Washington Health Home Program - Core Training

Health Home Care Coordinator Core Training Materials

In order to become qualified as a Health Home Care Coordinator, eligible staff must complete twelve (12) modules and attend a one-day in-person training. 

Attestation to Register for the One-Day – Please use this document to note the credential of staff and the completion date of each module. This form must be completed in order to register for the in-person training session. Once completed, send the form to the lead trainer for the session staff would like to register for. Interested participants should contact their Lead organization for a training schedule. 


  1. Health Home Fundamentals
  2. Six Health Home Services
  3. Health Home Tiers
  4. PRISM Overview and Access
  5. Outreach
  6. Health Action Plan (HAP)
  7. Motivational Interviewing & SMART Goals
  8. Initial Engagement
  9. Comprehensive Care Transitions
  10. Documentation and QA
  11. Health Home Care Coordination
  12. Health Home Forms and Documents

Classroom Training Manual

Click on the links below to download training materials in .zip format.