Timeline and Checklist pdf.
AGE 14: Planning
- Start thinking about what you want to do after you finish high school. Be involved in setting goals and advocating for what you want and need.
- Invite a Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Transition Consultant to be part of your IEP team meetings.
- Apply for DDA enrollment.
AGE 15-16: Steps Toward Adult Life
- Apply for a Washington State ID card.
- Think about transportation options and learning to get around your community.
AGE 16: Transition Services
If you have an Individual Education Program at school, it will now include Transition Services. These are some things to consider:
- Be an active participant in your transition assessments that will help you identify your strengths, preferences, interests and needs as you get ready for life after school.
- Consider self-advocacy and self-determination goals that you want to work on at school, at home and in your community.
- Find out what kind of services are available to support you through your transition to life after high school—from your school, DVR, county and DDA.
- Talk with your IEP team about your graduation pathway and IEP transition services that can help you get ready for your education, employment and independent living goals.
AGE 18: Adult Services and Opportunities
- Apply for financial assistance from the Social Security Administration.
- Enroll in Apple Health (Medicaid).
- Apply to DVR for supports with employment.
- If you have not done so yet, apply for DDA eligibility. Note: This is a good time to check to see if you have the documentation you will need to continue your DDA eligibility at age 20 and beyond, including a medical diagnosis or a finding of intellectual disability. If not, work on scheduling diagnostic assessments so you can have them in time. Click here to learn about eligible conditions.
- Apply for housing assistance from your local housing authority. The wait list can be long, and it’s important to apply early.
- Register to vote.
- Consider decision-making alternatives to guardianship, such as Supported Decision-Making, Representative Payee, and Powers of Attorney.
AGES 18-22: Prepare Your Adult Pathway
- Continue to receive High School Transition Services up to age 22 or graduate and pursue other options.
- Apply to DVR for supports with employment. (and, if available, your county DD school transition program).
AGES 20-22: Employment and Beyond
- If you are enrolled in DDA, ask your DDA case manager about long-term employment supports starting July of the year you exit school services. Please be aware that the earliest these services are available is when:
- You are turning age 21 in July or August the year you graduate;
- You are age 21 and no longer eligible to enroll in high school; or,
- You are age 22 and older.