Required On-Going Training
- Assessment Screening Tools: This special-topic training provides Care Coordinators and allied staff with information about administering required and additional assessment screening tools. Required screening tools include the PAM, CAM or PPAM, PHQ-9, PSC-17, Katz ADL and BMI. Additional screening tools include the AUDIT, DAST, Falls Risk, GAD-7 and pain scales. The training will cover administering the screening tool, interpreting and scoring, tips, considerations, responding to the results, follow-up and resources. Review of this PowerPoint meets the training requirement for this special-topic ongoing training. Health Home Care Coordinators must complete this special-topic module within six (6) months of hire. Updated July 2021
- Coaching and Engaging Clients with Mental Health Needs: This special-topic training reviews the service delivery for behavioral health, assessing the client, their environment & behaviors, and the fundamentals of an effective behavioral support plan including strategies for supporting and engaging clients and suggestions for promoting collaboration between the Interdisciplinary Care Team and the client. Review of this module meets the training requirement for this special-topic ongoing training. Health Home Care Coordinators must complete this special-topic module within six (6) months of hire. Updated February 2025.
- Cultural and Disability Competence Considerations: This special-topic training provides participants with an overview of cultural and disability considerations, as well as, potential roadblocks for developing competency. Health Home Care Coordinators must complete this special-topic module within six (6) months of hire. Updated October 2017.
- Medicare Grievances and Appeals: This special-topic training provides Care Coordinators and allied staff with an introduction to Medicare benefits, appeal rights and the process for filing a grievance or appeal. Review of this module meets the training requirement for this special-topic ongoing training required for Care Coordinators who work with clients receiving Medicare. Updated February 2025.
- Navigating Long-Term Services and Supports: This special-topic training provides Care Coordinators and allied staff with an introduction to Home and Community Services and Developmental Disability core programs. The training provides information about in-home and residential services and special benefits for the MPC, COPES and Community First Choice (CFC) programs as well as information on MAC and TSOA. Review of this handout meets the training requirement for this special-topic training. Updated November 2024.
- Outreach and Engagement Strategies: This special-topic training is designed to provide participants with strategies for locating clients and methods for increasing engagement. Health Home Care Coordinators must complete this module within six (6) months of hire. Updated in 2018.
Optional On-Going Training
- Adult Protective Services: Self Neglect & Mandatory Reporting: Adult Protective Services training program manager Michael Messinger presents on self-neglect and the components of mandatory reporting.
- Advance Care Planning: This special-topic training provides information about Advance Care Planning for clients of any age. It offers tips for starting the conversation about preferences and wishes when a client is unable to speak for themselves. Discussing ACP provides a segue into a dialogue about advance directives. Review of this module is not required but recommended to improve care coordinator’s comfort in discussing advance directives which is a requirement of the Health Home Program.
- Advance Directives: This special-topic training is designed to provide information about different types of legal tools that may be useful for clients and families receiving Health Home Services. The PowerPoint also describes the responsibilities and activities of the Care Coordinator related to advance directives. Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required, but strongly encouraged since Care Coordinators are required to offer the client an opportunity to discuss advance directives and assist them in accessing legal assistance to create advance directives. Updated April 2017.
- Behaviorism: DSHS staff members Tam Butler and Nicholas Mehrnoosh provide an informative session on behaviorism.
- Care Coordination and Documentation: This special-topic training is designed to provide information about Care Coordination which is one of the six core Health Home services. The training also provides guidance on documentation of Health Home activities plus tips for professional narratives and recordkeeping. Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required but strongly encouraged because accurate documentation and successful care coordination are vital to helping Health Home clients.
- The Community First Choice (CFC) Program: This special-topic training is designed to provide information about a new DSHS waiver program that your clients may receive beginning July 1, 2015.The training provides information about the services this LTSS program can provide for clients who receive Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). CFC offers some new benefits to clients which could assist Care Coordinators in providing health promotion and coaching (one of the six Health Home services). Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required, but strongly encouraged since many Health Home clients will transfer onto this new program.
- Comprehensive Care Management: This special-topic training focuses on one of the six Health Home Services. Comprehensive Care Management is examined and activities that constitute this service are reviewed. Comprehensive Care Management and its relationship to the three tiers of care coordination services are considered.
- Dementia. How to Help/Key Issues and Best Practice Approaches: This special-topic training provides information about working with persons with dementia and reviewing cognitive impairment and dementia. It also covers best practice dementia-capable approaches and tools, along with resources and services to help. It was presented as part of the monthly training for Health Home Care Coordinators and allied staff on February 13, 2025.
- Diabetes and Prediabetes Management and Prevention: This special-topic training provides information including: Overview of the impact of Diabetes in Washington State, basic information about diabetes and prediabetes, diabetes and prediabetes screening methods, learn how to support our community with diabetes and prevention. Presented to Health Home staff and recorded March 9, 2023.
- Falls Prevention: This special-topic training provides information regarding support for clients whom have either experienced falls, or are at risk. Kele Murdin of Murdin Therapy provides an informative session for staff members to aid in assisting clientele with mobility safety.
- For Health Home Care Coordinators and Allied Staff. This special-topic training provides information about working with persons with dementia, reviewing cognitive impairment and dementia, best practice dementia-capable approaches and tools, resources and services to help. It was presented as part of the monthly training for Health Home Care Coordinators and allied staff February 13, 2025.
- Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention: This special-topic training provides Care Coordinators and allied staff with information about the QPR approach to addressing clients expressing the potential for harming themselves. It provides statistical information about the incidence of suicide in Washington. It is not a required training topic and complements training on Assessment Screening Tools. It suggests interventions that may be helpful to Health Home staff working with clients who express feelings of depression and suicide ideation.
- Guardianship: Guardianship Program Manager Sarah Tremblay provides an informative presentation regarding the aspects of guardianship.
- Health Home Program Consent Guidance Training: This special-topic training focuses on how to obtain appropriate consent for Health Home clientele. This training will also provide guidance regarding how to correctly complete the Health Home Participation Authorization and Information Sharing Consent form.
- Health Promotion: This special topic webinar presents helpful information and expertise related to healthy living. DSHS Regional Care Services' Jessica Salquist facilitates.
- Health Promotion and Wellness Coaching: This special-topic training is designed to provide information about how to act as a Wellness Coach for your Health Home clients. The training also examines one of the core Health Home services: Health Promotion. It describes activities that may constitute health promotion in your work with clients. Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required, but strongly encouraged since many Health Home clients may benefit from health promotion and coaching to better manage their chronic conditions.
- Hospice (Apple Health Hospice): This special-topic training provides information to: Understand the eligibility criteria for hospice; Distinguish between hospice as a service and hospice as a program, Who does what, Understand how hospice works with other Medicaid services. This webinar was presented as part of the monthly training for Health Home Care Coordinators and allied staff on November 10, 2023.
- Housing and Employment for Clients with Behavioral Healthcare Needs: This special-topic training provides information about housing and employment programs that may benefit Health Home clients experiencing homelessness. It includes information about the prevalence and impact on clients experiencing unemployment and/or homelessness. Review of this PowerPoint is not required but recommended since understanding how to navigate the housing system to locate affordable housing may benefit our homeless clients or clients at risk for losing stable housing.
- Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease: This special-topic training provides information about high blood pressure and its relationship to a number of chronic diseases including heart attack, peripheral vascular disease and kidney disease. Review of this PowerPoint is not required but recommended since many Health Home clients could benefit from understanding the importance of taking their blood pressure and reporting the results to their physician.
- Improving Your Client's Oral Health: This special-topic training is designed to provide participants with basic information about oral health and its impact on clients with chronic disease. It also provides information on integrating dental health with other services and supports for Health Home clients plus some resources for locating providers who accept Medicaid. Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required, but strongly encouraged since oral health has a great impact on chronic disease.
- Interpreter Services: This special-topic training provides information about the Interpreter Services Program for the Washington State Health Care Authority. The PowerPoint provides information on how to set up an account with the state’s language bank and how to schedule an interpreter. It describes the process for obtaining and paying an interpreter outside of the system. This is not required training for Health Home Care Coordinators.
- Late Life Depression & Suicide: This special-topic training provides information to: Understand how seniors have different issues from other populations; Understand late life depression, Learn to identify unique suicide risk factors; Know how to handle suicide ideation. It was presented as part of the monthly training for Health Home Care Coordinators and allied staff by Dr. Julie Rickard on September 14, 2023
- Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS): Program managers Resa Lee Bell and Adrienne Cotton provide an overview of Long-Term Services and Supports.
- Managed Care: DSHS and HCA provides a collaborative presentation regarding Managed Care coverage for clientele.
- Mandatory Reporting / APS: Adult Protective Services staff members Rebecca Mead and Paul Glassman present an informative session pertaining to mandatory reporting.
- Medicaid Transportation Program and Comprehensive Care Transitions: This special-topic training provides information about a new Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) benefit developed exclusively for Health Home clients. This presentation also focuses on Comprehensive Care Coordination, one of the six Health Home services. The role of the Care Coordinator and strategies for providing this service are explored in an effort to reduce health care costs and ultimately result in better health outcomes for clients.
- Medicaid and Medicare Working Together in Washington: This special-topic training is designed to provide participants information about Medicare and Medicaid. The training covers Medicare, including eligibility and enrollment, Medicare benefit coverage choices, the role of the Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA). It also covers the Medicaid program and how to apply for it. Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required, but is strongly encouraged because all Health Home clients receive Medicaid and some also have Medicare or may be applying for it in the future.
- Medicare 101: (Part of the Advancing Medicare Medicaid Integration series) - This special-topic training provides information about: What Medicare is; the Parts of Medicare (A, B, C, D); Eligibility; Enrollment; Dual Eligible Beneficiaries; Medicare Savings Programs; and Resources. It was presented as part of the monthly training for Health Home Care Coordinators and allied staff August 10, 2023
- Motivational Interviewing: A Clinical Approach to Behavioral Change: This special topic training will define Motivational Interviewing, describe the spirit, stages of change and basic skills. You will see Motivational Interviewing used in several scenarios. Training provided by Andrea Ray, MS, LMHC with United Healthcare with co-presenters Anthony Foster with Molina and Megin Most with Northwest Regional Council.
- Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing: This special-topic training provides information regarding support for clients experiencing hearing deficiency. The Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing provides tools and supports to assist clientele with navigate their everyday life’s needs.
- Pediatric Chronic Conditions and Home Health Care: This special-topic training is designed to provide participants with information about chronic conditions in children and the types of care and equipment they may receive while living in their own home. Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required, but is strongly encouraged because some Care Coordinators may work with children and their families to provide Health Home services.
- Pediatric Home Care and the PSC-17: This special-topic training is designed to provide participants with information about chronic conditions in children and the types of care and equipment they may receive while living in their own home. Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required, but is strongly encouraged because some Care Coordinators work with children and their families to provide Health Home services. Information about the Pediatric Screening Checklist (PSC)-17 is also provided. Updated April 2018.
- Person-Centered Health Action Planning and Individual and Family Support: This special-topic training is designed to provide information about person-centered practice and how to apply the concepts in working with clients to develop Health Action Plans. The training also describes Individual and Family Support, one of the six core Health Home services. It provides examples and suggestions for providing individual and family support. Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required, but strongly encouraged since this is a core service that may benefit clients and their family members to better self-manage our clients’ chronic diseases.
- PRISM training for Health Home Care Coordinators reviews features in PRISM including screens, risk tools and factors, accessing PRISM, uses of PRISM, and identifying providers. This is the video from the 2-day Health Home basic training for Health Home Care Coordinators and provides great information that is useful for Care Coordinators when using PRISM.
- Promoting and Supporting Cardiovascular Health: This special-topic training provides information including: describing the basic function of the heart and the effects of uncontrolled cardiovascular disease; identifies which risk factors for cardiovascular disease are modifiable and risk factors for cardiovascular disease/heart disease and stroke in the populations served by Health Home; provides information on cardiovascular disease prevention; describes how to check blood pressure accurate and what blood pressure numbers mean; and shares resources to support clients with cardiovascular disease. Presented to Health Home staff January 9, 2025.
- Reducing and Preventing Falls and Fall Risk: This special-topic training is designed to provide participants with information about fall risk and falls. It provides Care Coordinators with resources for working with children and older adults. It provides information about administering and interpreting the SAIL Guide and SAIL Fall Risk evaluation. It provides additional resources such as CDC Home and Recreation Resources and the STEADI program. Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required, but is strongly encouraged because the consequences of a fall may impact our client's ability to live independently.
- SHIBA for Health Home Care Coordinators and Allied Staff: This special-topic training provides information about what SHIBA does. It was presented as part of the monthly training for Health Home Care Coordinators and allied staff on September 8, 2022
- Tier Allocation Webinar: DSHS training specialist Anthony Foster offers best practices as it pertains to allocating tier designation for Health Home participants.
- Traumatic Brain Injury: This special-topic training is designed to provide participants an overview of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) including the physical, cognitive, communication and emotional impacts TBI survivors may face. The training also goes into the Washington Traumatic Brain Injury Strategic Partnership Advisory Council, how and why it came about, and the current work being done by the Council. Completion of this training module by Health Home Care Coordinators is not required, but is strongly encouraged because Care Coordinators may work with clients and families impacted by TBI.
- Tribal Relations: DSHS Tribal Initiative Program Manager Elizabeth Greil shares an informative presentation regarding tribal relations. She presents best practice protocols on how to create and maintain relationships with tribes in a culturally sensitive manner.
- Working with Families and Children with Mental Health Needs: This special-topic training provides information about working with children with mental health needs, autism, and ACE. It also provides suggestions for engaging family members. Review of this module meets in part the training requirement for Care Coordinator special-topic training if completed prior to March 10, 2016. After March 9, 2016 the requirement may be met by reviewing the PowerPoint for “Coaching and Engaging Clients with Mental Health Needs” dated March 10, 2016.