Behavioral Health Administration

Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101)

Rule Title/Subject

Contact Person

Washington State Register Citations

WACs 388-880-042, 388-880-043, 388-880-044, 388-880-045, 388-880-150 & 388-880-151

WAC 388-880-042 Resident Records-Purposes (amend), 388-880-043 Resident records-Location and custody (amend), 388-880-044 Resident records – Access (amend), 388-880-045 Resident records – Retention (repeal), 388-880-150 Requests for public disclosure (amend), 388-880-151 Requests for resident medical information (amend), and possible other related sections in chapter 388-880 WAC as may be required.

Christina Wells (253) 363-0274 WSR 24-19-053

Chapter 388-881 WAC

Chapter 388-881 WAC - Sexual Predator Program – External Oversight and possible other sections this chapter and in chapter 388-880 WAC as may be required.

Emma Palumbo (360-972-6214) WSR 24-14-109

WACs 388-880-005, 388-880-007, 388-880-020, 388-880-030, 388-880-031, 388-880-033, 388-880-034, 388-880-035, 388-880-036, 388-880-040 & 388-880-050

WAC 388-880-005 Special commitment of sexually violent predators – Legal basis, 388-880-007 Purpose, 388-880-020 Authorization for indefinite commitment to the sexual predator program, 388-880-030 Sexual predator program supplemental and post commitment evaluations, 388-880-031 Sexual predator program annual evaluation, 388-880-033 Evaluator – Qualifications, 388-880-034 Evaluator – Supplemental and post commitment evaluation responsibilities, 388-880-035 Refusal to participate in a supplemental or post commitment pretrial evaluation, 388-880-036 Supplemental evaluation – Reporting, 388-880-040 Individualized treatment, 388-880-050 Rights of a person court-detained or civilly committed to the special commitment center, and other related sections as may be necessary. The Department recognizes these WACs have not been updated since 2013 and since then, there have been policy and RCW changes that require an update. The Department has decided to change the name of the treatment program from “sexual predator program” to “sex offense specific treatment program” which will help clarify the type of treatment provided by SCC. The Department is updating the WACs that relate to the forensic evaluations that are completed as well as the qualifications of the forensic evaluators.

Emma Palumbo  (360-972-6214) WSR 23-15-035

Chapter 388-878 WAC

The department is proposing to amend chapter 388-878 WAC to develop rules for a leave of absence, amend the procedures for program removal and program end, and update definitions. The department may add new rules or amend other related rules as required.

Emma Palumbo  (360-972-6214) WSR 22-21-057

WAC 388-880-056, 388-880-057, 388-880-058, and 388-880-059

The department is planning to amend WAC 388-880-056, How SCC considers a resident for release to an LRA; 388- 880-057, How SCC considers a resident’s revocation of LRA status; 388-880-058, How SCC considers a recommendation for a resident’s unconditional discharge; 388-880-059, Communicating and coordinating resident discharge and conditional release related matters; and possible other sections as required.

Emma Palumbo  (360-972-6214) WSR 22-19-078

Chapter 388-878 WAC

The department is planning to create chapter 388-878 WAC, Outpatient Competency Restoration Program. This rulemaking is to develop rules for the conditions of participation in the outpatient competency restoration program, within the framework of the forensic mental health care system. This rulemaking will include but not be limited to detailing the eligibility requirements for a person to receive outpatient competency restoration, medication management, and regular urinalysis testing for defendants with substance use disorder. The department may add or amend other related rules as may be required.

Nora Selander
(360) 902-7637
WSR 21-08-091

Chapter 388-878 WAC

The department is planning to amend chapter 388-878 WAC to develop rules for the conditions of participation in the outpatient competency restoration program, within the framework of the forensic mental health care system. This rulemaking will include but not be limited to detailing the eligibility requirements for a person to receive outpatient competency restoration, medication management, or regular urinalysis testing for defendants with substance use disorders. The department may add new rules or amend other related rules as may be required.

Teva Weissman
(360) 902-7637
WSR 20-08-116
**WITHDRAWN with WSR 21-08-088**