Office of the Secretary

Recently Adopted Rules (CR-103P and CR-103E)

Rule Title/Subject

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Washington State Register Citations

WACs 388-02-0020 & 388-02-0085

The amendments to these rules adds statutory language from RCW 74.08.080(2), about “good cause” for late filed hearing requests in public assistance cases, to two hearing rules concerning good cause in all other cases.

Marc Lampson (360) 664-6062 PERMANENT ADOPTION
WSR 24-06-040
Effective date: April 1, 2024

Chapter 388-01 WAC

The Department is adopting amendments to add language to clarify, update, and ensure clear policies for responding to public records requests under Chapter 42.56 RCW and align policy to comply with new statutes. The amendments repeal redundant language of WAC 388-01-050.

Natasha House (360) 280-1404 PERMANENT ADOPTION
WSR 23-19-028
Effective date: October 13, 2023