Rule-Making Hearing Docket
Please note: The public hearing on March 25, 2025, will be held online for those interested in attending. Meeting details are as follows:
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 212 187 550 296
Passcode: MG6Lx6dp
Dial in by phone
+1 564-999-2000,,496496282# United States, Olympia
Phone conference ID: 496 496 282#
Select the WAC number to view or print a copy of the CR-102 form and the rule text. Send all comments on the rule to the Rules Coordinator. If you have questions about the rule send a message to the contact person.
Rule Title/Subject | Contact Person | Washington State Register Citations |
These amendments are necessary to align with the passing of the Continuing Appropriations and Extension Act, 2025, which authorizes the replacement of SNAP benefits stolen due to skimming, cloning, or other fraudulent methods through December 20, 2024. Related emergency amendments are currently in effect (since October 1, 2024) under WSR 25-04-046. |
Sharon.Hill-Laguerre (360) 870-9316 Roanne Harris |
Preproposal notice filed as WSR 24-20-134 |
DDA is proposing a new chapter of rules to operationalize youth transitional care facility (YTCF) services at Lake Burien as directed by the Washington state Legislature in Operating Budget—2023-2025 Supplemental [ESSB 5950, Section 203(1)(nn); ESSB 5950, Section 227(44)]. |
Chantelle Diaz |
Preproposal filed as WSR 24-18-015 Hearing Date: March 25, 2025 |
WACs 388-878-0010 - Introduction and overview, 388-878-0020 - Outpatient competency restoration program (OCRP)—Definitions., 388-878-0030 - Clinically appropriate for outpatient competency restoration services., 388-878-0040 - Assignment of clients and initial intake., 388-878-0050 - Conditions of participation., 388-878-0060 - OCRP provider reporting., 388-878-0070 - Early competency evaluation., 388-878-0080 – Program removal., 388-878-0090 - Program end., and newly adding WAC 388-878-0051 - Leave of absence. |
Emma Palumbo 360-972-6214 |
Preproposal notice filed as WSR 22-21-057 Proposed rules filed as WSR 24-16-107 |
The purpose of this new chapter is to establish requirements for the certification, evaluation process, corrective action plan, informal dispute resolution, and more. Establishing these requirements in a new chapter standardizes processes, requirements, and expectations for both DDA and the providers it will certify. |
Chantelle Diaz |
Preproposal filed as WSR 23-23-133 Hearing Date: March 25, 2025 |
The primary purpose of this project is to recodify ERS rules in their own chapter (they were previously in chapter 388-825 WAC), and to establish a connection to the new certification rules under development at DDA. Rules for the Enhanced Respite Services (ERS) program were previously codified under WAC 388-825-201, 388-825-206, and 388-825-211. These amendments are necessary to add more provider and service delivery requirements to rule for enhanced respite providers. The providers will be certified to the requirements established in this new chapter. |
Chantelle Diaz |
Preproposal filed as WSR 23-20-054 Hearing Date: March 25, 2025 |
The chapter has been amended primarily to: establish a connection with the new certification rules under development at DDA, which will be codified as Chapter 388-825A WAC; and standardize provider requirements to create consistency across provider types licensed – state-operated providers and DDA-contracted. The purpose of these amendments is to standardize certification and requirements between state-operated and contracted OHS providers. |
Chantelle Diaz |
Preproposal filed as WSR 24-02-088 Hearing Date: March 25, 2025 |
DDA is amending these rules primarily to create a connection to the new certification rules under development by the administration, which will be adopted as a new chapter 388-825A WAC. Other changes have been made to clarify language, correct background check requirements, and establish financial responsibility for clients receiving overnight planned respite services. Several sections are also being repealed. These amendments are necessary to support the creation of a standardized certification process for DDA-certified providers, which includes OPRS and SAIF providers. |
Chantelle Diaz |
Preproposal filed as WSR 24-12-017 Hearing Date: March 25, 2025 |
The primary purpose of the proposed changes is to add agencies as a provider type for alternative living and to create a connection to the new certification rules under development at DDA, which will be codified as new chapter 388-825A WAC. Other changes have been made to update procedures and provider requirements, repeal unnecessary sections, clarify the six-month service limit for clients living with a parent, and more. These changes are necessary to establish DDA-contracted agencies as alternative living providers, to update certification requirements, and update other provider requirements because many sections in chapter 388-829A WAC have not been updated in several years. |
Chantelle Diaz |
Preproposal filed as WSR 24-13-015 Hearing Date: March 25, 2025 |
These rules are being updated primarily to: Establish a connection to the new certification rules under development at DDA, which will be adopted as a new chapter 388-825A WAC; and update the methodology for adjusting a provider’s daily rate when approved for more than the allowed amount of waiver-funded respite. These amendments are intended to improve the methodology for reducing provider daily rates when approved for more than the allowed amount of waiver-funded respite. The updated safety requirements around bodies of water is more person-centered, rather than a rigid limit across all clients. |
Chantelle Diaz |
Preproposal filed as WSR 24-13-016 Hearing Date: March 25, 2025 |
DCS proposes to amend 22 sections in chapter 388-14A WAC as we complete implementation of two bills related to the 2017 version of the Uniform Parentage Act and make other technical corrections. |
Monica Turnbaugh (360) 664-5339 |
Preproposal notice filed as WSR 24-08-063 Proposed rules filed as WSR 25-03-68 Hearing Date: March 25, 2025 |
Contact the DSHS Rules Coordinator to:
- Ask questions about the hearing, a proposed rule, or the rule-making process;
- Confirm the day's calendar;
- Inquire about interpreter services or accommodations for disabilities at hearings; or
- Submit written comments.
Rules and Policies Assistance Unit
PO Box 45850
Olympia, WA 98504-5850
Phone: (360) 664-6097
Fax: (360) 664-6185
711 Relay Service