Assuming the cost of the children's premium does not exceed the limit shown on the Notice, the answer depends on whether or not the employer has to enroll just the children or enroll both the employee and the children.
When the employer has to enroll only the children, the cost of the children's premium plus the cash support amount cannot exceed the 50% limit. For example: The employee is already enrolled and paying a premium of $28. The additional cost to enroll the children is $46. The employer should enroll the children if the cash support amount plus the children's premium cost ($46) does not exceed 50% of the employee's net disposable income.
When the employer has to enroll both the employee and children, the cost of both the employee's and children's premium plus the cash support amount cannot exceed the 50% limit. For example: The employee is not enrolled. The cost to enroll the employee is $20.50. The additional cost to enroll the children is $39.50. The total for both is $60. The employer should enroll the employee and children if the cash support amount plus the employee's and children's premium cost ($60) does not exceed 50% of the employee's net disposable income.
When the children or the employee and children cannot be enrolled because the premium plus the cash support amount exceeds the 50% limit, check box 5 on the Employer Response form and send the form to DCS. DCS may call you when you mark box 5. To avoid a call, you are welcome to note on the form that the cash support plus the premium would exceed the 50% withholding limit. If the plan administrator has already added the children to the plan, contact the plan administrator to tell them the children cannot be added.