturalization Services
Report Type: Annual

Child Fatality Report 4th Quarter 2014

Child Fatality - 4th Quarter 2014 

Authorization: RCW 74.13.640
Report: PDF icon 4th Quarter 2014 Quarterly Fatality Report
Report Type: Quarterly


WorkFirst Wage Progression and Returns Through fourth-quarter 2013

Performance measures for WorkFirst clients 12, 24 and 36 months after leaving the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program for at least one quarter. Performance measures reported are: Changes in earnings and in hourly wages; Percentage of returns to TANF.

Authorization: RCW 74.08A.411
Report: PDF icon WorkFirst Wage Progression
Report Type: Quarterly

Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Performance Targets Third Quarter 2014

Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Performance Targets 2014

Third Quarter (July 1, 2014 - September 30, 2014)

Authorization: RCW 10.77.068
Report: PDF icon Forensic Admissions and Evaluation SB 6492 Q3 2014.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

WorkFirst Wage Progression and Returns Through Fourth Quarter 2012

Report on performance measures for WorkFirst clients 12, 24 and 36 months after leaving the Temporary Assistance for needy Families (TANF) program for at least one quarter.

Authorization: RCW 74.08A.411
Report: PDF icon 2012 Q 4.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

Dep. of Social and Health Services and the Dept. of Early Learning Overpayment Action Report - 2014

Plan to identify and reduce the backlog of overpayment cases related to public assistance programs, including the Working Connections Child Care program. The Dept. of Social & Health Services and the Dept. of Early Learning collaborative plan to triage overpayment cases in a manner that identifies and prioritizes cases with large overpayments as well as identify likelihood of fraudulent activity.

Authorization: ESSB 6002, Sec 207 (1) (d) Laws of 2014
Report: PDF icon ESSB 6002 Sec 207 DSHS-DEL Overpayment Action Report 2014.pdf
Report Type: One-Time

Juvenile Firearm Offenders

Data on juvenile offenders charged with unlawful possession of a firearm

Authorization: RCW 13.40
Report: PDF icon Juvenile Firearms Legislative Report 2014.pdf
Report Type: One-Time

BHO/Early Adopter Integration of Behavioral Health Final Quarterly Report

Authorization: 2ESHB 2376 (supplemental operating budget), section 208(21)
Report: PDF icon BHO-Early Adopter Integration of Behavioral Health Leg Report.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly


Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Performance Targets First Quarter 2014

State Hospitals report on performance of admissions and evaluations of forensic mental health patients.

Authorization: RCW 10.77.068, SB 6492, Chapter 256, Laws of 2012, Sec 2 (3)
Report: PDF icon Forensic Admissions and Evaluation SB 6492 Q1.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

WorkFirst Wage Progression and Returns Through Second-Quarter 2013

Report on performance measures for WorkFirst clients 12, 24 and 36 months after leaving the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program for at least one quarter.


Authorization: RCW 74.08A.411
Report: PDF icon 2013 Q 2.pdf
Report Type: Quarterly

Start-up Cost Associated with Performance Based Contracts (2012)

Authorization: 2ESHB 1087, Sec 202(3)(b)
Report: PDF icon Child Welfare Start-up Costs.pdf
Report Type: Multiple


Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Performance Targets 2016

Forensic Admissions and Evaluations - Performance Targets 2016, Third Quarter.

Authorization: SSB 6492; RCW 10.77.068(3)
Report: PDF icon Forensic Admissions and Evaluations 2016 3rd Qtr
Report Type: Quarterly