Electronic DSHS Forms

You may download some DSHS forms. These are provided only if a DSHS program requests forms to be available electronically for public use. DSHS forms are available for electronic completion in different software; however, all DSHS forms below are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF files. This means you can open, view, and print each form. To open, view, and print PDF forms, you need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

We do our best to ensure the links below are accurate; but, if you find a link which does not work, please contact Forms and Records Management.

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Number(desc) Form Name File Format
15-560 Room Requirements Checklist (Home and Community Services)
15-564 Residential Quarterly Report for Children's Residential Services (Developmental Disabilities Administration)
15-565 Nursing Home (NH) Complaint Investigation (CI) Skill Building Tool
15-567 On-the-Job Facility Training Plan Application and Updates (Home and Community Services)
15-568 DDA Alternative Living Provider Orientation (Developmental Disabilities Administration)
15-569 Notice of Termination of Service (Developmental Disabilities Administration)
15-571 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Pre-Inspection Preparation
15-572 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Request for Documentation
15-573 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Resident List
15-574 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Resident Characteristic Roster and Sample Selection
15-575 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Resident Interview
15-576 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Other Contact Interview
15-577 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Environmental Observations
15-578 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Resident Record Review
15-579 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Staff and Administrative Record Review
15-581 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Notes / Worksheets
15-582 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Exit Preparation Worksheet
15-583 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Food Service Observations and Interviews
15-584 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Medication Pass Worksheet
15-585 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Staff Schedule Worksheet (Residential Care Services)
15-585A Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Staff Schedule Worksheet: 8-hour Shift (Residential Care Services)
15-585B Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Staff Schedule Worksheet: 12-hour Shift (Residential Care Services)
15-586 Enhanced Services Facility (ESF) Inspection Packet
15-589 Adult Family Home (AFH) Initial Licensing Inspection (Residential Care Services)
15-589A Adult Family Home (AFH) LIcensing Inspection Floor Plan "Key" (Residential Care Services)