Rule-Making Hearing Docket
Please note: The public hearing on March 11, 2025, will be held online for those interested in attending. Meeting details are as follows:
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 271 010 298 483
Passcode: f9Vb69pt
Dial in by phone
+1 564-999-2000,,870835214# United States, Olympia
Phone conference ID: 870 835 214#
Select the WAC number to view or print a copy of the CR-102 form and the rule text. Send all comments on the rule to the Rules Coordinator. If you have questions about the rule send a message to the contact person.
Rule Title/Subject | Contact Person | Washington State Register Citations |
WACs 388-112A-1240 & 388-112A-1250 WAC 388-112A-1240 What are the minimum qualifications for an instructor for core basic, population specific, on-the-job, residential care administrator, nurse delegation core, and specialized diabetes trainings? and 388-112A-1250 What are the minimum qualifications for community instructors for adult education training using DSHS curriculum? The proposed changes do not affect the separate Department of Social and Health Services (department) contract required to be a nurse delegator, and all other instructor requirements for nurse delegation and adult education are maintained. |
Jovi Sanchez (360) 725-2254 |
Preproposal notice filed as WSR 24-22-012 |
WACs 388-101-3020 & 388-101-30201 This rule making is necessary to help the regulated community comply with the rules by providing clear language about Certified Community Residential Services and Supports (CCRSS) compliance and infection control practices. |
Debra Hoeman |
Preproposal notice filed as WSR 23-13-042 |
Chapters 388-400, 388-424, 388-436 & 388-466 WAC The department is proposing to amend the following WAC sections: WAC 388-400-0030, “Who is eligible for refugee cash assistance?”, 388-424-0001, “Citizenship and immigration status – Definitions.”, 388-424-0006, “Citizenship and alien status – Date of entry.”, 388-424-0007, “Citizenship and alien status – Armed services or veteran status.”, 388-424-0015, “Immigration eligibility restrictions for the SFA, ABD cash, and PWA programs.”, 388-424-0020, “How does my alien status impact my eligibility for federally funded Basic Food benefits?”, 388-424-0030, “How does my immigration status impact my eligibility for state-funded benefits under the food assistance program?”, 388-436-0002, “If my family has an emergency, can I get help from DSHS to get or keep our housing or utilities?”, 388-466-0005, “Immigration status requirements for refugee cash assistance.”, 388-466-0120, “Refugee cash assistance (RCA).”, and 388-466-0150, “Refugee employment and training services.” |
Melissa Kenney (360) 764-3272 Roanne Harris |
Preproposal notice filed as WSR 24-11-138 Proposed rules filed as WSR 25-03-044 Hearing Date: March 11, 2025 |
Contact the DSHS Rules Coordinator to:
- Ask questions about the hearing, a proposed rule, or the rule-making process;
- Confirm the day's calendar;
- Inquire about interpreter services or accommodations for disabilities at hearings; or
- Submit written comments.
Rules and Policies Assistance Unit
PO Box 45850
Olympia, WA 98504-5850
Phone: (360) 664-6097
Fax: (360) 664-6185
711 Relay Service