Roads to Community Living (RCL)

Smiling lady

Demonstration Project Introduction

Roads to Community Living (RCL) is a demonstration project designed to help people with complex, long-term care needs move back into the community.  The project is Washington State's part of a federally funded project called Money Follows the Person. Originally funded in 2007 for 5 years, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved to extend the project through 2026.

Through this project, Washington State has an opportunity to explore what kinds of services and support help people with complex, long-term care needs successfully move from institutions such as nursing homes, state hospitals, or intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF-IDs) back into the community.

Project participants have an opportunity to visit or re-visit their ability to live in the community and access additional person-centered services and supports.

People who are eligible and want to participate in the project:

  • Receive intensive one-on-one help to develop a plan to transition back into the community.  The plan includes all of the individualized services and support needed to move and successfully live outside of an institution.
  • Have access to additional services and supports not currently available through existing programs for one year after the move into the community.
  • May receive one-time-only expenditures or services needed during the move and transition back into the community.

MFP Tribal Initiative

The MFP Tribal Initiative focuses on developing inclusive service contracts and engaging potential partners at the state, tribal and county levels for improved and culturally inclusive service delivery of ALTSA services, including tribal contracted support services. The initiative's goals are to:

  • Identify American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) who are living in institutions and assist them to return to their community of choice.
  • Develop culturally inclusive service systems and providers to support American Indians/Alaska Natives once they returned to their communities.
  • Support tribal contracts to provide long-term services and supports.

Participating in the Project

The following information is for people who want to know more about participating in the Project.

Services Available to Participants Currently Living in a:

Who is Eligible to Enroll in the RCL Project?

RCL Logo

To participate in Roads to Community Living, you must be living in a:

  • Hospital, nursing home, or Residential Habilitation Center (for participants with developmental disabilities) for a continuous stay of 60 days or longer.  Participants can be of any age in this category.

  • Psychiatric hospital for a continuous stay of 60 days or longer and be 21 years old or younger or 65+ years old.

You must also:

What Happens Once You Enroll?

There are three different steps or phases in your transition back to the community.

  • The transition planning period while you are still in the institution.
  • Preparing for and moving back into the community.
  • The project time period (365 days from the day you leave the institution).

Before you move, you will receive help with:

  • Creating a transition plan that identifies the services, support, and resources you will need and are eligible for.
  • Finding these services and resources.

After you move, you will receive help with:

  • Making sure the services, support, and resources continue to be the right ones for you.
  • Planning what you will need to remain in the community after the Roads to Community Living project period is over. 

Who to Contact to Learn More About Enrolling for Participants Currently Living in a:

Nursing Home/Hospital

Residential Habilitation Center

Psychiatric Hospital


Want to Know More?

The following information provides detailed project information for stakeholders and service providers and may be of interest to project participants.

Becoming a Contracted Provider

The following information is for people interested in becoming a contracted provider for the Roads to Community Living Demonstration Project.

This website is supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award with 100 percent funding by CMS/HHS.  The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, CMS/HHS, or the U.S. Government.