Rule Title/Subject | Contact Person | Washington State Register Citations |
The Department is amending WAC 388-449-0220, “How does substance use affect my eligibility for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash and pregnant women assistance (PWA) programs?” These housekeeping amendments update a typographical error without changing the effect of the rule.
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 25-07-004 Effective Date: April 5, 2025 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-410-0030, “How does the department calculate and set up my basic food, FAP, or WASHCAP overpayment?” These amendments clarify that overpayments due to intentionally trafficking of food benefits will represent the entire value of the benefits determined to have been trafficked. |
Sharon Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 25-05-038 Effective Date: March 14, 2025 |
The department is extending emergency amendments to WAC 388-412-0040, “Can I get my benefits replaced?” Effective October 1, 2024, these amendments are necessary to align with the passing of the Continuing Appropriations and Extension Act, 2025, which authorizes the replacement of SNAP benefits stolen due to skimming, cloning, or other fraudulent methods through December 20, 2024. |
Sharon Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 25-04-046 Effective Date: January 29, 2025 |
These amendments allow domestic violence intervention treatment (DVIT) programs to provide services via HIPAA compliant video sessions, when certain standards are met. This filing is in response to a rule-making petition received from a consortium of DVIT providers seeking to preserve the ability to provide treatment through virtual platforms, which began during pandemic-related shutdowns. As applicable, these amendments make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Amie Roberts (360) 790-1483 | PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 25-03-090 Effective Date: February 16, 2025 |
WACs 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195, 388-470-0005 & 388-478-0060 The department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-450-0185, “What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?”, 388-450-0190, “How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?”, 388-450-0195, “Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?”, 388-470-0005, “How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food?”, and 388-478-0060, “What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food?” This filing is necessary to implement SNAP cost-of-living adjustments received August 3, 2024, from the United States Department of Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition Service, effective October 1, 2024. Once effective, this permanent filing supersedes the emergency rule filed under WSR 24-20-081. |
Sharon Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 25-01-045 Effective Date: January 10, 2025 |
The Department is amending WAC 388-449-0080, “Sequential evaluation process step IV—How does the department evaluate if I am able to perform relevant past work?” These amendments are necessary to align Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) program rules with Social Security Administration’s revision of the definition of “past relevant work,” by reducing the relevant work period from 15 to five years. When effective, this permanent filing supersedes the emergency rule filed under WSR 24-21-091. |
Deanna Ballard (360) 338-2896 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 25-01-036 Effective Date: January 9, 2025 |
WACs 388-424-0001, 388-424-0006, 388-424-0020 & 388-466-0005 The department is adopting emergency amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-424-0001, “Citizenship and immigrations status – Definitions.”, 388-424-0006, “Citizenship and alien status- Date of entry.”, 388-424-0020, “How does my alien status impact my eligibility for federally funded Basic Food benefits.”, and 388-466-0005, “Immigration status requirements for refugee cash assistance.” These amendments are necessary to update definitions related to certain immigration statuses and clarify eligibility information for Refugee Cash Assistance, TANF/SFA, and Basic Food benefits. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-24-031 Effective Date: November 25, 2024 |
WACs 388-487-0010, 388-487-0020 & 388-487-0030 The department is adopting WAC Chapter 388-487, “Sun Bucks,” to include the following WAC sections: WAC 388-487-0010, ”What is the sun bucks program?”, 388-487-0020, “Is my child eligible for sun bucks?”, and 388-487-0030, “General information about sun bucks benefits.” Adoption of these rules supports implementation of the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program, also known as SUN Bucks. SUN Bucks is a new program authorized under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (H.R. 2617) to provide additional food benefits to certain eligible children for designated summer periods (effective June 2024). Once effective, this filing supersedes the emergency rule filed under WSR 24-20-016. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-23-099 Effective Date: December 21, 2024 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-492 0070, “How are my WASHCAP food benefits calculated?” These amendments maintain alignment between Washington Combined Application Project (WASHCAP) rules and federal requirements. As a means of maintaining cost neutrality, the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service periodically adjusts WASHCAP program standards. |
Sharon Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-22-058 Effective Date: November 28, 2024 |
The department is extending emergency amendments to WAC 388-449-0080, “Sequential evaluation process step IV—How does the department evaluate if I am able to perform relevant past work?” These amendments are necessary to better align Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) program rules with Social Security Administration’s revision of the definition of “past relevant work,” by reducing the relevant work period from 15 to five years. |
Deanna Ballard (360) 338-2896 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-21-091 Effective Date: October 18, 2024 |
The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-412-0040, “Can I get my benefits replaced?” Effective October 1, 2024, these amendments are necessary to align with the passing of the Continuing Appropriations and Extension Act, 2025, which authorizes the replacement of SNAP benefits stolen due to skimming, cloning, or other fraudulent methods through December 20, 2024. |
Sharon Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-20-123 Effective Date: October 1, 2024 |
WACs 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195, 388-470-0005 & 388-478-0060 The Department is adopting emergency amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-450-0185, “What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?”, 388-450-0190, “How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?”, 388-450-0195, “Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?”, 388-470-0005, “How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food?” and 388-478-0060, “What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food?” These amendments are necessary to implement Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) cost-of-living adjustments received from the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service and must take effect October 1, 2024. |
Sharon Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-20-081 Effective Date: October 1, 2024 |
WACs 388-487-0010, 388-487-0020 & 388-487-0030 Emergency adoption of these rules supports implementation of the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program, also known as SUN bucks. SUN bucks was authorized under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (H.R. 2617) and provides additional food benefits to certain eligible children for a designated summer period following the 2023-2024 school year. The department is proceeding with the permanent rule-making and has filed a CR 101 preproposal under WSR 24-12-024. |
Sharon Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-20-019 Effective Date: September 21, 2024 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-310-0800, WorkFirst – Support Services. These amendments expand access to support services to assist with housing and utility needs for WorkFirst families. Funding for this purpose is supported within the Operating Budget and WorkFirst Spending Plan for SFY 2025. Additionally, these amendments increase support service flexibility by removing particular restrictions. Related emergency rules are currently in place. When effective, this permanent filing supersedes the emergency rule filed under WSR 24-14-046. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-19-079 Effective Date: October 18, 2024 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-432-0005, “Can I get help from DSHS for a family emergency without receiving monthly cash assistance?” Effective January 1, 2025, these amendments implement House Bill 2415 (Chapter 154, Laws of 2024) and increase the maximum Diversion Cash Assistance payment from $1,250 to $2,000. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-19-076 Effective Date: January 1, 2025 |
The department is amending WAC 388-14A-3375 to remove a reference to public assistance standards. Under WAC 388-14A-3375, the Division of Child Support (DCS) is authorized to provide several different types of credits towards a paying parent’s support obligations. One of these is a credit for payments made towards shelter care before service of the administrative support establishment notice. The calculation of the credit is based on one-half of the actual shelter payment or on public assistance standards. The public assistance standards referenced in WAC 388-14A-3375 were established by the Community Services Division (CSD) in WAC 388-478-0010 and have since been repealed. Public assistance standards can no longer be a basis for the credit. Removal of the reference is appropriate. DCS also proposes other technical edits in line with the Office of the Code Reviser’s drafting guidelines. |
Monica Turnbaugh (360) 664-5339 | PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-16-135 Effective Date: September 6, 2024 |
The purpose of this proposal is to amend WAC 388-14A-4900 to implement SB 5842 (Chapter 126, Laws of 2024). Under this legislation the Division of Child Support (DCS) is to minimize the use of social security numbers reported directly to DCS by insurance companies complying with RCW 26.23.037. The proposed amendment to the rule makes clear that DCS does not expect insurers reporting directly to DCS to submit a claimant’s social security number unless the combination of full name, date of birth, and current address is insufficient for DCS to identify the individual. Nothing in the proposal prevents an insurance company from providing a social security number to DCS. It only impacts what DCS does with the social security number once received. This proposal is necessary to ensure that insurers have sufficient information about the process to fully comply with the statutory requirements. |
Monica Turnbaugh (360) 664-5339 | PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-16-134 Effective Date: September 6, 2024 |
WAC 388-310-0300, 388-310-1450 & 388-484-0006 The department is amending the following WAC sections: WAC 388-310-0300, “WorkFirst - Infant care exemptions for mandatory participants.”, 388-310-1450, “Pregnancy to employment.” and 388-484-0006 “TANF/SFA time limit extensions.” These amendments support implementation of Substitute House Bill 2007 (Chapter 181, Laws of 2024), effective July 1, 2024, which creates a TANF time limit extension for households caring for a child under the age of two that qualify for an infant, toddler, or postpartum exemption from WorkFirst activities. As applicable, these amendments make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. Related emergency rules are currently in effect under WSR 24-14-045. When effective, this permanent filing supersedes the emergency rule filed under WSR 24-14-045. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-16-120 Effective Date: September 6, 2024 |
WACs 388-14A-1025, 388-14A-2105, 388-14A-4111, 388-14A-8110 & 388-14A-8120 The Division of Child Support (DCS) is amending five sections in chapter 388-14A WAC to reflect changes in law, policy, and procedures over time, so that DCS is better aligned with the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) with respect to child support cases for children in residential care, i.e., foster care. The sections amended are: WAC 388-14A-1025, 388-14A-2105, 388-14A-4111, 388-14A-8110, and 388-14A-8120. These amendments are necessary to provide current and correct information to the public. |
Monica Turnbaugh (360) 664-5339 | PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-15-143 Effective Date: August 24, 2024 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-412-0040, “Can I get my benefits replaced?” Effective July 1, 2024, these amendments support funding provided in the Operating Budget (Chapter 376, Laws of 2024) to replace cash benefits stolen by skimming, cloning, or other fraudulent methods up to two times per federal fiscal year. In addition, the amendments update WAC language to align with federal rules requiring a signed statement from a household prior to replacing food purchased with food assistance benefits that were destroyed in a household disaster or misfortune. Once effective, this permanent filing supersedes the emergency rule filed under WSR 24-14-047. |
Deanna Ballard (360) 338-2896 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-14-081 Effective Date: August 1, 2024 |
The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-412-0040, “Can I get my benefits replaced?” Effective July 1, 2024, these amendments support funding provided in the Operating Budget (Chapter 376, Laws of 2024) to replace cash benefits stolen by skimming, cloning, or other fraudulent methods up to two times each federal fiscal year. |
Deanna Ballard (360) 338-2896 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-14-047 Effective Date: July 1, 2024 |
The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-310-0800, “WorkFirst – Support Services.” Effective July 1, 2024, these amendments will restore WorkFirst support services to address housing and utility needs for participants. Funding for these services is supported within the WorkFirst Spending Plan for state fiscal year 2025. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-14-046 Effective Date: July 1, 2024 |
WACs 388-310-0300, 388-310-1450 & 388-484-0006 The department is adopting emergency amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-310-0300 “WorkFirst-Infant care exemptions for mandatory participants”, 388-310-1450 “Pregnancy to employment”, and 388-484-0006 “TANF/SFA time limit extension.” These amendments support implementation of Substitute House Bill 2007 (Chapter 181, Laws of 2024), effective July 1, 2024, which creates a TANF time limit extension for households caring for a child under the age of two that qualify for an infant, toddler, or postpartum exemption from WorkFirst activities. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-14-045 Effective Date: July 1, 2024 |
The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-449-0080, “Sequential evaluation process step IV—How does the department evaluate if I am able to perform relevant past work?” These amendments are necessary to align Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) program rules with Social Security Administration’s revision of the definition of “past relevant work,” by reducing the relevant work period from 15 years to five years. |
Deanna Ballard (360) 338-2896 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-13-110 Effective Date: June 22, 2024 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-449-0015, What medical evidence do I need to provide? These amendments streamline medical evidence rules for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) cash assistance program to allow functional medical evidence to be obtained within 90 days from the date of disability review. |
Aman Gill (360) 407-4447 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-13-094 Effective Date: July 19, 2024 |
WACs 388-416-0005, 388-418-0011 & 388-450-0200 The department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-416-0005, “How long can I get basic food?”, 388-418-0011, “What is a mid-certification review, and do I have to complete one in order to keep receiving benefits?”, and 388-450-0200, “Will the medical expenses of elderly persons or individuals with disabilities in my assistance unit be used as an income deduction for basic food?” These amendments are necessary to comply with the approved federal waiver for the Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP), extending the Basic Food certification period from 12 months to 36 months for households where all members are age 60 or older and/or disabled adults with no earned income. Related emergency rules are currently in place. When effective, this permanent filing supersedes the emergency rule filed under WSR 24-10-045. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-13-020 Effective Date: July 7, 2024 |
The purpose of this proposal is to make non-substantive technical changes to WAC 388-14A-5001 in light of the enactment of the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, chapter 63.30 RCW, effective January 1, 2023. The Washington State Legislature enacted the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act during the 2022 legislative session (Chapter 225, Laws of 2022). The proposed amended rule replaces a citation to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, chapter 63.29 RCW, with a citation to the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, chapter 63.30 RCW. The proposal also makes other minor edits for grammatical purposes. DCS has a strong interest in ensuring that its rules align with relevant statutes. Our proposal will ensure members of the public reading the rule are properly referred to relevant up-to-date statutory provisions. |
Monica Turnbaugh (360) 664-5339 | PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-12-035 Effective Date: June 30, 2024 |
WACs 388-487-0010, 388-487-0020 & 388-487-0030 The department is creating WAC Chapter 388-487, “SUN Bucks,” and adopting the following WAC sections: WAC 388-487-0010, “What is the sun bucks program?”, 388-487-0020, “Is my child eligible for sun bucks?”, and 388-487-0030, “General information about sun bucks benefits.” Adoption of these rules will support implementation of the new Summer EBT program, known as “SUN Bucks,” beginning after the 2023-2024 school session in accordance with a federally approved state plan. |
Joyce Hensen (425) 999-5162 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-12-014 Effective Date: June 1, 2024 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-478-0015, “Need standards for cash assistance.” These amendments are necessary per RCW 74.04.770, which requires the department to annually update standards of need using an existing, broadly-used national standard. The amendments reflect this required update using the University of Washington Center for Women’s Welfare Self-Sufficiency Standard. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-11-147 Effective Date: July 1, 2024 |
WACs 388-439-0020 & 388-439-0025 The department is amending the following WAC sections: WAC 388-439-0020, “Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits for children under age six.” and 388-439-0025, “Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits during the 2023 summer period.” These amendments are necessary to more accurately align Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program rules with federal regulations. Related emergency rules are currently in place. When effective, this permanent filing supersedes the emergency rule filed under WSR 24-09-060. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-11-144 Effective Date: June 21, 2024 |
Chapters 388-408, 388-450, 388-478 & 388-486 The department is repealing the following WAC sections: WAC 388-450-0115, and 388-450-0116. The department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-408-0020, 388-450-0050, 388-450-0105, 388-450-0106, 388-450-0112, 388-450-0113, 388-450-0130, 388-450-0137, 388-450-0138, 388-450-0170, 388-450-0177, 388-450-0178, 388-478-0035, 388-486-0005, and 388-486-0010. Effective August 1, 2024, these amendments incorporate changes to earned income disregards for cash assistance programs, per Second Substitute House Bill 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023). As applicable, these amendments make additional changes required to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-11-019 Effective Date: August 1, 2024 |
The department is amending WAC 388-437-0001, “Disaster food stamp program.” These housekeeping amendments correct the name of the program from “food stamp” to “supplemental nutritional assistance” without changing the effect of the rule. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-11-011 Effective Date: June 3, 2024 |
WACs 388-416-0005, 388-418-0011 & 388-450-0200 The department is extending emergency amendments to the following WAC sections, WAC 388-416-0005, “How long can I get Basic Food?”, 388-418-0011, “What is a mid-certification review, and do I have to complete one in order to keep receiving benefits?” And adding emergency amendments to, 388-450-0200, “Will the medical expenses of elderly persons or individuals with disabilities in my assistance unit be use as an income deduction for basic food?” These amendments are necessary to comply with the approved federal waiver for the Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP), extending the Basic Food certification period from 12 months to 36 months for households where all members are either age 60 or older, disabled adults with no earned income, or both. This request for an extension of the current emergency filing includes amendments to WAC 388-450-0200, not known when the initial request was filed. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-10-045 Effective Date: April 25, 2024 |
WACs 388-439-0020 & 388-439-0025 The department is extending emergency amendments to the following WAC sections to more accurately align Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program rules with federal regulations. WAC 388-439-0020, “Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits for children under age six.” and 388-439-0025, “Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits during the 2023 summer period.” These amendments are necessary to address discrepancies between WAC and federal regulations. Emergency rules have been in place since December 18, 2023, under WSR 24-01-090. The department is concurrently proceeding with the permanent rule change process. Refer to CR-101 filed as WSR 24-01-094 on December 18, 2023, and CR 102 filed as WSR 24-07-076 on March 18, 2024. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-09-060 Effective Date: April 17, 2024 |
WACs 388-447-0001 & 388-449-0001 The department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-447-0001 “What are the incapacity requirements for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?” and 388-449-0001 “What are the disability requirements for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program?” These amendments clarify program rules regarding disability requirements for ABD cash and incapacity requirements for the HEN Referral program. A supplemental CR-102 filed under WSR 24-03-151 addressed formal comments made after the first public comment period. |
Deanna Ballard (360) 338-2896 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-07-052 Effective Date: April 14, 2024 |
WACs 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195 & 388-478-0060 The department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-450-0185 “What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?”, 388-450-0190 “How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?”, 388-450-0195 “Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?”, and 388-478-0060 “What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food?” These amendments comply with federal laws that pertain to cost-of-living adjustments and updated utility values for the Basic Food program for federal fiscal year 2024. Related emergency rules are currently in place (effective October 1, 2023) under WSR 24-03-150. When effective, this permanent adoption will supersede the emergency rules. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-06-065 Effective Date: April 4, 2024 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-478-0055, “How much do I get from my state supplemental payments (SSP)?” Federal law requires the department to maintain a minimum threshold of state spending towards SSI state supplement payment (SSP) benefits each calendar year in order to continue to draw down federal Medicaid funds. The department may propose modifying rules in order to stay within available state funds to support this requirement. These amendments also clarify cost-of-living-adjustments to SSP standards for medically institutionalized recipients of SSI, as determined by the Social Security Administration. Related emergency rules (for the COLA portion of this proposed change) are currently in effect under WSR 24-02-041. When effective, this permanent filing supersedes the emergency rule filed under WSR 24-02-041. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-06-025 Effective Date: April 1, 2024 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-436-0065 “What is the pandemic emergency assistance fund (PEAF)?” These housekeeping amendments clarify the federal poverty level (FPL) year when considering PEAF eligibility, and do not change the effect of the rule. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-06-005 Effective Date: March 24, 2024 |
WACs 388-444-0030 & 388-444-0035 The department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-444-0030, “Are able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) subject to additional work requirements and time limits to be eligible for basic food?” and 388-444-0035, “Who is exempt from ABAWD time limits and minimum work requirements?” These amendments are necessary to comply with federal regulatory changes under the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, effective September 1, 2023. Related emergency rules are currently in effect under WSR 24-01-133. When effective, this permanent rule will supersede the emergency rule filed as WSR 24-01-133. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-05-071 Effective Date: March 22, 2024 |
The department is adopting amendments to these WAC sections. Effective April 1, 2024, these amendments expand potential eligibility of Ongoing Additional Requirements (OAR) to individuals with an incapacity (under WAC 388-400-0070). These amendments also increase payment standards for existing OAR benefits and create new benefits to assist with things such as transportation and medical related items not covered by insurance. The Operating Budget includes funding to support this change (ESSB 5187: Chapter 475, Laws of 2023). |
Deanna Ballard (360) 338-2896 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-05-032 Effective Date: April 1, 2024 |
The Department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-310-1600, "WorkFirst-Sanctions." These amendments support implementation of Second Substitute House Bill 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023), which adds a good cause reason for failure to participate in WorkFirst program activities if a recipient is experiencing a hardship as defined by the department in rule. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-04-028 Effective Date: March 1, 2024 |
WACs 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195 & 388-478-0060 The Department is extending emergency amendments to the following WACs: WAC 388-450-0185 “What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?”, 388-450-0190 “How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?”, 388-450-0195 “Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?”, and 388-478-0060 “What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food?” Extension of these amendments is necessary to reflect cost-of-living adjustments and updated utility values for the Basic Food program, effective October 1, 2023. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-03-150 Effective Date: January 23, 2024 |
The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-478-0055 “How much do I get from my state supplemental payments (SSP)?” These amendments clarify the cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) to state supplemental payment (SSP) standards for medically institutionalized recipients of SSI, as determined by the Social Security Administration. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-02-041 Effective Date: January 1, 2024 |
WACs 388-416-0005 & 388-418-0011 The department is adopting emergency amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-416-0005 “How long can I get Basic Food?” and 388-418-0011 “What is a mid-certification review, and do I have to complete one in order to keep receiving benefits?” These amendments are necessary to comply with the approved federal waiver for the Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP), extending the Basic Food certification period from 12 months to 36 months for households where all members are age 60 or older and/or disabled adults with no earned income. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-02-040 Effective Date: December 27, 2023 |
WACs 388-444-0030 & 388-444-0035 The department is extending emergency amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-444-0030, “Are able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) subject to additional work requirements and time limits to be eligible for basic food?” and 388-444-0035, “Who is exempt from ABAWD time limits and minimum work requirements?” These amendments are necessary to comply with federal regulatory changes under the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, effective September 1, 2023. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-01-133 Effective Date: December 18, 2023 |
WACs 388-439-0020 & 388-439-0025 The department is adopting emergency amendments to the following WAC sections to more accurately align Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program rules with federal regulations. WAC 388-439-0020, “Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits for children under age six.” and 388-439-0025, “Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits during the 2023 summer period.” |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 24-01-090 Effective Date: December 18, 2023 |
WACs 388-447-0120 & 388-449-0220 The Department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections: 388-447-0120, “How does substance use affect my eligibility for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?” and 388-449-0220, “How does substance use affect my eligibility for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash and pregnant women assistance (PWA) programs?” These amendments implement provisions of Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1260 (Chapter 289, Laws of 2023) that expand circumstances where good cause for failing to participate in substance use disorder assessment or treatment as a condition of eligibility must be found for the ABD, HEN Referral, and PWA programs. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 24-01-068 Effective Date: January 14, 2024 |
WACs 388-484-0005 & 388-484-0006 The Department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections to remove the 60-month time limit for child-only TANF and SFA households with an ineligible parent, per Second Substitute House Bill 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023). WAC 388-484-0005, “There is a five-year (sixty-month) time limit for TANF, SFA, and GA-S cash assistance.” and 388-484-0006, “TANF/SFA time limit extensions.” These amendments are currently in effect (since July 1, 2023) via emergency rules under WSR 23-22-007. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-24-036 Effective Date: December 31, 2023 |
WACs 388-474-0012 & 388-478-0055 The Department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections: 388-474-0012, “What is the state supplemental payment and who can get it?” and 388-478-0055, “How much do I get from my state supplemental payments (SSP)?” These amendments provide clarity regarding the State Supplemental Payment (SSP) standard rate for individuals receiving care in a medical institution or residential setting. The SSP rate is based off the Washington state institutional personal needs allowance standard which increased on July 1, 2023, due to the passage of House Bill 1128 (Chapter 201, Laws of 2023). These amendments are currently in effect via emergency rules under WSR 23-22-015. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-24-009 Effective Date: December 27, 2023 |
WACs 388-418-0005, 388-470-0005, 388-470-0045 & 388-470-0070 The department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections: 388-418-0005 “How will I know what changes to report?”, 388-470-0005 “How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food?”, 388-470-0045 “How do my resources count toward the resource limits for cash assistance?”, and 388-470-0070 “How vehicles are counted toward the resource limit for cash assistance.” Effective February 1, 2024, these amendments will expand resource exemptions for CSD cash programs and increase the cash resource limit from $6,000 to $12,000. These amendments are necessary to implement Second Substitute House Bill 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023). Amendments also make additional changes to improve clarity, update policy, or better align rule language with state and federal law or regulations. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-24-007 Effective Date: February 1, 2024 |
WACs 388-408-0035, 388-450-0140, 388-489-0005 & 388-489-0010 The department is adopting amendments to the following sections: WAC 388-408-0035, Who is in my assistance unit for basic food?, 388-450-0140, How does the income of an ineligible assistance unit member affect my eligibility and benefits for basic food?, 388-489-0005, Who is eligible for transitional food assistance?, and 388-489-0010, How is my transitional food assistance benefit calculated? Effective January 1, 2024, these changes implement Substitute Senate Bill 5785 (Chapter 98, Laws of 2022) to provide Transitional Food Assistance (TFA) for a period of five months to households that stop receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and are not in full-family sanction status. If a household member has been in sanction, but the household is still receiving benefits, the remaining eligible household members may receive TFA. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-23-134 Effective Date: January 1, 2024 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-412-0040, “Can I get my benefits replaced?” These amendments are necessary to implement section 501 of the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act, which allows replacement of stolen food benefits for households who are victims of skimming, cloning, or similar fraudulent methods of EBT theft. These amendments are currently in place under emergency rule filed as WSR 23-17-123. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-23-129 Effective Date: December 18, 2023 |
The department is extending emergency amendments to WAC 388-310-1600, WorkFirst-Sanctions. These amendments expand good cause for not participating in WorkFirst program activities if a recipient is experiencing a hardship as defined in rule. These amendments support public health, safety, and welfare by supporting WorkFirst families who are experiencing hardship. These amendments are necessary to implement Second Substitute House Bill 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023), effective July 23, 2023. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-23-093 Effective Date: November 16, 2023 |
WACs 388-447-0120 & 388-449-0220 The department is extending emergency amendments to WAC 388-447-0120, “How does alcohol or drug dependence affect my eligibility for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?”, and WAC 388-449-0220, “How does alcohol or drug dependence affect my eligibility for the ABD cash and pregnant women assistance programs?” to expand good cause reasons for not participating in substance use disorder assessment or treatment as a condition of eligibility for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD), Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) Referral, and Pregnant Women Assistance programs. These amendments are necessary to implement Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1260 (Chapter 289, Laws of 2023), effective July 23, 2023. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-23-056 Effective Date: November 16, 2023 |
WACs 388-436-0050, 388-478-0020, 388-478-0027, 388-478-0033 & 388-478-0035 The Department is amending the following WAC sections: WAC 388-436-0050, “Determining financial need and benefit amount for CEAP.”, 388-478-0020, “Payment standards for TANF, SFA, and RCA.”, 388-478-0027, “What is the payment standard for pregnant women assistance (PWA)?”, 388-478-0033, “What are the payment standards for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?”, and 388-478-0035, “What are the maximum earned income limits for TANF, SFA, PWA, and RCA?” Effective January 1, 2024, these amendments implement an 8% payment standard increase for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), State Family Assistance (SFA), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD), and Pregnant Women Assistance (PWA) programs, as approved via the 2024-2025 Operating Budget. The amendments also update net income limits and allowable benefit amounts for the Consolidated Emergency Assistance Program. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-23-054 Effective Date: January 1, 2024 |
WACs 388-474-0012 & 388-478-0055 The Department is extending emergency amendments to WAC 388-474-0012, “What is a state supplemental payment and who can get it?”, and 388-478-0055, “How much do I get from my state supplemental payments (SSP)?” These amendments update the SSP standard rate for individuals who are receiving care in a medical institution or residential setting. This rate is based off the Washington state institutional personal needs allowance (PNA) standard which increased due to the passage of HB 1128 (Chapter 201, Laws of 2023), effective July 1, 2023. These amendments, which are currently in place via emergency rule making order filed as WSR 23-14-065, update the SSP standard rate for individuals who are receiving care in a medical institution or residential setting. The Department is actively undertaking procedures to permanently adopt these amendments. Refer to CR-101 filed as WSR 23-14-068 on June 28, 2023, and CR-102 filed as WSR 23-17-121 on August 18, 2023. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-22-015 Effective Date: October 26, 2023 |
WACs 388-484-0005 & 388-484-0006 The department is extending emergency amendments to WAC 388-484-0005, “There is a five-year (sixty-month) time limit for TANF, SFA, and GA-S cash assistance.”, and 388-484-0006, “TANF/SFA time limit extensions.”, to remove the 60-month time limit for child-only TANF and SFA households with an ineligible parent. These amendments meet implementation requirements for 2SHB 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023), allowing certain families exceeding the 60-month lifetime TANF time limit access to benefits needed to sustain basic needs. The department is concurrently proceeding with the permanent rule-making process. Refer to CR-101 filed as WSR 23-13-093 on June 20, 2023, and CR-102 WSR 23-20-101 was filed on October 3, 2023. |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-22-007 Effective Date: October 26, 2023 |
WACs 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195 & 388-478-0060 The Department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-450-0185, What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?, 388-450-0190, How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?, 388-450-0195, Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?, and 388-478-0060, What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food?. The department is concurrently proceeding with the permanent rule-making process. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 | EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-20-061 Effective Date: October 1, 2023 |
WACs 388-439-0005, 388-439-0015, 388-439-0020 & 388-439-0025 The department is adopting WAC Chapter 388-439, “Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) Program” to include WAC 388-439-0005, “What is the pandemic EBT program?”, 388-439-0015, “General information about pandemic EBT benefits” 388-439-0020, “Eligibility of pandemic EBT benefits for children under age six”, and 388-439-0025, “Eligibility of pandemic EBT benefits during the 2023 summer period”. Adoption of these rules supports implementation and extension of the Pandemic EBT program (as allowed under Section 1101 of H.R. 6201, Families First Coronavirus Response Act-and amended by Section 1108 of H.R. 1319, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021). The supplemental CR-102 filing under WSR 23-15-080 reflects USDA Food and Nutrition Service’s (FNS) recent approval of Washington’s P-EBT state plan for children in childcare for School Year 2022-2023 and Washington’s P-EBT state plan for summer 2023. |
Troy Burgess (360) 725-4634 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-20-014 Effective Date: October 23, 2023 |
The Department is amending WAC 388-414-0001, Do I have to meet all eligibility requirements for basic food? These amendments replace an obsolete link with an updated Health and Human Services Poverty Guideline URL and do not change the effect of the rule. |
Troy Burgess (360) 725-4634 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-19-056 Effective Date: October 16, 2023 |
WACs 388-444-0030 & 388-444-0035 The department is amending WAC 388-444-0030 “Are able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) subject to additional work requirements and time limits to be eligible for basic food?” and 388-444-0035 “Who is exempt from ABAWD time limits and minimum work requirements?” Adoption of these emergency amendments is necessary to comply with federal regulatory changes under the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, effective September 1, 2023. The department is concurrently proceeding with the permanent rule change process. |
Troy Burgess (360) 725-4634 Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-18-017 Effective Date: September 1, 2023 |
WACs 388-458-0040 & 388-494-0010 The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-458-0040, “What happens if I ask for an administrative hearing before the change happens?” and creating WAC Chapter 388-494: Diaper Related Payments; 388-494-0010, “What is the diaper related payment?” Effective November 1, 2023, these amendments authorize issuance of diaper related payments to TANF and SFA households with a child under three years old, in compliance with SSB 5838 (Chapter 100, Laws of 2022). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-17-166 Effective Date: November 1, 2023 |
The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-412-0040, Can I get my benefits replaced? These amendments authorize replacement of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Food Assistance Program (FAP) benefits due to EBT card skimming, cloning, or other similar fraudulent methods. In addition, the amendments update WAC language to better align with federal rules, as needed. These amendments are necessary to comply with Title IV, Section 501 of the Consolidated Appropriation Act 2023. Emergency adoption of these rules is necessary to authorize implementation for replacing SNAP and FAP benefits stolen due to EBT card skimming, cloning, and similar fraudulent activity. This protects the health, safety, and general welfare by supporting access to public assistance. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-17-123 Effective Date: August 23, 2023 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-446-0015, “What is an Intentional program violation (IPV) and administrative disqualification hearings (ADH) for basic food?” These amendments align with federal regulations in 7CFR 273.16(e)(3) regarding administrative disqualification hearing notices and actions related to trafficked benefits. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-17-066 Effective Date: September 14, 2023 |
The department is amending WAC 388-450-0185, “What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?” These amendments correct a typographical error within the WAC. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-17-065 Effective Date: September 14, 2023 |
The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-310-1600, WorkFirst-Sanctions. These amendments expand good cause for not participating in WorkFirst program activities if a recipient is experiencing a hardship as defined in rule. These amendments are necessary to implement Second Substitute House Bill 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023), effective July 23, 2023. These amendments support public health, safety, and welfare by supporting WorkFirst families who are experiencing hardship. The department is concurrently proceeding with the permanent rule-making process. Refer to CR-101 filed as WSR 23-13-025 on June 9, 2023. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-16-012 Effective Date: July 23, 2023 |
WACs 388-447-0120 & 388-449-0220 The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-447-0120, How does alcohol or drug dependence affect my eligibility for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?, and 388-449-0220, How does alcohol or drug dependence affect my eligibility for the ABD cash and pregnant women assistance programs?, to expand good cause reasons for not participating in substance use disorder assessment or treatment as a condition of eligibility for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD), Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) Referral, and Pregnant Women Assistance programs. These amendments are necessary to implement Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1260 (Chapter 289, Laws of 2023), effective July 23, 2023. The Department is concurrently proceeding with the permanent rule-making process. Refer to CR-101 filed as WSR 23-13-026 on June 9, 2023. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-16-002 Effective Date: July 23, 2023 |
WACs 388-439-0005, 388-439-0015, 388-439-0020 & 388-439-0025 The department is extending emergency adoption of WAC 388-439-0005, What is the pandemic EBT program?, 388-439-0015, General information about pandemic EBT benefits, 388-439-0020, Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits for children under age six, and 388-439-0025, Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits during the 2023 summer period, to support continued implementation of the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program. States are authorized to implement P-EBT under approved plans as long as there is a federal public health emergency designation (as allowed under Section 1101 of H.R. 6201, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, as amended by Section 1108 of H.R. 1319, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021). Changes to these emergency rules are needed per recent approval from USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) regarding Washington’s P-EBT State Plan for Children in Child Care for School Year 2022-2023 and Washington’s P-EBT State Plan for Summer 2023. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-14-093 Effective Date: July 1, 2023 |
WACs 388-484-0005 & 388-484-0006 The Department is amending WAC 388-484-0005, There is a five-year (sixty-month) time limit for TANF, SFA, and GA-S cash assistance, 388-484-0006, TANF/SFA time limit extensions and other related rules as may be required. Effective July 1, 2023, these amendments remove the 60-month time limit for child-only TANF and SFA households with an ineligible parent, per 2SHB 1447 (Chapter 418, Laws of 2023). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-14-070 Effective Date: July 1, 2023 |
WACs 388-474-0012 & 388-478-0055 The department is amending WAC 388-474-0012, What is a state supplemental payment and who can get it?, and WAC 388-478-0055, How much do I get from my state supplemental payments (SSP)? These amendments will update the SSP standard rate for individuals who are receiving care in a medical institution or residential setting. This rate is based off the Washington state institutional personal needs allowance (PNA) standard which will increase due to the passage of HB 1128 (Chapter 201, Laws of 2023), effective July 1, 2023. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-14-065 Effective Date: July 1, 2023 |
The department is amending WAC 388-478-0015, Need Standards for Cash Assistance. RCW 74.04.770 requires the department to annually update standards of need using an existing, broadly-used national standard. Amendments reflect this required update using the University of Washington Center for Women’s Welfare Self-Sufficiency Standard. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-12-053 Effective Date: July 2, 2023 |
The Department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-454-0006. The department makes background checks on adults who are acting in place of a parent without court-ordered custody. These amendments clarify eligibility requirements for TANF and State Family Assistance “in loco parentis” households and outline DSHS responsibilities when supporting these families. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-09-033 Effective Date: May 14, 2023 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-61-001, How does the Family Violence Amendment affect me if I am getting TANF/SFA? to update an incorrect statutory reference for the definition of “family or household member”. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-08-082 Effective Date: May 5, 2023 |
WACs 388-439-0005, 388-439-0015, 388-439-0020, and 388-439-0025 The department is extending emergency adoption of WAC 388-439-0005, What is the pandemic EBT program?; WAC 388-439-0015, General information about pandemic EBT benefits; WAC 388-439-0020, Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits for children under age six; and WAC 388-439-0025, Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits during the 2022 summer period, to support continued implementation of the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program. States are authorized to implement P-EBT under approved plans as long as there is a federal public health emergency designation (as allowed under Section 1101 of H.R. 6201, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, as amended by Section 1108 of H.R. 1319, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021). Emergency adoption of these rules is necessary to support continued implementation of the P-EBT program which protects the health, safety, and general welfare of Washington residents by supporting access to public assistance. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-08-017 Effective Date: April 1, 2023 |
WACs 388-412-0015, 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195, 388-470-0005 & 388-478-0060 The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-412-0015, General information about your food assistance allotments., 388-450-0185, What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?, 388-450-0190, How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?, 388-450-0195, Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?, 388-470-0005, How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food? and 388-478-0060, What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food? These amendments comply with federal laws that pertain to cost-of-living adjustments and updated utility values for the Basic Food program for federal fiscal year 2023. These amendments have been in place via emergency adoption since October 1, 2022, under WSR 22-20-070 and WSR 23-04-051. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-07-095 Effective Date: April 17, 2023 |
The department is repealing WAC 388-437-0015, Good cause extension of Social Security number (SSN) requirement for basic food applicants during COVID-19. The federal COVID-19 flexibility waiver that authorized this WAC expired September 30, 2022. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-07-062 Effective Date: April 10, 2023 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-460-0005, Can I choose someone to apply for basic food for my assistance unit? to more accurately align rule language with statewide protocol for approving authorized representatives to apply for Basic Food assistance for an assistance unit in which they are not a member. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-07-061 Effective Date: April 10, 2023 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-444-0055, What are the penalties if I refuse or fail to meet basic food work requirements?” to more accurately align with federal regulations related to Basic Food disqualification, and clarify that a Basic Food sanction can be lifted effective the first of the following month when a client meets work requirements or becomes exempt from work requirements during a Basic Food sanction. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-07-060 Effective Date: April 10, 2023 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-464-0001, Am I required to cooperate with quality control? These amendments more accurately align with federal regulations related to quality control for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and specifically clarify which programs these requirements apply to. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-07-059 Effective Date: April 10, 2023 |
WACs 388-450-0015, 388-470-0045 & 388-470-0055 The department is amending WAC 388-450-0015, What types of income are not used by the department to figure out my benefits?; 388-470-0045, How do my resources count toward the resource limits for cash assistance?; and 388-470-0055, How do my resources count toward the resource limit for basic food? to clarify how the Washington Working Families Tax Credit will be treated for purposes of cash and food assistance program eligibility. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-06-039 Effective Date: March 26, 2023 |
WACs 388-310-0100 & 388-450-0165 The Department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-310-0100, WorkFirst-Purpose, and 388-450-0165, Gross earned income limit for TANF/SFA, to revise obsolete policy language that was not updated when related TANF laws changed in 1999. With the passage of Public Law 104-193, there is no longer a requirement under federal law for a pregnant person with no other eligible child to be in their third trimester to qualify for TANF. In addition, these amendments remove references to “general assistance for pregnant women” which is not a current assistance program that provides WorkFirst services. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-06-037 Effective Date: March 26, 2023 |
WACs 388-412-0015, 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195, 388-470-0005 & 388-478-0060 The Department is extending emergency amendments to WAC 388-412-0015, General information about your food assistance allotments, 388-450-0185, What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?, 388-450-0190, How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?, 388-450-0195, Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?, 388-470-0005, How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food?, and 388-478-0060, What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food? The US Department of Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition Services issued annual updates to standards for federal fiscal year 2023, effective October 1, 2022. These updates affect the standard deduction, shelter deduction, homeless shelter deduction, utility deduction, minimum and maximum allotments, and resource limits for the Basic Food program. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-04-051 Effective Date: January 27, 2023 |
WACs 388-424-0001, 388-424-0020 & 388-466-0005 The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-424-0001, Citizenship and immigration status – Definitions, 388-424-0020; How does my alien status impact my eligibility for federally funded basic food benefits? And 388-466-0005, Immigration status requirements for refugee cash assistance. These amendments are necessary to align department policies with federal legislation and authorization from the Office of Refugee Resettlement which expands eligibility for federally funded benefits to Humanitarian Parolee arrivals displaced from Ukraine. Emergency amendments to implement this change took effect June 24, 2022, under WSR 22-14-020, and extended under WSR 22-21-092 filed on October 17, 2022. This CR103P filing supersedes the emergency filed as WSR 22-21-092. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-02-035 Effective Date: January 29, 2023 |
WACs 388-400-0030, 388-466-0120 & 388-466-0150 The department is adopting amendments to WAC sections 388-400-0030, Who is eligible for refugee cash assistance?, 388-466-0120, Refugee cash assistance (RCA), and 388-466-0150, Refugee employment and training services. These amendments are necessary to align department policies with authorization from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to expand the eligibility period for Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) from 8 months to 12 months pursuant to 45 CFR §400.211 and ORR P.L. 22-12. Amendments to implement this change (effective June 2, 2022) are currently in place via emergency adoption (see WSR 22-13-013 and WSR 20-20-071). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-02-032 Effective Date: January 28, 2023 |
The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-412-0040, “Can I get my benefits replaced” to issue replacement benefits to households whose cash benefits were either cloned or skimmed between March 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022. Loss in benefits must be reported to or verified by the department no later than March 31, 2023, and the department will provide a one-time replacement of no more than $300. Emergency adoption of these amendments is necessary to issue replacement benefits to households whose cash benefits were either cloned or skimmed between March 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 23-02-011 Effective Date: December 22, 2022 |
The department is adopting amendments to the following WAC sections: 388-400-0060, Who is eligible for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?, 388-400-0070, Who is eligible for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?, 388-434-0005, How often does the department review my eligibility for benefits?, 388-449-0001, What are the disability requirements for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program?, 388-449-0150, When does my eligibility for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash benefits end?, 388-449-0200, Am I eligible for cash assistance for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) while waiting for supplemental security income (SSI)?, 388-452-0005, Do I have to be interviewed in order to get cash and basic food benefits?, 388-478-0006, The clothing, personal maintenance, and necessary incidentals (CPI) payment standard for cash assistance, and 388-478-0033, What are the payment standards for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance? These amendments are necessary to implement ABD eligibility changes funded within the Supplemental Operating Budget (Chapter 297, Laws of 2022). Effective September 1, 2022, individuals age 21-64 residing in a public mental institution are potentially eligible for the ABD program if they meet all other eligibility criteria. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-01-057 Effective Date: January 14, 2023 |
The Department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-484-0006, TANF/SFA time limit extensions, to expand Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) time limit extension (TLE) hardship criteria under RCW 74.08A.10 (5)(a)(1) by adding a temporary TLE category related to COVID-19 pandemic recovery (effective July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023) and a TLE category related to House Bill 1755 (Chapter 297, Laws of 2022) effective July 1, 2022. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 23-01-020 Effective Date: January 8, 2023 |
WACs 388-439-0005, 388-439-0015, 388-439-0020, and 388-439-0025 The department is adopting the following rules: WAC 388-439-0005, What is the pandemic EBT program?, 388-439-0015, General information about pandemic EBT benefits., 388-439-0020, Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits for children under age six., and 388-439-0025, Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits during the 2022 summer period. Emergency adoption of these rules supports implementation of the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program for eligible children who do not have access to regular free or reduced-price school meals or childcare meals due to limited onsite learning or attendance in any school year in which there is a federal public health emergency designation (as allowed under Section 1101 of H.R. 6201, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, as amended by Section 1108 of H.R. 1319, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-24-057 Effective Date: December 1, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-484-0006, TANF/SFA time limit extensions. These amendments broaden TANF time limit extension hardship criteria to mitigate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, through June 30, 2023, as provided in the 2022 Supplemental Operating Budget (Chapter 297, Laws of 2022); and implement a time limit extension hardship category related to the state’s unemployment rate per House Bill 1755 (Chapter 24, Laws of 2022). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-22-026 Effective Date: October 25, 2022 |
WAC 388-424-0001, 388-424-0020 & 388-466-0005 The department is extending emergency amendments to the following WAC sections: WAC 388-424-0001, “Citizenship and immigration status–Definitions.” 388-424-0020, “How does my alien status impact my eligibility for federally funded Basic Food benefits?” & 388-466-0005, “Immigration status requirements for refugee cash assistance.” These amendments are necessary to align department policies with federal legislation and authorization from the Office of Refugee Resettlement expanding eligibility for federally funded benefits to Humanitarian Parolee arrivals displaced from Ukraine. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-21-092 Effective Date: October 21, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-310-0350, WorkFirst-Other exemptions from mandatory participation, to clarify the department’s ability to determine whether a TANF recipient is able to participate in WorkFirst activities during a declared state of emergency. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-21-037 Effective Date: November 7, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-412-0046, What is the purpose of DSHS cash and food assistance benefits and how can I use my benefits? |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-20-081 Effective Date: November 3, 2022 |
WAC 388-400-0030, 388-466-0120 & 388-466-0150 The department is extending emergency amendments filed under WSR 22-13-013 to WAC 388-400-0030, Who is eligible for refugee cash assistance?; WAC 388-466-0120, Refugee cash assistance (RCA); and WAC 388-466-0150, Refugee employment and training services. These amendments are necessary to align department policies with authorization from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to expand the eligibility period for Refugee Cash Assistance from 8 months to 12 months pursuant to 45 CFR §400.211. This change must be implemented immediately to allow access to benefits for these individuals, pursuant to federal law. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-20-071 Effective Date: September 30, 2022 |
WAC 388-412-0015, 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195, 388-470-0005 & 388-478-0060 The department is adopting emergency amendments to WAC 388-412-0015, General information about your food assistance allotments, 388-450-0185, What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?, 388-450-0190, How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?, 388-450-0195, Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?, 388-470-0005, How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food?, and 388-478-0060, What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food? The US Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services has issued annual updates to standards for the federal fiscal year 2023, effective October 1, 2022. These updates affect the standard deduction, shelter deduction, homeless shelter deduction, utility deduction, minimum and maximum allotments, and resource limits for the Basic Food program. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-20-070 Effective Date: October 1, 2022 |
WAC 388-310-0300 & 388-310-1450 The department is amending WAC 388-310-0300, WorkFirst-Infant care exemptions for mandatory participants, and 388-310-1450, Pregnancy to employment to improve access to home visiting and parental support for WorkFirst participants and their young children. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-20-017 Effective Date: October 23, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-310-0800, WorkFirst – Support Services, to expand use of WorkFirst support services to include housing and utilities assistance and help families with needs related to housing stability. Underspent WorkFirst support services SFY22 funding was shifted to SFY23 to increase the level of support for these purposes. Emergency amendments to implement this change took effect July 1, 2022, under WSR 22-14-058. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-20-016 Effective Date: October 23, 2022 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-424-0015, Immigrant eligibility restrictions for the state family assistance, ABD cash, and PWA programs. These amendments are necessary to implement House Bill 1748 (Chapter 208, Laws of 2022) and expand Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) program and Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) referral eligibility to victims of human trafficking (as defined in RCW 74.04.005). Emergency amendments to implement this change took effect July 1, 2022 under WSR 22-14-047. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-20-001 Effective Date: October 22, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-493-0010, Working family support, through the expedited rule making process for housekeeping purposes. The amendments remove obsolete dates and do not represent a policy change to Working Family Support. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-19-095 Effective Date: October 22, 2022 |
WAC 388-436-0050 and 388-478-0005 The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-436-0050, Determining financial need and benefit amount for CEAP and 388-478-0005, Cash assistance need and payment standards and grant maximum, to increase the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and State Family Assistance (SFA) payment standard for households with nine or more assistance unit members. Amendments also update net income limits and allowable benefit amounts for the Consolidated Emergency Assistance Program (CEAP). These changes were funded in the 2022 Supplemental Operating Budget. Emergency amendments to implement this change took effect July 1, 2022, under WSR 22-14-046. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-19-094 Effective Date: October 22, 2022 |
The department is continuing emergency amendments to WAC 388-400-0060, Who is eligible for aged, blind or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?; WAC 388-400-0070, Who is eligible for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?; WAC 388-434-0005, How often does the department review my eligibility for benefits?; WAC 388-449-0001, What are the disability requirements for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program?; WAC 388-449-0150, When does my eligibility for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash benefits end?; WAC 388-449-0200, Am I eligible for cash assistance for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) while waiting for supplemental security income (SSI)?; WAC 388-452-0005, Do I have to be interviewed in order to get cash and basic food benefits?; WAC 388-478-0006, The clothing, personal maintenance, and necessary incidentals (CPI) payment standard for cash assistance.; and WAC 388-478-0033, What are the payment standards for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance? Effective September 1, 2022, individuals aged 21-64 residing in a public mental institution are potentially eligible for the ABD program if they meet all other eligibility criteria. If ABD is approved, individuals are eligible for a clothing, personal maintenance, and necessary incidentals (CPI) monthly grant up to $41.62. This emergency is a continuation of language filed under WSR 22-18-066, keeping in place emergency language necessary to supersede section 388-400-0060, that was adopted permanent under WSR 22-17-080 and became effective September 17, 2022. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-19-060 Effective Date: September 17, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-400-0060, Who is eligible for aged, blind or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?, 388-400-0070, Who is eligible for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?, 388-434-0005, How often does the department review my eligibility for benefits?, 388-449-0001, What are the disability requirements for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program?, 388-449-0150, When does my eligibility for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash benefits end?, 388-449-0200, Am I eligible for cash assistance for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) while waiting for supplemental security income (SSI)?, 388-452-0005, Do I have to be interviewed in order to get cash and basic food benefits?, 388-478-0006, The clothing, personal maintenance, and necessary incidentals (CPI) payment standard for cash assistance., and 388-478-0033, What are the payment standards for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance? Effective September 1, 2022, individuals aged 21-64 residing in a public mental institution are potentially eligible for the ABD program if they meet all other eligibility criteria. If ABD is approved, individuals are eligible for a clothing, personal maintenance, and necessary incidentals (CPI) monthly grant up to $41.62. This filing supersedes language filed under WSR 22-13-171 for WAC 388-400-0060 only and does not impact any other emergency amendments adopted under WSR 22-13-171. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-18-066 Effective Date: September 1, 2022 |
WSR 22-18-035 on WAC 388-14A-4300, -4302, -4303, -4304 The DSHS Division of Child Support (DCS) is amending the sections in Chapter 388-14A WAC listed above to clarify applicable lookback periods and statutes of limitations for daycare expenses under In re the Marriage of Blackburn, 12 Wn.App.2d 798, 460 P.3d 202 (2020). DCS is also making other changes regarding the circumstances in which a daycare overpayment hearing is applicable, various hearing procedures, and how notices are sent by DCS and the Office of Administrative Hearings. |
Brady Horenstein (360) 664-5291 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-18-035 Effective Date: October 1, 2022 |
WACs 388-400-0060, 388-418-0011, 388-447-0130, 388-449-0230 The department is adopting amendments to the following rules: WAC 388-400-0060, Who is eligible for aged, blind or disabled (ABD) cash assistance? WAC 388-418-0011, What is a mid-certification review, and do I have to complete one in order to keep receiving benefits? WAC 388-447-0130, What referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program rules may the department implement during a state of emergency? WAC 388-449-0230, What aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program rules may the department implement during a state of emergency? Adoption of these amendments supports elimination of the mid-certification review (MCR) requirement for Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) program recipients per the Supplemental Operating Budget (Chapter 297, Laws of 2022). These rules have been in effect since July 1, 2022, under CR-103E filed as WSR 22-13-171 on June 22, 2022. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-17-080 Effective Date: September 17, 2022 |
WACs 388-439-0005, -0015, -0020, & -0025 Emergency adoption of these rules supports implementation of the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program for eligible children who do not have access to regular free or reduced-price school meals or childcare meals due to limited onsite learning or attendance in any school year in which there is a federal public health emergency designation (as allowed under Section 1101 of H.R. 6201, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, as amended by Section 1108 of H.R. 1319, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-16-097 Effective Date: August 2, 2022 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-478-0033, What are the payment standards for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance? to reflect increases in the ongoing maximum monthly Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) program payment standards to $417 for a single individual and $528 for a married couple. The Supplemental Operating Budget (Chapter 297, Laws of 2022) includes funding to support this change, effective September 1, 2022. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-16-082 Effective Date: September 1, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-412-0025, How do I receive my benefits? The amendments align policy regarding replacement of cancelled benefits from an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) account with that of current federal regulations. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program regulations (7 CFR 274.2 (i)(3)) define that cancelled food benefits cannot be replaced. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-15-048 Effective Date: August 15, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-310-0800, WorkFirst—Support services. Amendments expand the types of available support services to include assistance with housing and utilities in SFY 2023 to support ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-14-058 Effective Date: July 1, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-424-0015, Immigrant eligibility restrictions for the state family assistance, ABD cash, and PWA programs. Effective July 1, 2022, these amendments are necessary to implement House Bill 1748 (Chapter 208, Laws of 2022) and expand Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) program and Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) referral eligibility to victims of human trafficking (as defined in RCW 74.04.005). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-14-047 Effective Date: July 1, 2022 |
WAC 388-436-0050, 388-478-0005 The department is adopting emergency amendments to: WAC 388-436-0050, Determining financial need and benefit amount for CEAP and 388-478-0005, Cash assistance need and payment standards and grant maximum. These amendments reflect a change in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and State Family Assistance (SFA) maximum benefit limit, from an eight-person household to ten-person household, effective July 1, 2022, per the 2021- 2023 Supplemental Operating Budget. Amendments to update related net income limits and allowable benefit amounts for the Consolidated Emergency Assistance Program, which are based on the TANF standards, are also included. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-14-046 Effective Date: July 1, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-484-0006, TANF/SFA time limit extensions. The amendments extend a time limit extension hardship category related to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic (commonly known as the “Coronavirus”), through June 30, 2023, as provided in the 2021-2023 Supplemental Operating Budget (Chapter 297, Laws of 2022); and implement a time limit extension hardship category related to the state’s unemployment rate per House Bill 1755 (Chapter 24, Laws of 2022). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-14-037 Effective Date: July 1, 2022 |
WACs 388-424-0001, 388-424-0020, 388-466-0005 The department is amending the following WAC sections: 388-424-0001, “Citizenship and immigration status–Definitions.” 388-424-0020, “How does my alien status impact my eligibility for federally funded Basic Food benefits?” 388-466-0005, “Immigration status requirements for refugee cash assistance.” These amendments are necessary to align department policies with federal legislation and authorization from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) expanding eligibility for federally-funded benefits to Humanitarian Parolee arrivals displaced from Ukraine. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-14-020 Effective Date: June 24, 2022 |
WACs 388-400-0060, 388-418-0011, 388-447-0130, 388-449-0230 The department is amending WAC 388-400-0060, Who is eligible for aged, blind or disabled (ABD) cash assistance?; WAC 388-418-0011, What is a mid-certification review, and do I have to complete one in order to keep receiving benefits?; WAC 388-447-0130, What referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program rules may the department implement during a state of emergency?; and WAC 388-449-0230, What aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program rules may the department implement during a state of emergency? These amendments eliminate the mid-certification review (MCR) requirement for recipients of the Aged, Blind or Disabled (ABD) program and Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) Referral program. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-13-171 Effective Date: July 1, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-422-0020, “What if you are afraid that cooperating with the division of child support (DCS) may be dangerous for you or the child in your care?” The amendments clarify terms related to good cause for non-cooperation with the Division of Child Support under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. |
Sarah Garcia (360) 725-4949 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-13-112 Effective Date: July 16, 2022 |
WAC 388-400-0030, WAC 388-466-0120, & WAC 388-466-0150 The department is amending WAC 388-400-0030, Who is eligible for refugee cash assistance?; WAC 388-466-0120, Refugee cash assistance (RCA); and WAC 388-466-0150, Refugee employment and training services. These amendments are necessary to align department policies with authorization from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) director to expand the eligibility period for Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) from 8 months to 12 months pursuant to 45 CFR §400.211. This change must be implemented immediately to allow access to benefits for these individuals, pursuant to federal law. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-13-013 Effective Date: June 2, 2022 |
WACs 388-424-0001, -0020, 388-466-0005 The department is amending WAC 388-424-0001, Citizenship and alien status—Definitions; 388-424-0020, How does my alien status impact my eligibility for federally funded Basic Food benefits?; and 388-466-0005, Immigration status requirements for refugee cash assistance, to align state rules for public benefits eligibility of Special Immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan paroled in the U.S. under Section 602(B)(1) of Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 or Sec 1059(a) of National Defense Authorization Act. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-12-038 Effective Date: June 25, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-478-0015, Need Standards for Cash Assistance. Substitute House Bill 1151 (Chapter 9, 2021 Laws) requires the department to update standards of need using an existing, broadly-used national standard. Amendments reflect this required update using the University of Washington Center for Women’s Welfare Self-Sufficiency Standard. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-12-023 Effective Date: July 1, 2022 |
WACs 388-394-0010, 388-408-0035, 388-489-0005, 388-489-0010, 388-489-0015 The department is adopting chapter 388-394 WAC, Transitional Cash Assistance: WAC section 388-394-0010, What is the transitional cash assistance (TCA) program?; and amending WAC 388-408-0035, Who is in my assistance unit for basic food?; WAC 388-489-0005, Who is eligible for transitional food assistance?; WAC 388-489-0010, How is my transitional food assistance benefit calculated?; and WAC 388-489-0015, How long will my household receive transitional food assistance? to support implementation of Substitute House Bill 1151 (Chapter 9, Laws of 2021), effective July 1, 2022. Section 2 of this legislation creates the Transitional Cash Assistance (TCA) program, a state-funded cash assistance benefit available to households with children, not simultaneously receiving TANF, who terminate basic food benefits due to exceeding the gross income limit or voluntary closure. Families receiving TCA are eligible for Transitional Food Assistance for a period of five months. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
The department is extending emergency adoption of WAC 388-434-0015, Waiver of mid-certification reviews during the COVID-19 pandemic, to continue federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program flexibilities regarding mid-certification reviews as allowed under Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201) and extended via the Continuing Appropriations Act (H.R. 8337). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-10-038 Effective Date: April 27, 2022 |
WAC 388-412-0015, 388-450-0185, 388-450-0190, 388-450-0195, 388-470-0005, 388-478-0060 The department is amending WAC 388-412-0015, General information about your food assistance allotments; WAC 388-450-0185, What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?; WAC 388-450-0190, How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?; WAC 388-450-0195, Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?; WAC 388-470-0005, How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food?; and WAC 388-478-0060, What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food? These amendments provide the annual update of Basic Food standards related to income, deductions, and benefits. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-09-040 Effective Date: May 14, 2022 |
The establishment of a joint and several administrative child support order does not work well when the goal of family reunification and the fluid nature of reunification plans are taken into account. Married parents often choose to separate (or are required to separate) so that the child can return to the home of one of them. The obligation of the parent with physical custody is suspended by WAC 388-14A-3810, leaving the parent out of the home bearing the full brunt of the joint and several administrative order, further impacting reunification efforts. When the parent out of the home seeks to modify the joint and several order, it is sometimes modified only as to that particular parent, leaving the first parent still subject to the joint and several order if the child ever leaves the first parent’s custody. This result does not align with DCS’s efforts to establish and enforce right size orders and can result in harm to families. To resolve this, DCS is changing its policy and will no longer be setting up joint obligations for married parents living together where the child is not living in the home. |
Brady Horenstein (360) 664-5291 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-08-067 Effective Date: May 5, 2022 |
WAC 388-439-0005, -0010, -0015, -0020, -0025 The department is extending emergency adoption of WAC 388-439-0005, What is the pandemic EBT program?; WAC 388-439-0010, Eligibility of pandemic EBT benefits for the 2020-2021 school year; WAC 388-439-0015, General information about pandemic EBT benefits; WAC 388-439-0020, Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits for children under age six; and WAC 388-439-0025, Eligibility for pandemic EBT benefits during the 2021 summer period. Emergency adoption of these rules support implementation of the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program for eligible children who do not have access to regular free or reduced-price school meals or childcare meals due to limited onsite learning or attendance in any school year in which there is a federal public health emergency designation (as allowed under Section 1101 of H.R. 6201, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, as amended by Section 1108 of H.R. 1319, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-07-068 Effective Date: March 18, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC 388-449-0001, What are the disability requirements for the aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) program?; and WAC 388-449-0200, Am I eligible for cash assistance for aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) while waiting for supplemental security income (SSI)? to clarify that persons eligible for services through the Developmental Disabilities Administration (for a medical condition expected to last twelve months or more or result in death) are eligible for ABD. Amendments also clarify good cause for not participating in medical treatment for one’s disabling condition(s). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-07-020 Effective Date: April 8, 2022 |
The department is adopting WAC 388-436-0065, What is the pandemic emergency assistance fund (PEAF)? Adoption of this rule supports issuance of cash benefits from the Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund, a one-time payment to all families with children receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, State Family Assistance, or Basic Food (state or federally funded) whose household income is at or below 75% of the Federal Poverty Level. The rule provides definitions and eligibility requirements associated with these funds. PEAF funds are part of the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-07-019 Effective Date: April 24, 2022 |
The department is adopting amendments to WAC 388-437-0005, Changes to food assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to define that households receiving a zero benefit are not eligible for emergency adjustments to food assistance benefit issuances, and households that are eligible to receive an emergency adjustment will receive a minimum of $95, as implemented under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201, Section 2302). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-06-084 Effective Date: April 1, 2022 |
WAC 388-424-0001, -0020, WAC 388-466-0005 The department is extending emergency amendments to WAC 388-424-0001, Citizenship and alien status - Definitions; WAC 388-424-0020, How does my alien status impact my eligibility for federally funded Basic Food benefits?; and WAC 388-466-0005, Immigration status requirements for refugee cash assistance. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-06-066 Effective Date: March 2, 2022 |
Chapters 388-412, 450, 470, 478 WAC The Department is extending emergency amendments to WAC 388-412-0015, General information about your food assistance allotments; 388-450-0185, What income deductions does the department allow when determining if I am eligible for food benefits and the amount of my monthly benefits?; 388-450-0190, How does the department figure my shelter cost income deduction for basic food?; 388-450-0195, Does the department use my utility costs when calculating my basic food or WASHCAP benefits?; 388-470-0005, How do resources affect my eligibility for cash assistance and basic food?; and 388-478-0060, What are the income limits and maximum benefit amounts for basic food? These emergency amendments have been in place under WSR 21-20-005. The department is actively undertaking procedures to adopt the permanent rule, including filing preproposal statement of inquiry under WSR 21-19-152 on September 22, 2021. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
EMERGENCY ADOPTION WSR 22-04-004 Effective Date: January 21, 2022 |
The department is adopting WAC 388-434-0015, Waiver of mid-certification reviews during the COVID-19 pandemic, to implement administrative flexibilities regarding mid-certification reviews as allowed under Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201), extended via the Continuing Appropriations Act (H.R. 8337). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
This proposal implements incarceration abatement and modification request/hearing notification service as enacted in SHB 2302 (Chapter 227, Laws of 2020). Establishes the process by which qualifying incarcerated individuals have their child support obligations abated. Also clarifies under WAC 388-14A-3925 that the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), not the Division of Child Support, serves copies of requests for modification and notice of hearings. |
Brady Horenstein (360) 664-5291 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-02-063 Effective Date: February 4, 2022 |
The department is adopting new WAC 388-424-0035, Verifications – Survivors of certain crimes; and amendments to WAC sections: 388-400-0010, Who is eligible for state family assistance?; 388-424-0001, Citizenship and alien status – Definitions; 388-424-0009, Citizenship and alien status – Social Security number (SSN) requirements; 388-424-0010, Citizenship and alien status – Eligibility for TANF; 388-424-0015, Immigrant eligibility restrictions for the state family assistance, ABD cash and PWA programs; and 388-424-0030, How does my alien status impact my eligibility for state-funded benefits under the food assistance program? These adoptions support implementation of 3SSB 5164 (Chapter 136, Laws of 2020). Effective February 1, 2022, victims of human trafficking and other certain crimes, and their qualifying family members are eligible for the Food Assistance Program for legal immigrants and State Family Assistance. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
The department is amending WAC 388-444-0010, “Who is exempt from work registration while receiving basic food?” Third Substitute Senate Bill 5164 (Chapter 136, Laws of 2020) allows individuals applying for T and U visas, asylum, and “victims of human trafficking” to be eligible for the state-funded Food Assistance Program (FAP). These individuals are not eligible to work in the United States and cannot register for work, which is currently required by FAP. This amendment will add an exemption from work registration for individuals who are not legally able to work due to their immigration status. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-01-201 Effective Date: February 1, 2022 |
The department is amending WAC sections 388-310-0800, WorkFirst – Support services; and 388-310-1800, WorkFirst – Post employment services, to expand access to support services for WorkFirst participants by allowing more supports for participation activities, increasing the annual support services limit to $5000 per person per program year, and providing certain post-TANF transportation related supports for up to 3 months after exiting TANF. |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |
PERMANENT ADOPTION WSR 22-01-143 Effective Date: January 15, 2022 |
The department is extending emergency amendments to WAC 388-437-0005, Changes to food assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to define that households that receive a zero benefit are not eligible for emergency adjustments to food assistance benefit issuances and households that are eligible to receive an emergency adjustment will receive a minimum of $95, as implemented under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201, Section 2302). |
Roanne Harris (360) 870-8059 |