We partner with people to access support, care, and resources.
People find human services to shape their own lives.
Recovery Principles |
By embracing the core values and principles of a recovery model, ESH provides services that empower individuals, instill hope and support self-discovery and independence. Recovery is the personal process of living a satisfying, hopeful and contributing life while managing the challenges of a mental illness.
Nonviolence Statement
Eastern State Hospital is a place to heal. To be a healing place, we all work to keep this a safe and nonviolent environment. We ask that we all avoid violence in any form. Violence is not an acceptable behavior in this community. Violence includes:
Acts of hitting, or striking out
Using language, words, or gestures that hurt another person, put them down, ridicule them
Threats of violence through words or actions
Hurting yourself in any way
Damaging property
With this expectation, we can all make this a safe place that has a sense of security and trust.